Alaric O. Tarrenius


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Alaric Tarrenius
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:20 pm
Topics: 1
Race: Human
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Megan
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:23 pm

Alaric Oswald Tarrenius

"Walk a mile in my shoes to see the pain and suffering I have endured."

Race: Human
Birthday: 8th of Ophus, 2688
Age: 30
FC: Tyler Hoechlin
Place of Origin: Vienda, Anaxas
Current Location: Berowyn, Northern Tors
Occupation: Miner

Physical Description


Height: 6'4"
Weight: 195 pounds
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown

Alaric was destined to have an intimidating figure that cast a large shadow despite many psychological weaknesses. Standing at a fearsome 6'4", Alaric towers over many. His height comes from his father who was well built, unlike his uncle. The sinew and muscle was honed with each pickax swing. The sound of metal on stone rings through the air while the vibrations are absorbed through massive, coarse hands. He would be quite handsome if he was not always covered in sweat and dirt. His clothes are rarely ever clean and his hair has been combed a whopping two times in his adult life. No one is sure where the dirt ends and his beard begins. His eyes appear to be the color of black coffee when he is working; however, the tones of green and gold are present when one looks close enough.

Alaric has been groomed twice in his known life and never for a happy occasion. The sea of black atop his head could be trimmed up to a soft surf and the scruff of his face trimmed neatly into a 6 o'clock shadow. Beneath a layer of dirt lay tanned skin, with exposed areas flawless of scars. Beneath his shirt lay 5 long scars, evidence of Galdor lashings for misbehavior on his way to Northern Tors. A constant reminder of their misgivings. These have long since healed, but the damage to his soul is permanent. More often than not, bruises will litter his legs and arms; a side-effect of hard labor.



Racial Opinions:
Galdori: Poor
Wick: Neutral
Passives: Neutral
Humans: Neutral

Faction Opinions:
Freedom Fighters: Poor
Seventen: Poor
Bad Brothers: Unknown
Anaxi Armed Forces: Unknown

For the most part, Alaric distrusts people no matter what background they come from. This stems back from his youth. Several men and women whom his parents called friends watched in feigned ignorance as they were tried for associating with the Freedom Fighters. Those same "friends" that had sat around fires proselytizing the equal rights of humans. The ones that had started to teach him to read and write. They, that watched his parents hang, had not held up their end of the bargain in Alaric's eyes. Freedom Fighters held the same amount of blame as the Galdori did in the hanging.

His unruly behavior has turned into smoldering disgust of most men and women that go back on their word or possess what he considered immoral values. Even in the small town of Berowyn, he sees immorality frequently in all races. He chooses to follow his personal code of ethics as follows:

Love is singular and unconditional.
Loyalty is to not only build another up, but to also tell them when they have gone too far.
To maintain a righteous path, practice temperance and forgiveness.
Know your heart and what commands it above all else.

Alaric holds these morals near and dear. They were created slowly, after he had moved in with his extended family in Northern Tors. Despite his immense distrust, those that he allows in will have his complete devotion and loyalty. For those that discredit that mentality and betray him should fear for their very well being. That same fear should be born by those that attempt to harm any of his beloved associates.


Humans. While Anaxas is ruled by the Galdori, humans would be destined to accept their lot in life. That was what he had been taught in his youth by the variety of people that moved in and out of his life. His parents, Orick and Trina Tarrenius, fully believed that the Freedom Fighters could remove the Galdori from power. By spreading the wealth and freedoms that the mages enjoyed, Anaxas could be better. For several year, Alaric believed them too. Many in the area they lived in believed in the resistance and were a part of it. These people came and went in Alaric's life, teaching him the early lessons of reading and writing. He never became proficient.

Rick and Trina were discovered to be a part of the Resistance. The Seventen descended upon their tiny home while Alaric was at a neighbors home. His parents were ripped from one another and dragged into the streets. Their cries of terror drew out those hiding in their homes; voyeurs curious of their same fate. He can not remember the name of the woman that protected him that day, clapping a firm hand over his teenage mouth as hot tears rolled down his face. He was not allowed to cry out, to make his presence known to the Seventen. He would have been considered a conspirator at thirteen. He did not turn away as the floor fell away from under their feet, and he was one of the last to leave as their limp bodies swayed in the wind.

The Galdori were too busy searching other homes to see him collect a few belongings. Lucy, his father's lucerne hammer, was the most difficult to keep with him. With but a small knapsack, he was ushered into a caravan by the same old lady that had kept him quiet during the public execution. She was unaware that it was led by Galdori; all she knew was that it was headed toward Northern Tors. He was vaguely aware of family in that region. He was being pawned off, no longer needed or wanted by his parent's friends. They simply considered him as a liability.

Days. He didn't remember how many as he spent his alone time sobbing. When around the Galdori, he had drastic mood swings that results in several episodes of lashings. The final episode came when they tried to remove Lucy from his possession, claiming that a weapon in the hands of a moody teenager was dangerous. He swore that he would be good and cause no further problem. If he made another peep or set a foot out of line, Lucy would end up wood for the fire and he would be hanging from a tree. With the agreement made, he bore his sorrow in silence and trudged on.

Uncle Bernard and Aunt Francesca Tarrenius were simple folk that took little pride in their day-to-day lives. The Resistance referred to these humans as sheep. They dawdled about their lives because they had little passion and had otherwise grew complacent with their lot. Galdori followers. Uncle Bernie and Aunt Frannie, as Alaric called them behind their backs, had nothing nice to say about his parents. Most of the time they referred to them as "rebels that got what they deserved." He was the young lad that had been spared great misfortune but not being involved with their ideas. Alaric, growing into his new sheeps wool, said nothing in their defense.

In the coming year, Alaric grew hard. Figuratively, he built a wall around the child he used to be. Within himself, that child sobbed each night and stared helplessly each day. The man building the wall around the poor boy would grow into the steeled persona of the new Alaric Tarrenius. His Aunt and Uncle did not add onto his knowledge of reading and writing; they couldn't as they were classic, uneducated humans. His scrawl wasted to the years. Even his ability to speak city Estuan began to take on a backwoods style. Despite the transformation from free thinker into a mindless sheep, Nathaniel kept some of his abilities.

Bernie and Frannie were completely inept at running the blue Phosphor mine in Berowyn. At 18, Alaric was permitted to go into the mine where he began to make small but impactful changes. Initially, the phosphor was hard to find given that it had not been primed with light. One afternoon, Alaric built a fire in one of the off set mines. It was a dangerous endeavor, as the smoke threatened to build up in the tunnel and suffocate those within it. His goal was to provide a light source to the Phosphor so that it would glow during the mining process. He succeeded. When the fire was put out, the blue Phosphor glowed brilliantly. Miners were enamored with the process and rotated through managing the fires during the day. Mining at night became the new norm. Large chunks of unrefined Phosphor were produced instead of the small flecks that had been carelessly removed from the wall before.

Alaric was unable to advance his mental abilities in traditional education, but he recognized flaws in the mining process. Over the 12 years since he began in the mines, he was able to put the blue Phosphor mine of Berowyn on the map. Sir Braxus had to stop ignoring his family now. Change, however, was on the way. Despite his disgust with the payment of government officials by Sir Braxus, Alaric never raised a hand against it. The higher officials had caught wind and removed the corrupted Seventen. New grunts were on the way in and it put his men into a bit of a tizzy. They had accepted the ways the had been trained - good little sheep of Sir Braxus. Now another shepherd was attempting to come in and uproot the peace that had come to the valley. The humans did not like heaving their collars tugged by two leashes. It was only a matter of time before the men grew restless or worse. Alaric did not miss a move from either side. He did not trust the Galdori and he did not trust his own brethren. It was only a matter of time before someone lost their cool.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Polearm (Lucerne Hammer): Proficient


Estuan: Fluent
Riverword: Broken


Phosphor Mining: Proficient
Phosphor Mining Business: Beginner

Career and Income


Mine Manager/Miner - After Alaric's parents passed, he was transported to the minimally inhabited Northern Tors where is Aunt and Uncle lived. While they live, Alaric's guardians are considered the managers; however, Alaric has made many suggestions that have turned the mine around. For the most part, he commits himself to back breaking labor by swinging a pickax into the tough stone to relieve the earth of her precious Phosphor.

Income: Poor Wealth

His Aunt and Uncle had never been good at managing phosphor outflow when it came to the mines. They had originally lived in Reedlyn to manage the golden phosphor mines. Over time, Sir Braxal moved them to the lower mines given their immense ineptitude at producing phosphor. That was about the time Alaric joined his extended family. They had gone from adequate living to practical destitution. They were barely getting by. Having lived in the larger cities and seen the phosphor lights at work on occasion, Alaric had ideas to bring to the table. With new management practices and a sturdy pickax, blue phosphor practically poured from the manmade maw in the earth of Berowyn. They have recouped some financial status since turning the mine around. Now, to recapture Sir Braxal's gaze...

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Farmer/Plantation/Miner

The Tarrenius' house sits at the base of a small hill in the Berowyn, a small mining town in Northern Tors. It is made of wood, built by the the hands of its inhabitors and their friends. It is very small, just about 400 square feet. It includes one bed, two chairs, one table, two knives, a three piece dining set to serve four (cups, plates, bowls), one chest, and a fireplace. Since Alaric was an unanticipated addition, he has made his bed each night for the past 17 years on stone and wood of the hearth. Over time, he has collected old blankets to make his den suitable. They have never discussed adding onto the house to allow Alaric his own bed. His Aunt and Uncle have always taken the best in the house; an understanding they came to when he was only 13 years old.


  • 1 set of clothing.
  • 1 set of Toiletries: Soap, a comb, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste
  • 1 Wheel Barrow
  • 1 Tinderbox
  • 1 Pickax
  • 1 Splitting Axe
  • Miner's Hat with small blue Phosphor light
  • Poor quality Lucerne Hammer
    • With only minutes to collect what little the Galdori allowed him to claim as his own, teenage Alaric had grabbed his father's Lucerne Hammer. Lovingly named "Lucy", the old polearm had assisted them on many travels to and from market. His father, may he rest in peace, had liked the light weapon and the distance it provided between him and his prey. As Alaric grew up, he found the weapon becoming too light. He uses it strictly for motion practice, but hopes to one day attain a halberd or a heavy hammer.


Short Term Goals
  • Complete the CS
  • Write a first post/thread
  • Fine my muse!
Long Term Goals
  • Obtain the favor of Sir Theodore Braxal for his family
  • Move up to the gold Phosphor mine in Reedlyn
  • Find a fine lass to bestow his favor upon
  • Be moved to a faction - Bad Brothers, Rebellion, Galdor Pro, etc.
  • Mutate into something emotional - loyal Galdori servant, brazen human lusting for freedom, etc.

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