Aisling Alawa

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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2018 9:41 pm
Topics: 1
Race: Writer
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: BONES
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Mon Dec 31, 2018 4:40 pm

Aisling Alawa


Race: Wick
Birthday: Actus, 10 2698
Age: 20
FC: Veronica Segura
Place of Origin: Dorhaven
Current Location: Old Rose Harbor
Occupation: Dancer
Player Name: BONES

Physical Description

An olive-skinned wick with short messy black hair. Aisling stands at about 5’7’’ with the lithe, muscular body of a dancer. Her heart shaped face is delicate, with sharp cheekbones and deeply set eyes framed by strong dark eyebrows. Her eyes are a pale hazel, and the golden flecks in them seem to enjoy dancing just as much as she does. Her nose is relatively thin and long, but slightly crooked due to a galdori officer’s fist. Her left eyebrow is marred by a deep scar from that same officer.

Her hands are as long and thin as the rest of her, and scrupulously taken care of. After all, the cello doesn’t play itself. And while she may look the defenseless stage performer, she has spent much of her life studying hand-to-hand combat with her adopted father. (More on that in history section)This is evidenced in both her toned body as well as her ease of self. Nobody looks more at home in their skin than she, and she uses that to her advantage.

Her clothing is generally brown, black, or grey with red or green accents. The only exception to this is when performing, where she usually wears bright red clothing tight against her skin. Usually she wears black boots. When performing, she is barefoot.

She occasionally wraps her head in a red silk scarf, but is generally seen without any adornments. Her right ear is pierced and a small silver ring usually hangs from it. A brass ring adorns her left thumb, and she has more rings on her toes. Otherwise, she wears no jewelry.


Aisling is a bit of a fireball. Doesn't generally care about many things, and puts little effort into those things. However, when she does care, she becomes devoted to it, putting all her time and energy into it. The same goes for people. While generally friendly and open, she has also built a wall of brambles between herself and the rest of the world. This wall is not usually seen, but instead hidden under the surface right in arms reach. When it is needed, it is easily employed.

Never afraid to introduce herself and start a conversation, Aisling is good at reading people and situations. With a high intuition and great self confidence, she can usually tell when she is in a dangerous situation or with dangerous people, and is usually good at getting herself out of these situations (although it was only recently that she began taking care to do so). She is an extremely strong-willed individual, with a propensity for running circles around people she dislikes.

Despite not growing up around lots of people, she is very good at understanding them. She is skilled at directing conversations the way she wants them to go, and is good at making others see things her way. Unfortunately, this is a double-edged sword. She can be over confident in her abilities to read people and will occasionally put too much faith in someone, sometimes skipping over that persons worse traits.

Her bullheadedness is both a blessing and a curse, as stated above. While it usually protects her, sometimes her overconfidence will make her refuse to see people in a new light. Fortunately, she is also skilled at retreating into her inner world and reflecting. Unfortunately, by the time she does so, it is usually too late and the damage is done.

Another symptom of her stubbornness is her ability to focus. She is a selective individual, and chooses what she will and will not do. One example is her dancing. She displays incredible focus while dancing, playing the cello, or singing. Unfortunately, if she decides that she doesn't want to do something, she will not do it. It used to be that she disliked playing the Cello. The only reason she kept at it for so long was because Ford loved play, and teaching her gave him so much joy it was almost impossible to say no. But that didn't mean she had to try. She hardly learned anything until she was taken into town to see professional artists play in an orchestra, at which point she finally fell in love with the music. After that excursion, her playing improved by leaps and bounds, and she began to learn to play and sing in town.

Aisling loathes being managed, and is independent almost to a fault. Her teenaged years were extremely trying for Ford. She spent much of her time either exploring the woods with Scrappy or practicing her dancing, shunning her father during her worst times. Her mood changed like the flip of a switch, getting her into lots of trouble with authority figures. Sometimes she would say goodbye to her father, say she'd be back in a week, then decide she didn't want to go home quite so soon and return a month later. Quite a few times she came home with a broken nose or split lips.

Fortunately, she has mellowed out considerably over the past two years of living alone and traveling. She has a much better grip on her emotions and has learned when to hold her tongue, especially in places where the Seventen are common. And while she has always known the nature of the relationships between Galdori and Wicks, it is only recently that she began to care and began to realize that if she continued living the way she has been, eventually they aren't going to stop at giving her a beating. Only recently has she learned to play it smart and cool in the face of danger.


Aisling was left abandoned as an infant by her galdori mother. Her father was a traveling wick and likely does not know that she exists. Fortunately, she was found and rescued quickly. Unfortunately, it took a few tries to find a home that wanted her. She bounced from house to house before finding her way to her adoptive father at age seven. He was a human, but had isolated himself from the town he lived in after an accident with a galdori officer that left him crippled. He had been a dancer and an expert in hand-to-hand combat, but it took many years for Aisling to convince him to teach her to dance and protect herself.

He told her later that it was because it was so hard to imagine her tiny body put into any situation where she might need to use that knowledge, but that it was the right decision in the end.

She fell in love with dancing immediately, and spent most of her spare time practicing in the Wraithwine Woods because the soft, moist, soil protected her from serious injury if she fell. She also began to learn how to play the Cello, and learned that it was extremely difficult and frustrating. At first. After a year of Cello lessons, she began to feel comfortable with the instrument resting between her legs and the bow clutched in her fingers. It helped that Ford had taken her to see a professional orchestra and she became inspired to actually try to learn.

By the time she was eleven, she was demanding her father teach her martial arts seriously. At this point in time, Ford had recovered enough to be able to dance well and not be stricken with shooting pain down his leg. He had a unique style that she envied, a style that spoke both of grace and power, and one that was clearly based off of his knowledge of hand-to-hand combat.

To survive as a crippled man, Ford fell back onto his family’s business—breeding Ostas. Aisling was raised feeding and cleaning and watering Ostas from around the world. Her favorite Osta was a Bsstian female. Her name was Chi, and she was a pale grey with dark grey markings along with one blue and one violet eye. She was shockingly intelligent and would break out of her pen frequently to explore the world. Aisling would wake in the middle of the night to find Chi poking around her room for a while before hopping onto her bed and cuddling up for the night. However, she would always leave and lock herself back up just before dawn, when Ford would get up to feed them. In fact, Ford only learned that she could escape when she gave birth to a litter of kittens that were obviously half housecat.

Because he couldn’t sell them, Aisling was finally allowed a pet of her own. She chose a black and white cat with eyes matching her mothers and named her Scrappy. Scrappy became her best friend, often following her into the woods to nap while Aisling practiced. Aisling took Scrappy with her when she left their cottage to explore the world at 18. She traveled from town to town, barely getting by with her dancing, playing, and singing as a street performer.


Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Beginner Hand-to-Hand Combat


Fluent Estuan
Broken Tek




Expert Dancer
Beginner Musician (Cello)
Beginner Musician (Singing)

Career and Income


Aisling is a skilled street artist, alternating between singing and playing the Cello when alone. When possible, she pairs up with musician friends she meets along the way and dances to their music.

Income: Wealth Level

She is at the Poor Level. She makes just enough each day to make it to the next.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Aisling is traipsing around the country with her father’s old Kint.


She has one set of clothing for fair weather, which includes a brown cloak, a red shirt, brown pants, undergarments, and worn brown leather shoes. She has a second set of clothing for cold weather, with a thick and heavy fur lined cloak that often doubles as a blanket on particularly cold nights, a green woolen sweater that her grandfather knitted her, and sturdy black boots.
She also has fancy clothing she wears while performing. She wears red pants that are loose and flowing and a red shirt that keeps her midriff and arms bare. The shirt is embroidered with black tigers and golden flowers. The pants are tight around the ankles and waist but otherwise very loose. The tight sections of the pants are embroidered in fancy patterns with golden thread. This last article of clothing took her a year to save up for, skipping out on food often because she knew that she would fare better if she looked the part.
She also has Scrappy, her half Osta cat, and is rarely seen without her. She also lugs around her cello, wrapped in oiled cloth and kept in a wooden box to keep it safe and hidden in her Kint.
Otherwise, the normal nomadic housing kit.


Short term goals:
Check out the Falling Stones dancing group and see what she can learn there.
Learn about a Wick’s magic, try to learn anything interesting.
Learn about Wicks
Become a better dancer
Become a better fighter

Long term goals:
Become a world-renowned dancer
Find a girl
Do All The Things

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