Kessler Tinkersmith

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Kessler Tinkersmith
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:40 am
Topics: 6
Race: Wick
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Cheshire
Post Templates: Post Templates

Tue Aug 07, 2018 5:22 pm

Kessler Tinkersmith


Race: Tsat Wick
Birthday: Roalis 27, 2686
Age: 32
FC: Josh Harnett

Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Vienda
Occupation: Clocksmith, Resistance Agent

Physical Description


Kessler Tinkersmith makes a point to appear as little like a wick as possible. While he has the slightly thinner build of a wick, his height and skin are easily mistaken for any humans. He dyes his hair regularly, keeping it an even brunette. As part of his common, somewhat unkept appearane, Kessler lets his facial hair grow out sometimes, though he usually shaves it when he has to deal with an important customer. While he goes to great lengths to keep his identity as a wick as subdued as possible, anyone that knows of wick lineage can easily identify him by his bright golden eyes.

Living among humans in a town where wicks have been banished in the majority, Kessler dresses down, choosing the muted earth tones of his father's people. He usually wears dark trousers with black riding boots, a simple linen shirt with a dark green doublet, and simple dark topcoat. Despite his mostly simple attire, Kessler can't help but carry to distinct time pieces on him at all times. One is attached to leather band around his left wrist, and the other he carries in his right pocket. Both are kept precisely wound, and he checks them both meticulously.

As Kessler the clocksmith, he carries himself rather casually, aiming for a polite and approachable demeanor. Particularly in the city of Vienda, the wick must appear as non-threatening as possible. However when he goes to work as Valor, he adopts a more confrontational and aloof aura. Valor always wears the same outfit, black boots and pants, a black shirt and doublet with a hood, and a black leather duster. He further obscures his face with a black scarf over the lower half, leaving just his bright eyes showing. The duster he wears has a unique embroidery of purple that can faintly be seen under the right light, and depicts the many phases of the moon, as well as a relief of the goddess Alioe.



Kessler Tinkersmith has grown up as the product of a union between a human father and a galdorian mother. All throughout his life he’s felt he injustices against someone of his lineage, and seen the repercussions it brought down on his father. As a child Kessler was encouraged to try and ignore it, his parents telling him that it was simply their lot in life, and nothing could be done to change it. But it never sat well with the boy, and when he was sent away from his home, he witnessed more injustice at the hands of the galdorians.

Growing up among nomadic wicks, Kessler always felt out of place, having been born a tsat wick to a human father. As such he kept himself apart from others, choosing instead to throw himself into whatever work or training he was assigned. This work ethic carries over into all aspects of his life, whether repairing broken timepieces, or carrying out Resistance assignments. He is a strong believer in the goddess Alioe and the keeping of time. His father’s work, plus his mother’s strong faith both left a deep reverence for the art of clocksmithing in Kessler, as well as a bit of a complex about timeliness. He holds to the belief that all things must follow the flow of time, and nothing can last forever.

His faith in Alioe and his need to right the wrongs of the galdorian rule have combined to create an ideal beyond the Resistances need to end the current regime. He believes not only that they should be punished for their crimes, but that the natural order of the world calls for their end.

When not on assignment though, Kessler keeps this aspect of himself hidden. To maintain his cover within the city, he is often forced to standby and watch as galdorians abuse humans and the few remaining wicks. He can do little more than bristle, lest his true intentions become public. To the outside world, Kessler is a simple clocksmith, diligent, committed, quiet, and with the rare dry wit.


Much of Kessler Tinkersmith’s life has been defined by the circumstances of his birth. His father was a human named Cander Tinkersmith. A clockmaker of decent standing in the city of Vienda, Cander was able to claim the patronage of several Galdorian families. He was a tinkerer of peerless skill and was trusted by many to keep their timekeepers aligned with the goddess. Though not a true believer in the teachings of Alioe, Cander would attend the Clock’s Eve festivals to pay his respects to his many patrons. It was at one of these events that Cander met the young Galdorian lady, Kudelia Winthorpe. On a dare from some of her friends, the Lady Kudelia approached Cander for a dance, and as Cander would tell his son many years later, that was the start of their romance.

For two years the galdorian and the human continued their affair, Kudelia using the pretense of having Cander work on a fantastic tribute to Alioe for her. It was during one of their late night sessions that Kessler was conceived, and during a summer vacation outside of Vienda, he was born. Unfortunately, upon returning to Vienda, Kudelia had no choice but to leave Kessler with Cander, as the child was a wick and there was no way to explain him to her family. On top of that, she was forced to reduce the time she could spend visiting her lover and her son, as her family became more suspicious of their activities.

For the next 7 years, Kessler was raised by his father and occasionally a midwife, only meeting his mother maybe once a month. Though their time together was short, Kudelia managed to impart her belief in the goddess Alioe into her son, something he would carry with him for the rest of his life. As a child he could never accept the separation of his parents, always asking why they couldn’t be together. However, as a wick he quickly became accustomed to their treatment at the hands of the galdorians, often being sent out of sight when his father had clients over.

When Kessler was 8, his father woke up him in the middle of the night, thrust a packed bag in his hand and led him out the back door. Cander dragged his son through dark alleys, eventually meeting with members of the Yellow Eye Tribe. There he was unceremoniously handed off to them with a brief explanation of being hid from his mother’s father. After a brief night of travel, Kessler found himself among a tribe of wicks he’d never met, off to a small town known as Dorhaven.

The young wick would spend the next ten years living amongst the Yellow Eyes and learning the ways of the nomadic wicks. By choice he remained detached from the rest of the tribe, only developing friendly relationships with a handful members. One such friend was an older boy that taught him some skill in subterfuge and stealth, as well as practicing skill with a blade. It was this boy, Razzle Slimbarken, that would also introduce Kessler to the local cell of the Resistance. They had often talked about the injustices of Anaxas, particularly the treatment of the humans and wicks at the hands of galdorians. Knowing how Kessler’s opinions leaned, Razzle introduced him to the Resistance, and together they left the Yellow Eye Tribe to work under the cell leader’s watchful eye.

After a few years Razzle and Kessler were split up sent to different town on different assignments. Kessler, known as Valor by his resistance brothers and sisters, was sent back to Vienda, and charged with blending in with the people there, while working in secret as an assassin for the local cell against Seventen agents.

For the first time in 12 years, Kessler returned to his hometown, and reunited with his father. Unfortunately, things had not gone well for the elder Tinkersmith, and Kessler came home to a sick father and a run down business. After sending Kessler away, Cander had been accosted by members of the Winthorpe family, accusing him of tainting their child and leading her down a path of ruin. The family ruined his business, using their connections to convince other families to cut all business with Cander, effectively ending his line of profit. Some years later Cander grew sick, and without the proper funds to treat it, he would grow more and more ill. He never did hear from Kudelia in all this time.

Kessler had two years with his father, during which he learned of the ins and outs of being a young wick in the city. He changed his appearance and mannerism to better fit in, he could almost pass for a human, if it weren’t for his eyes. From his father he learned the tinkering craft, being an exceptional student and quickly mastering the art. Eventually his father grew too sick and passed away, leaving his meager belongings, chief among them the shop he used to work out of, to his son. In time Kessler would open the shop again, offering services primarily in the care and keeping of time pieces. A firm believer in Alioe and her dominion over time, he gained numerous patrons keen on someone of exceptional skill and belief working on their religious paraphernalia. Though he has a few galdorian clients, they operate via intermediaries, as they would never dare to be seen patronizing the establishment of wick.

At the same time that Kessler has been fostering a small business as a clocksmith, he has been working as an agent for the Resistance. At first he performed small deeds in their names, assisting in raids and operations and the like. Recently he has been deemed loyal and skilled enough to be given his own assassination missions. Tasks he is eager to carry out.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Combat (Small to Medium Blades): Proficient


Magic (Spoke's): Beginner


Profession (Clockmaker): Proficient


Estuan: Fluent
Tek Pidgin: Conversational
Monite: Conversational

Career and Income


Kessler is the owner of a small business known as Crescent Clockwerks. He is skilled at creating and repairing chronometers of varying sizes and shapes. He runs his business more as a service though and less like a shop, instead having a list of clients that will often come to him when they need repairs, or call him to work on more permanent installations. Though he does have some human clients, the majority of his patronage comes from galdorian families looking to have their religious time pieces maintained. They would never visit his residence of course, so he receives regular visits from couriers and sometimes guards working for families. This made it relatively simple for him to receive a permit to stay in Vienda and continue his work when the rest of the wicks were forced out. His work with the resistance has expanded his skill set to similar works like timers, traps, locks and other gadgets that require fine tooling, though he does not advertise this.

Income: Wealth Level

Poor: Though not exactly struggling, Kessler has very little wealth. His home/business was inherited from his father, and he makes enough money from his business to keep his head above water. Luckily, Kessler has simple tastes, so while he could never go out on an extravagant spending trip, he's never felt the need to.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Kessler owns a small two story building he inherited from his father. The bottom floor holds what can most readily be called a storefront. The door leads into a small room with a simple counter. The walls are covered in an assortment of clocks and watches, though known have prices listed. In the back room stands a small work table and the assortment of tools and inventory he needs to complete his work. Above his business is a single room he calls his home. It's sparse, only holding the essentials Kessler needs to live.


-One set of clothing (quality adaptable as per race, wealth status and location. This will include a coat or cloak, shirt or blouse, pants or skirt, undergarments, and a pair of shoes.)
-One Set of Toiletries: Soap, A comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste,
-One water canteen
-Two sets of eating utensils
- A curved dagger, about the length of a forearm


Kessler is a firm believer in the Resistance's goals. He seeks the downfall of the galdorian regime, believing it not only to benefit the lesser races of Anaxas, but to be the will of Alioe, and in concordance with the proper flow of time. At the present that means the precise removal of officers and members of the Seventen, and other targets deemed worthy of assassination. Beyond his work with the Resistance, Kessler strives to remain his cover, taking work as it comes.

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