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Dzul Rhokesh (WIP)

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2018 4:14 pm
by Dzul Rhokesh
Dzul Rhokesh

An image if you'd like one.

Race: Galdor
Birthday: Dentis 3rd, tbd
Age: tbd
FC: Dichen Lachman
Place of Origin: Montack, Hox
Current Location: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Occupation: Priest/artist and professor
Player Name: Graf

Physical Description

Dzul is a little tall for a galdor from Hox, standing at roughly 5’6” on a good day. She’s slim and angular, with a long face, high cheekbones, and very dark eyes. While she keeps her wavy brown hair long, she usually pins/braids it very close to her scalp, to ensure that it doesn’t get in her eyes or cause any dangerous situations; as a primarily Static sorcerer, she often works with fire (although it isn’t her specialty). She doesn’t wear a great deal of makeup on a day-to-day basis, but she’s fond of using heavy kohl around her eyes.

Her clothing might seem somber to the average Anaxi galdor: she favors long, loose garments in dark neutrals, and although open-shouldered gowns are fashionable in Hox, she’s worn her clothes high-collared for most of her life. (Many of her clothing choices suggest a discomfort with showing too much skin in public.) She wears very little jewelry, and what necklaces, rings, and headpieces she does wear are made of ivory – sharp little splashes of bone-white against all her voluminous black.

She’s mobility-impaired due to backlash that occurred when a physician treating her for a back injury brailed during a Living Conversation spell; it has left her with (at best) an abnormal, uneven gait and a stoop. On a good day, she gets around fairly well using a cane – an offset thing made out of iron, but carved and shaped by Static conversation as if it were made of linden, and hollow and light as driftwood. On poorer days, she uses a sturdy (if less decorative) set of forearm crutches.

In public, she expresses herself largely in subtleties: a twitch of one dark, arched eyebrow, a flicker of the lip, a shift in posture or the subtle motion of a hand. If you have the privilege of knowing her privately, you know that she has a very expressive face and, during heart-to-heart conversations, talks with her hands almost constantly. While generally soft-spoken, she’s excellent at modulating the sound of her voice, and enunciates her words with almost rehearsed-seeming clarity; she has the slow, controlled manner of someone who often speaks in front of groups.


If the average Anaxi didn’t call Rhokesh’s manner cold, they might call it aloof or distant; she does her best – and her ‘best’ is a very good job – to remain calm and collected during all situations, and you’ll seldom ever get a rise out of her in public. It’s nearly impossible to frighten or startle her into anything other than a quirk of the eyebrow or a twitch of the lip (at most, a slight widening of the eyes). She feels that it is her job to be smooth and professional at all times, and to handle unexpected – and even dangerous – situations with effortless grace and professionality.

This ideal does not always reflect reality. She is a deeply emotional person, and while she doesn’t pretend to be otherwise, the standards to which Frecksat held her public persona have given her a great deal of stress. It’s not out of the question (or even unusual) to see her break under pressure, and the easiest way to get her to behave unprofessionally is to tell a particularly witty (and raunchy) joke in her presence; oftentimes it’s a burst of unexpected laughter that breaks through her dignified persona, culminating in a silly little snort.

She feels shame and embarrassment very keenly, and is a private person. She doesn’t like expressing her innermost thoughts and feelings, and especially doesn’t like it when other people see her in pain.

In typical Hoxian fashion, religious faith and artistic expression go hand in hand for Dzul. She believes strongly in zkratas – the oneness of all things on Vita, whether they be sentient beings, plants, landmasses, or physical objects. She believes that art is meant to benefit people, whether it is a tool like her cane or an icon through which an individual can feel close to divinity and better understand their place in the universe. She isn’t a spiritual counselor for nothing; what warmth she may struggle with in her public persona she has in spades privately, and she’s known at Frecksat for her ability to provide religious and emotional guidance through ritual, Static Conversation, and the appreciation (and creation) of art. She’s good at leading ceremonies and demonstrating to groups and individuals, although she doesn’t yet understand Anaxi worship.

Her current project, and what she has always wanted to make, is a religious sculpture of Bash called “The Lord of the Mountain”. She hasn’t yet started it – she hopes to become more skillful in Static Conversation before she does – but she’s researching and doing many sketches and preliminaries.

As for her opinions on humans and wicks, she doesn’t necessarily have any. The political situation in Anaxas is very new to her – she practically just arrived – and she’s loathe to take sides; while her Hoxian upbringing and faith have given her strong feelings about zkratas, her religious charity and compassion may not extend to situations that upset the social balance. Before she came to Anaxas, she’d met perhaps one or two humans in her entire life, and had only heard stories about the nomadic wicks of the Steppe.

She has a private (but growing) disdain for the Everine.


Dzul Rhokesh was born to a wealthy family in Montack. Most of her early memories revolve around the clear mountain air and the stars; her father died when she was young, and her mother was a busy Static conversationalist who often made trips of several months to Frecksat. With the observatory within a stone’s throw of her family’s estate – and all the mountains and their rock formations and wildlife to entertain her – a love of art and education was cultivated in her quite early, as well as a deeply religious appreciation of nature and the size of the universe.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills




Estuan - Fluent.
Deftung - Conversational.
Sign - Conversational.


Static - Proficient.


Priest - Proficient.

Career and Income


Summarize your job and skillset here.

Income: Wealth Level

Wealth Level goes here, perhaps with a why and a how.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Housing description, varies by Starting Package choice and region.


List your possessions here, based on your Starting Package.


Long and short-term goals can be written or listed here.