Eirik Maste

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Eirik Maste
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2019 4:06 pm
Topics: 8
Race: Galdor
Character Sheet: CS
Plot Notes: Grumpy Scribbles
Writer: Mythic
Post Templates: Codes

Fri Mar 08, 2019 3:28 am

Eirik Maste


Race: Galdor
Birthday: 31st of Achtus, 2703
Age: 15
FC: Sasha Molochny
Place of Origin: Qrieth, Gior
Current Location: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Occupation: Student (6th form)
Personality: INTP-T: The Logician.
Player Name: Mythic

Physical Description


Striking white hair and brilliantly pale skin marks Eirik as a Gioran, though upon closer inspection the boy is unremarkable for his breed. His figure is waifish, with long arms and legs carrying the teenager in a perpetually hunched posture. Eirik stands at a height of five feet and ten inches, standing above many of his Anaxan contemporaries and yet... he pales in comparison to some of the Giorans he'd known in his time at home. Vivid pink eyes complete the Gioran's countenance, though he often keeps them hidden beneath the silken tufts of his long and unruly hair. It seems that the rigors of puberty either passed Eirik by or he hasn't yet experienced them, for his boyish features and lithe, androgynous figure do nothing to add to the obviously Gioran qualities that his skin and hair exhibit.

Eirik takes to wearing simple clothing, often dressing in tunics and loose-fitting capris-style pants that hover over his ankles. He takes to thin, minimalist shoes as well, preferring the simple dress over the immaculate or fantastic dressings that other galdor might wear. Even his winter weather is abnormally plain for a galdor. He sticks out in a crowd of his fellows, for neither his style nor his demeanor seems to play nice with his aristocratic lifestyle. The Gioran's voice is low and soft, often forcing him to repeat himself if in noisy environments. Fortunately for him, he tends to avoid those sorts of situations.



Eirik is a very quiet, soft-spoken soul, often preferring solitude or the company of professors and faculty over the fellowship of his peers. That's not to say that he despises those of his age, but his perception of his fellows is tainted by cruelty at their hands. Instead of risking over-burdening himself with stress or experiencing the backlash of hostility, he hides away from his peers in search of safety. However, to those that breach past the walls he builds to protect himself, they'll find a sharp wit and dark sense of humor begging to be shared with the world. Eirik is flighty by nature, often prone to flights of fancy within the sphere of his interests. A creature staunch against change and quick to dismiss new experiences out of fear, it would take a great deal of patience to draw out the fun-loving soul buried deep within.

Eirik is easily hurt and has a sharp memory, with torment and disdain the brush that paints his perception of the world. Those that treat him with respect, admiration, or even basic civility will find in him a kindhearted soul. However, many seem inclined to assault his character or appearance due to his strange habits. Forced into a corner by bullies, Eirik is colored with anger and hurt that always threatens to overcome his otherwise gentle soul.

Views on the races

Galdor - As a member of Vita's 'master race', Eirik sees the galdor from two distinct lenses. First, he sees the overlords and the fortune that is his to have for being blessed with the mona. Then, he sees the judgmental and scathing nature of his peers and finds himself conflicted as to whether or not he truly likes other members of his race. As with all things, perceptions are healed or marred by his treatment at the hands of the sorcerers.

Passives - Eirik sees passives through the lens of his own people, the galdor. Raised in the halls of Brunnhold from a young age, Eirik had neither nurturing parents nor siblings to fill him with love and understanding. Instead, the passive servants within Brunnhold, seeing a frail child and a gentle being turned hard and cold by his fellows took him in. While Eirik enjoys the company of the servants within Brunnhold, he suffers no delusions that they are his equal in any way. He is a galdor, and even as a galdor abused by his fellows, he is superior to those without a proper relationship to the mona.

Humans - The galdor hasn't had a great deal of exposure to the human population, living in the dormitories of Brunnhold with no time spent away from the school past the brief time with his real family in his youth. Eirik is aware of the non-magical folk and understands that they are subject to galdor rule, he has no opinions about them one way or the other. Aside, of course, from believing them genetically inferior to their galdori overlords.

Wicks - Eirik's heard about the half-breed offspring known as Wicks. He's even heard about their unique relationship with the mona, and is far more interested in that aspect of their nature than learning anything else about them. To Eirik, Wicks and humans are people with less power than galdor and thus rightfully placed under their rule.

Raen - Eirik's heard of the Raen as rumours in the halls of Brunnhold and nothing more. He has no idea what they really are and isn't sure he wants to know.


Eirik Maste was born in Qrieth and from a very young age showed very little signs of the physical aptitude that many of his fellow Giorans exhibit. Plagued with a frail body and a somber disposition, the child was relegated to the least interesting of the trio of children that made up the Maste household. His older brother was already out to school, leaving just the young Eirik and his sister, five years his elder, as the recipients of his parent's attention. Growing into boyhood, Eirik proved himself very intelligent but lacking in resourcefulness or physical prowess and thus, his fellow children would often opt to avoid him in favor of those who could play and jump around to their heart's content. This left Eirik in the dust, friendless and with no love lost for him or anything he had to say.

His parents were wealthy Temple patrons, making their fortunes as vintners. Providing delicious liqeuers to the populace, the Mastes were well-received and often the talk of the town whenever parties were to be had. However, Eirik was often relegated to the background. Of course, this wasn't to last. At the age of six, Eirik's parents decided that enough was enough. Dissatisfied with their sickly child, his parents took Eirik to Anaxas with them on a trip, his elder sister left to her studies. Eirik never returned with his parents to Gior, as they signed over the young boy to Brunnhold's orphanage, along with a heavy donation to the school as compensation. They washed their hands of the problematic, sickly child, and left Brunnhold without so much as saying goodbye to him. Eirik carries the resentment with him to this day, but has all but forgotten what his parents even look like as the years pass without them.

Raised by a mixture of galdori and passive attendants in Brunnhold, Eirik spent the next four years of his life as comfortably as a newly orphaned boy could. The halls of Brunnhold were far more spacious and inviting than anything he'd known with his family in Gior. Tension mounted in the days leading to his tenth, for his screening was very soon to come. Stricken with panic attacks at the idea of being identified as a passive, Eirik was in and out of the infirmary until his screening. However, his fears were for naught. Eirik Maste scored very highly on his screening, enough to catch the attention of much of the faculty. And so, his induction into Brunnhold as a student began shortly thereafter.

Brunnhold became again a haven for Eirik, as he excelled in his studies and proved his understanding of the mona to be developed beyond his years. He flourished academically, and though the bullying he received in his childhood never quite left him, he was able to overcome the little challenges in order to succeed. Nearly five years later, on the eve of his 15th birthday, Eirik was informed that he'd be 'skipping a year' and go from his foundational education straight into focused, career-oriented teaching. Though the young galdor was intimidated by the prospect of studying with older students, he also felt the excitement, hoping desperately to be challenged by said advancement. Eager to begin his studies, Eirik took Static Conversation as his focus, and eagerly delved into the discipline. He proved himself to be a natural practitioner, quickly filling his grimoire with spells to be learned, reviewed, and pored over again and again due to his utter absence of friends.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills




Estuan: Fluent
Gioran: Fluent
Monite: Fluent


Static: Beginner


Student: Beginner
Monic Theorist: Beginner
Duelist: Beginner

Career and Income


Eirik Maste is a student at Brunnhold.

Income: Wealth Level

Eirik's needs are provided to him in full by the school, from textbooks to his clothing and the materials needed to further his studies in the form of a stipend that he uses to his discretion.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: On Campus

Eirik lives in a student dormitory on the grounds of Brunnhold, Situated on the ground floor in a single dormitory, he keeps a comfortable, but simply decorated room with a large bed, ample drawer space, a desk, and a wardrobe.


  • Brunnhold Uniform (several sets)
  • Assorted tunics (long and short sleeved)
  • Cotton capris (assorted colors)
  • Sandals
  • Textbooks and School supplies (kept in an over the shoulder pack)
  • Grimoire (currently filled with Static spells up to intermediate level)
  • Winter coats and pants (assorted colors)




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