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[Writer Profile] Cap O' Rushes

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:18 pm
by caporushes
Biographic Information
Three cats in a trenchcoat An absolutely normal person who used to play Thorns many years ago. Now I'm back, baybee! By day, I work in public health, and by night I draw comics and other things. You can find my RP-related art littering up the forum here. Mostly just some kind of feral RP animal. I'm on the west coast of the US and I don't care what pronouns you use for me (although she probably makes the most sense, but like, follow your heart or whatever idc).
Cast of Characters
Aurelie Steerpike - Gated Passive, Mom Friend, Awkward Disaster
Peregrine - AKA Gideon Carver; a raen in a handsome meatsuit living in ORH
Charlie Ewing - Pretty Harbor-dwelling trashy golly boy
Cerise Vauquelin - Anatole Vauquelin's dueling teenaged daughter
Jonah Fulton - Born-and-bred Vienda tsat and Good Boy

Writing Habits and Expectations
I try to reply as often as I can! Length is going to vary wildly from me and I have zero expectations about post length from anyone else. I do have a dayjob AND a night job, but I can usually be counted on to respond at least once a day, unless I've said otherwise. I also don't expect any particular speed with replies in return, so don't worry. I am patient, just greedy. I'm really bad at starters, but I'll do them if needed/desired.

Narrative Consent and Preferences
Please understand the use of the symbols I use below like this:
✅ Enthusiastic consent; bring it on.
⚠️ Fine if in a backstory or comes up "offscreen"; for in-thread stuff just ask me and it's probably fine. No surprises please.
🛑 Hard line; do not include unless I give you explicit permissions.
Mature+ Status
All of my terrible creatures are allowed in the quarantine pit, and I'm happy reading stuff that's in there.
Relationships: Sex and Romance
I am totally up for romance with my characters, provided there's like, some sense of chemistry there. I'm comfortable with most things! I'll probably say if I'm not into it. I actually actively enjoy writing interpersonal relationships of all kinds, it's my favorite bit. As long as I know we're on the same page, I love melodrama especially. If you want an easy road to a gentle romance, I may or may not be the BEST source for that... I like happy endings, but with a lot of Stuff in between. (It depends, though!)

As far as the level of explicit content goes, I am game as long as my writing partners are! That said I'm a moron so please feel free to make your line crystal clear to me OOC as needed. I am not fussed either way, really. It's only fun for me if it's fun for all parties involved!
Romance, Romantic Relationships
✅Between PCs and NPCs

✅Between PCs
Sex, Sexual Encounters
✅Between PCs and NPCs
✅Between PCs
✅Fade to Black

Combat: Horror, Gore, and Violence
I am fine with gore/violence as appropriate. I have very few hard limits! Most things don't bother me though they might not be of particular interest. Just ask me if you're worried, but you probably won't shock or upset me. That said I'm not like, super great at writing action-type plots necessarily, and I'm not really interested in violence for the sake of being cool or anything—it has to come back to that feewings element.

✅ Blood
✅Body Parts
✅Bodily Fluids
✅Combat and Injury
✅Harm to Animals
✅Harm to Children
✅ Rats
✅ Spiders

I do not have anything I avoid in particular in this way, just some stuff that isn't very interesting in most contexts to me. (Hence the ⚠️!) I mostly just don't want to be surprised by them, but I'm perfectly chill with writing about it and if it comes up OOC first that's perfect. If it's just a reference to your own character's backstory or something, that's totally fine.

⚠️ Abuse: Emotional, Mental, or Physical (that directly impacts my PCs)
✅Drugs, Drug Use
✅Freezing to Death
✅Natural disasters
✅Paralysis/physical restraint
✅Police, police aggression
✅Pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, or abortion
✅Severe weather
⚠️Sexual assault, Rape
✅ Starvation
✅Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts

Hard Limits
I have basically no hard limits. Again, just stuff that may or may not interest me with a particular character. I am easy to please! If you're worried just ask me, I haunt Discord like some sort of overly chatty ghost. I just prefer not to be surprised.