Viteri Amet

A centuries-old spy and circus carnie

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Viteri Amet
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:54 pm
Topics: 3
Race: Raen
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Terri
Post Templates: Post Templates

Sat Sep 01, 2018 12:16 am

Viteri Amet

Race: Raen (possessing a Wick)
Birthday: Yaris 67th, 2544
Age: 174
FC: Rami Malek
Place of Origin: Old Rose Harbor, Anaxis
Current Location: Vienda, Anaxis
Occupation: Spy / Circus Carnie

Physical Description

His body was haunted before he possessed it. His host's blue eyes are bruised from little sleep and it casts its despondent gaze when it believes no one watches. Its shoulders curl inwards. Its hands fidget with themselves when it becomes the object of unwanted attention — and all attention is unwanted.

For a wick, it's average: its skin is golden bisque, its hair dark brown, its height around 5'9 and it has a lean, muscled frame. There's a smattering of freckles across its shoulders and arms.

A disjointed tattoo covers a scar across its throat. Though he is unsure about the exact nature of this body's injury, it speaks in a soft rasp that's unable to reach higher volumes.

Amongst a scattered collection of tattoos on its arm, there's the symbol of his defunct order, the Alsight. It's a bejeweled hand, palm up, beset with an open eye and it sits just below the crook of the body's left elbow.
For a brief moment, he’s obscured by a whirling volcanic thunderstorm of ash, lightening and fire that extends approximately fifteen feet from its center.


There's a cold barrier erected between himself and others out of a sense of physical and emotional preservation, the latter which has existed since he was old enough to comprehend the terrible deeds people are capable of, betrayal and cruelty amongst the many that scare him enough to forbid any intrusion upon his person entirely.

He resents those that expect, demand, or so much as ask for emotional reciprocation as he values his stalwart, enigmatic exterior and the privacy that it procures; any challenge to it will discomfort him even though he craves closeness and is jealous of others that are capable of accepting intimate relationships. He's good at hiding his feelings, so his jealousy — and near any other emotion that emerges — is seen only as a downward turn of his lips. Whatever methods he has at his disposal to keep the curious at bay, he'll use. Blunt speech and a disregard for niceties being one of his favored methods. As such, he's a poor team player, he refuses to rely on other people and he won't ask for help even when he's bleeding out and without alternatives.

This is all to hide the curious, thoughtful individual behind the firm-set frown that seeks to know and understand the world around him and to correct what he feels is wrong about it. There's an undying loyalty within him; he'll bravely face insurmountable challenges and risk himself to protect his loved ones. There are no such individuals in his life any longer, but he still has a deep love, and thus loyalty, to his people, the Wicks, and he contextualizes his most radical actions as being in their ultimate favor. Such actions are not bound by traditional morality; he'll enact anything short of genocide against his own people to accomplish his goals. Through a veneer of indifference, he hides his fear of failure, inadequacy, and of being misremembered or not being remembered at all.

Galdori - When he was just Viteri, he loathed the galdori enough to want their extinction. He settled with plotting their downfall and predictably, as such things go, he instead was crushed. It’s his burning desire to become their boogeyman that allows him to cling to this strange life, but even his anger is fading.

Wicks - The old always take issue with the young and he, frequently the eldest amongst any grouping, believes those that followed him are too soft and apathetic to change their circumstances.

Passives - Up until their deficiency was discovered, they were galdori and would have treated him as wick, thus, he will treat them like galdori to the end.

Humans - Without even nominal power, their position is worse than the wicks. He pities that they do not share the communal bonds of their wick counterparts, but is otherwise empathetic towards their struggle.


Four years into the Anaxi Symvoul's reign in Ophus 2608, the Alsight detonated a series of explosives in order to cripple galdori supply chains. Cooperating criminal organizations stood by to capitalize on the newly made shortages via black market. Those funds allowed for them to expand their operations. In the following season, when the galdori leadership began to turn on one another due to economic and political pressure, Amet attempted to assassinate the Symvoul and their most trusted. The attack failed and Amet died at their feet, cursing their name. Following was the swift dissolution of the Alsight, the resistance ring he headed, as well as bloody trials intended to discourage copycats. At age sixty-four, he'd been lucky to die of his injuries rather than be tortured and executed publicly. Quickly disposing of his body allowed the galdori to turn his memory to dust, but by then he'd had decades to stew in the countless wrongs he'd witnessed his oppressors commit. Though his body relented, his spirit hadn't and it was that resolve, he believes, that jolted him from the cycle.

It'd taken him too long to admit what his anger transformed him into. Out of denial, he sought his surviving allies in hopes of seeing a flicker of recognition cross their faces, but repeatedly, they did not react to his even being there. It was only when he found his brother in the last Alsight safehouse alongside his wife and children that he reached out. The moment Amet latched onto him, he knew. The tense truce they'd formed over bad blood was not enough for him to relinquish his hold.

Amet suspected that his brother had betrayed him in his final hours, but still he grieved as he crushed his brother's soul. It was the last time he felt such potent distress over his lost humanity; the hapless victims that came after weren't given so much thought. Being tsat required unrelenting hardness in oneself, a grit and single-minded determination that carried him through as he flit across forms in relative rapidity.

Life as a ghost was not so different than his life before. He operated as a spy and assassin under the increasingly obscure symbol of Alsight. He assumed alter egos, he lied, he cheated, he killed — all so that his people could one day know peace. The difference was in the frequent exchanges in form and the lapses of memory. He minimized the time spent unbonded by stalking host candidates while corporeal, but time and necrosis eroded the fine edges of his mind regardless. The only tether untouched by degradation was his purpose: to avenge himself and his family, but as the world changed, he changed.

Those he'd loved passed, leaving him alone — unknown, not even a whisper in shadows. His people, the ones he fought throughout his life to protect and to save, forgot him. The existential horror of his spectral state took precedence then. Amet was a ghost that would soon cease to exist. A worse death than that of his physical form awaited and it was his life's meaning. Amet would become nothing. He would die unnoticed and never to reemerge, like a speck of dust slipped between cracks in the universe.

The shock of this revelation changed the nature of his mission. Quiet ends to terrible men was not enough. His actions had to leave some trace of himself to prove that he existed and to let others know that he was relevant and worthwhile, that even in undeath, he was their champion and someone to be remembered, if not celebrated. False gods were as vulnerable to patience and planning as any other; he struck at prominent figures within the galdori establishment and carved Alsight into their corpses. Those few victories strengthened his resolve for a while, but soon, it was a different strain he felt. He’d lived nearly two centuries passed without seeing meaningful change; his drive, instilled in fear, dulled and uncertainty settled where it once resided.

He asks himself if change is even possible.

He would not say that he chose Nico, the quiet stagehand that read slowly by lantern light in the back of his kint, because he began to desire a similar solitude. The boy spoke softly and in a rasp, his chords mutilated as a child, though it mattered little as he preferred watching dragonflies dance across flowerbeds over conversing. The boy had few people in his life and those relationships were stinted or distant.

However much pity he had for the boy, he was also jealous of the little life he'd built; in it, there was regular satisfaction in his work and a place within his community. In idle thought, he considering staying inside Nico's body long enough to make friends, start a family — be someone. And when the body died and he was forced to vacate, perhaps he would do as the other Raen did: he could restart again and again and again in search of the peace denied to him in life. Revolution hadn't come in a hundred years. Was it foolish to believe that he could usher it in now? Perhaps Anaxas will never escape galdori control. Their forces are too great. His people, too broken, and he is so tired. He wonders if, perhaps, the only thing left for him to do is to pursue fleeting happiness.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Melee (Daggers): Beginner
Defense (Soft Martial Arts): Beginner


Tek: Fluent
Estuan: Conversational
Deep Tek: Conversational




Spy: Beginner
Tailor: Beginner

Career and Income


Carnie - More specifically, he's a stagehand and a general errand boy. He assembles and breaks down the major carnival fixtures. When the circus is staked into the ground, he performs the rudimentary tasks that needs doing, whatever those tasks may be. He's most likely to be found in the shadows, minding the operation.

Spy - He specializes in performing discreet services such as: collecting information, tracking individuals, and if necessary, eliminating targets quickly and quietly. His particular circumstance allows him to guarantee secrecy — for the right price. Primarily, he works for himself, but he's available for hire and he’ll bring relevant information to freedom fighters for purchase before others, if relevant. He can be identified by the symbol of Alsight.

Income: Poor

There's little money to be made in a traveling circus, but its employees are tight-knit enough to provide for one another when their funds can't.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Nomadic

His is perhaps a little small for the average kint and it's certainly shabbier, but there's a cozy feeling to the cramped quarters that smell faintly of spiced tobacco.


One set of clothing (Includes: a coat, shirt, pants, undergarments, and a pair of shoes.)
One set of Weather Gear (Includes: a cloak, thick pants, undergarments, and a pair of boots.)
One tent (sized to accommodate two people or one person and their possessions.)
One horse.
One kint
100 feet of rope
One tinderbox.
A set of six torches
One Lantern and lantern oil
One bedroll
A compass
A fishing net or fishing pole with a set of thirty hooks.
A blanket
A rucksack
A knife
One waterskin
One set of toiletries
Two rags

A pair of daggers, slim and simply decorated with dusk and dawn motifs


Acclimation - Comfort always eludes him, but he strives for total control over his new body regardless.
Pleasure - The bodies he steals have shunned life for their interior worlds. If he must take, then he will give them this: the pleasures of a life well-lived.
Galdori Suffering - He strikes out, aimless, against an old enemy. For now, it's enough for his executors to simply suffer at his hands. Another galdori bastard dead is another good deed done.

A Lasting Legacy - If he must eventually fade, then he will ensure that he's remembered, always.
Knowledge - He seeks to know what others do not, especially on matters relevant to his state of being.

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