[Writer Profile] Maximus

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Posts: 36
Joined: Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:09 am
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Race: Writer
Location: Ireland
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Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:06 pm

Biographic Information
Howdy! I am Max IRL but go by Maximus on here because people like to lengthen my name and that is a favourite. I am a mixed race trans guy (he/him) and I am hella queer so expect that to appear if you catch me on Discord. My birthday is November 5th and I am 25 and I had to think about that because I keep forgetting what age I am. I live in Ireland so GMT time, GMT+1 in the summertime. I'm a software developer on the weekdays and dealing with needy family members all the time so my hours are long, I'm readily distracted and I sometimes like to do other things although I can be frequently found in Discord. I might come across as grouchy at times, and I like to write emotional suffering and dark and oft uncomfortable things and I complain but I'm honestly nice and won't attack you. I'm chill, I swear and you shouldn't feel scared to contact me through DM on Discord or PM me on here! I am actually very laidback and I'm usually good to go with the flow.
Cast of Characters
*NOTE: Read the CS but be aware that I'm kind of awful at keeping things up to date so nose around in threads or ask me about character changes including personality!

Aziza - My first PC on Thorns, cobbled together a bit haphazardly. She's a Mugrobi witch with a fondness for alcohol, drugs and sex - anything that constitutes a good time! She's a caring soul, happy to use what healing magic she has and dabbling in fortune-telling in order to get by financially. She's a girl who's trying to find out who she is and so she's often confused and a bit directionless, wandering around the place without knowing where she's going.
Drezda Ecks - A stone faced Hoxian galdor, Drezda had plenty of emotion bubbling under the surface and sometimes bursting out! Lonely, considering herself unworthy of friendship and love, she does her best to be aloof to others to ensure that they stay at arm's length. She cares more about other people then she'd like anyone to realise... She's a bitch but not the worst - honest! She might also have all the makings of a lesbian dominatrix.
Fionn (Madden) - A gated passive, possibly not Toibin Madden's son, Fionn has already lost claim to his father's name. He's taken pleasure in beating people up and is no stranger to violence but he's a young man who has suffered a lot of abuse. He's intelligent, caring and can be extremely sweet and kind but the only people who see it are his sister and the odd galdor who takes the time to treat him like a person. Can be quite gay but likes women, he swears. He has a girlfriend! Totally legit! He's in love with Aurelie Steerpike but he's also polyamorous...
Shae (Taylor) - Assigned male at birth, Shae has never fully conformed to gender roles although they have a better chance of investigating their gender now that they're technically dead. Born an Anaxi wick man, Shae died at 17 and found themself stuck in undeath until they requisitioned a female Bastian galdor's body. Largely confused, definitely scared, Shae cannot lie to save their life. Kit's shadow, singing companion and frequent "dance" partner.
Niamh Madden - Niamh is Fionn's older sister although not by much and it sometimes seems as if she's younger. She has ideas for her future that don't involve being wifed by some factory-rich brat, is a definite passive sympathiser although can be quite patronising towards them and may be quite in love with Harper Moore. Something of a nervous wreck but with a temper that could probably possibly be hotter than a volcano.
PJ Jenkins - An odd-ball galdor, PJ is a printer with a real interest in money and often unique ways of making it. Incredibly unrefined and with no specialisation in magic, the man seems more at home with wicks and even humans than his own kind. Possibly shameless and is known to sell materials of a salacious nature near the university, usually writings from his own imagination--not that anyone knows from whence they come!
Ksjta Tzacks (Secondary) - Drezda's mother, Ksjta is a well-known poet in her homeland of Hox and is a former member of the Hexxos--if one can ever be said to relinquish membership while still alive. While estranged from her daughter in recent years, she was able to reconcile with her in mid-2719.
More coming soon... May the Circle have mercy on all our souls.

Writing Habits and Expectations
Use this section to outline how often you tend to post, whether or not you consider yourself a lengthy writer, and any other details about your writing life as you see it here on Thorns.

Please understand the use of the symbols I use below like this:
✅ Enthusiastic consent; bring it on.
⚠️ Okay if veiled or offstage; might be okay onstage but requires discussion ahead of time; uncertain.
🛑 Hard line; do not include unless I give you explicit permissions.
Narrative Consent and Preferences
Mature+ Status
I am all right writing Mature+ content if it fits although some of my characters are more likely to produce that kind of content. At present, I have access for Fionn and Drezda, who have both been involved in such content, and my writing account is also on the list just so y'all know!

I'm far more open to gore/torture with anyone rather than explicit sexual content, which I'm happier doing with someone I'm familiar with and trust.

Relationships: Sex and Romance
I am perfectly okay with romance. I enjoy writing it, I enjoy the tension and the emotional interplay, the way characters are shaped and changed and the various effects of that. If you don't want romance then I am a-okay with that as well. It's not everything, I get that, same as sex. Sometimes you want to cuddle, sometimes you want to be friendly friends, bosom buddies, whatever. Romance or no romance, a-okay. Characters that have sex? Cool, fine and dandy.

I am open to all orientations when it comes to relationships and multiple partners. They can have orgies, they can be sweet together, whatever.

That being said, if I'm not madly keen on explicit sexual encounters. If it's just smut for smut's sake, I'm not interested because I will simply get bored. Honestly, smut with a thin veneer of interaction/plot is the same. If having things explicit serves a purpose then I am quite happy to write it but yeah, if in doubt then please talk to me about it. I'd rather have a conversation if things take a turn that way.

At least one of my characters is BDSM inclined and while I am quite happy to write that sort of thing, I find that it is a subject that I'd rather write with someone who I trust and have discussed things with. BDSM requires consent and discussion so obviously... don't spring it on me and I won't spring it on you. If you aren't sure what exactly it might entail then you can always pop me a DM - curiosity is perfectly all right.
Romance, Romantic Relationships
✅Between PCs and NPCs
✅Between PCs
✅No romance
Sex, Sexual Encounters
✅Between PCs and NPCs
✅Between PCs
✅Fade to Black
⚠️BDSM/Sexual power dynamics

Combat: Horror, Gore, and Violence
I have no issues with gore, violence or horror. I frequently seek out horror in media for my amusement and when it comes to bodily grossness, I've dealt with plenty of it in real life so I'm very blasé about it. Decapitate people in front of me, set them on fire, I don't mind.

I will write combat if I have to but I'm not madly keen on it. I find it frustrating to write and honestly more than a little boring. I'm happy to read it but write it? I'd honestly rather not. That being said if a plot calls for it then I'll go with it if I have warning or if it's brief.
✅Blood (including menstrual - it happens)
✅Body Parts
✅Bodily Fluids
✅Harm to Animals
✅Harm to Children

Honestly, if you can find a trigger then congrats? I haven't actually found any that are consistent or stand out. If you feel uncomfortable or aren't sure then feel free to run it by me.
Hard Limits
Haven't found any hard limits but I'll let you know if that changes.


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