Lenore Croqelle

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Lenore Croqelle
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:19 pm
Topics: 4
Race: Passive
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Nym
Post Templates: Post Templates

Mon Dec 24, 2018 1:20 pm

Lenore Croqelle


Race: Passive
Birthday: 18th of Bethas, 2688
Age: 30
FC: Michelle Dockery
Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Brunnhold
Occupation: Laundress
Player Name: Nym

Physical Description

Lenore’s austere features bought her few favors. Decades of servitude have melded an entirely unremarkable physique. Only just above average height, her arms show the years of toting wet linens and any youthful softness has passed. Chocolate eyes match her primary vanity; long russet hair. However, closer inspection does reveal remarkable and unsightly hands. Often chapped and cracking from the solutions used to clean and dye fabrics, Lenore’s hands show her age prominently. After dyeing days it is not uncommon for the discoloration of her skin to reach beyond her elbows.

It’s no great pain to keep her uniform in excellent condition as a laundress. Conversely, No amount of fresh air or water can remove the potent fragrances used to abate the personal odors of dirty clothing. Inflicting sneezing fits upon the delicate is a favored offense against her.

Few left in Brunnhold would notice the resemblance now, but the laundress could be a portrait of her own mother in her maturity. Lack of siblings and age has protected the Croqelle name from embarrassing association.

Memory still conjures the polished drawing studio where she spent her earliest years. Her mother drafting ostentatious designs. They were art to the matriarch of the family, each and every robe, dress, jacket, and slipper unique. That Lenore could recall she never lowered herself to tailor any of them of course. There were servants to the actual laboring. How pompous Lenore must have been to them; their names and faces were long lost to her. She’d watched those servants work late into the night, watching their hands stitching and pin and embroider. Those knobby calloused hands that became her hands.

Branded to her memory was the last day she saw her parents. Their faces were etched in a permanent smile as they relinquished their daughter to the initiation proctor. Like so many of her peers, the entire summation of her life was decided then in one day when she was only ten. That day a machine had declared her an imposter among the gilded and palatial galdori. She didn’t see her parents after the test or in the years following.

The years between that momentous day and now, were marched one foot in front the other. Each day much the same as the last. She learned to wash, mend, press the seams, dye faded colors, and craft soaps.


Orders are met with a carefully placid smile. In the face of fury, she forces that same placid smile. Not enough to be happiness but certainly enough to feign contentment at her station. Lenore put everything into that smile over the years; her rage, her hurt, her joy. That smile is for the gadori and them alone. For what else could they possibly need but her compliance and her labor? In all tangible ways she accepted her station and bent in the face of oppression instead of breaking. Still beneath that smile an anger has tempered, though she dare not voice it even in the recesses of her own mind, to Lenore the galdori stole her life.

For the other passives, she finds much more empathy. Lenore will aid them as best she can, keep the children from the worst duties in the laundry if it’s within her ability, however she won’t accept a punishment for them either. There's some small camaraderie to be had there, but she can’t help but worry. If you can convince a man he is better off than others, he will fight to hold that position no matter how meager. For weren’t there some poor fools starving for a crumb on the streets? She’d seen that fear take over men before and had no intention of getting swept up in it.

Her diablerie has never manifested as far as Lenore has ever noticed. If anything that is her deepest fear that it was will manifest within her to great and disastrous effect. As a young girl she prayed that it was all grand mistake and she was somehow just a human and not a passive. That fantasy has passed however and left behind stoic certainty that today will be as yesterday and tomorrow the same again.


Waking Nightmares: Inflicts terrible auditory and visual hallucinations on those who can see her. Anything from a wall or even a blindfold could shield the recipient, conversely an open courtyard or field could be disastrous.

These visions might be subtle terrors or monstrous fears; it is unique to the individual and no one else can see it. Though the effect itself lasts no more than a few minutes the memory of nightmares walking outside of dreams may last significantly longer.

Aptitude Skills

Mental - Average
Physical - Good
Social - Poor

Focus Skills

Professional (Laundress): Proficient
Professional (Seamstress): Beginner
Professional (Soap making): Beginner


Estuan: Fluent
Sign Language: Conversational


Lenore shares a room with 3 other passives in the women's dorm. There used to be four, however the eldest in their room died of old age last season and her bed has not yet been filled.


  • 1 Brunnhold Servants Uniform
  • 1 set of poor clothing
  • 1 pair of shoes
Short Term
  • New Gloves
  • Learn a New Skill
Long Term
  • Freedom or Acceptance
  • Promotion

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