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Fellix Malanastre

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:51 pm
by Fellix Malanastre
Fellix Malanastre

Race: Galdor
Birthday: 11 Loshis 2696
Age: 22
FC: n/a
Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Vienda
Occupation: Seventen Ensign, Patrol Division, Field Healer

Physical Description

Fellix isn’t large, but he’s tall enough. His hair is a dark red brown, nearly as dark as Anaxi come. He wears it short and in fashionable sideburns. He’s got a long nose, almond-shaped light brown eyes and thick, dark eyebrows. He moves from emotion to emotion with the rapidity of someone without the guile to hide their mental state. He has a casual air, but can turn on the comportment of the Seventen when required.

Fellix might be a looker if he only paid more attention to his appearance, but he doesn’t.


Fellix is loud, oblivious, and forgets his place. He acts before thinking, and he asks questions when he should simply follow orders. He treats most galdori the same – amicably – until they show colors he dislikes, and then treats them with open disapproval. He has the flaw of worshipping his mentors, and running his mouth at his betters he likes less.

He doesn’t examine the status of humans or wicks and only ever interacts with them in his capacity as Seventen. They usually treat him like shit, so he returns the favor.

To his credit as Seventen, Fellix doesn’t know when to quit. He seems to lack shame in failure or discipline, taking his lumps and pressing on. A positive quality that he finds use of often.

Fellix has the quiet talent to endure discomfort. Even in the brutal Seventen training, he just put his head down and endured without complaint. Basic training, long patrols on chroveback, and the morning after the tavern are as grueling to him as any, but he just gets on with it.

This indefatigable attitude and healthy constitution has helped counter his other ineptitudes, including inadequate healing skills.

Inwardly, Fellix’s relationship to mona is basic, with a truthfully more intimate bond to the Living. He’s not a calculating or cunning person, living life as singular moments. His talents in Perceptive magic are abysmal. He doesn’t have the depth of understanding to begin to achieve beyond the most mundane of aptitudes here.

Like a good galdori lad, he tries to adhere to the Uses and believes in the mission of the Seventen – protecting Vienda – and now, putting down insurrection.

Socially, Fellix is friendly enough and always up for a late night and a drink, and is good at finding diversions on quiet patrols.

Seventen training was short but brutal. The recruits’ stamina in the face of pain and fear were truly tested. And active duty in Vienda has been very hairy. But Fellix has yet to experience true brutality. True pain.


Fellix is not great at his job. His mother (a widow) has been disappointed in him since the day he Came of Age and profusely apologizes for him when she is at court and someone casually asks about how her sons are doing. “Tremayne is lovely – married now, thank the gods. Yes, and Olaver has the top of his class by the ears. The pride of Brunnhold. But do forgive me if I decline to update you on our Fellix. He’s such a disappointment. Imagine being disappointed in a Healer, but Fellix makes it possible. So, so sorry to say.”

But what the Madam Malanastre seems to ignore is that Fellix passed all the rigors required of him to become an officer of the Seventen, Vienda’s elite peace-keeping force. He met the minimums with exactitude in each field. And because of a not rubbish performance in Living Magic and Anatomy, he was shuttlecocked into a Healer Training Regimen. Within 18 months, he received his commission and was promptly stationed in the thick of it back in Vienda.

Why his mother are so belligerent bout all of it, Fellix will never discern. He does alright. What would they have him do? Not receive multiple demerits in school for Speaking Like a Halfwit and Continuing to Speak Like a Halfwit? Not accidentally maim the nephew of a prominent clock-maker on a routine Search and Suss Out? Should he have attempted to avoid drunkenly bedding a wick in the barracks having mistaken her for a galdor? Mothers just can’t be pleased.

Fellix was seventeen when his father passed away from surgical infection leaving Madam Thisby Malanastre a widow, and her three sons fatherless. Poor Fellix was naturally distraught, but coped well in the coddling arms of Brunnhold. He was recruited from school straight away, due to the growing unrest in Vienda and his mother’s evaluation? “Well, they’ll take literally anybody? How progressive. Save Vienda.”

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Seventen Patrol Division Combat Proficiencies


Estuan (fluent), Sign Language (fluent)


Living (Beginner)


Field Medicine (Beginner)
Seventen Patrol Division Proficiencies, including field healing

Career and Income


Ensign Seventen, Field Healer. Patrol Division.

Income: Wealth Level

Average. Fellix’s family is a comfortable merchant family with distant ties to the court. They’re well enough off that they can be snooty about it, but Fellix’s chosen career doesn’t allow him much benefit.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Officers' barracks in Vienda


- His assigned chrove is called Dooga
- He has a plain pocket watch, a gift from his mothers upon his promotion to Ensign. It is spitefully unimpressive.
- He covets a pair of leather-strapped spectacles with a variety of lenses for magnifying, colorizing, and illuminating his subject. He hotly protects them.


The artless Fellix has no eye to the future. Generally, he wants the noble things for Vienda and all of Anaxas. He genuinely believes in the cause of the Seventen. He’s not yet a deep enough thinker to be able to honestly respond to the politics of the group, or the status of humans and wicks in relation to the galdori.

He would like to advance in the Seventen, keep life interesting, and get into trouble.