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[Writer Profile] Amethyst

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:50 am
by Amethyst
Biographic Information
Hey! My name actual name is Demi, but feel free to refer to me as whatever suits you. I am a student and work part-time while maintaining schoolwork, extracurriculars, and writing (my favorite time of the day). I have been pbp writing for a little over a year on another site. I'm always open to writing tips!

Cast of Characters
Introduce your characters here. Feel free to link to their character sheets and give as little or as much information about them as you'd like

Writing Habits and Expectations
I try to write whenever I get the chance, but it may take me some time to get a post done depending on how busy I am with school and work. I always try to get replies up as soon as possible, but if it takes me a while, I will always let you know! As for my post lengths, I make it a personal goal to get as close to 500 words as I can while making sure I am writing a good quality post.

Please understand the use of the symbols I use below like this:
✅ Enthusiastic consent; bring it on.
⚠️ Okay if veiled or offstage; might be okay onstage but requires discussion ahead of time; uncertain.
🛑 Hard line; do not include unless I give you explicit permissions.
Narrative Consent and Preferences
Relationships: Sex and Romance
I have no problems with romance or sex,
Romance, Romantic Relationships
✅Between PCs and NPCs

✅Between PCs
Sex, Sexual Encounters
✅Between PCs and NPCs
✅Between PCs
✅Fade to Black

Combat: Horror, Gore, and Violence
I have no problems with gore or anything of the sort. It is just nice to know in advance!

✅ Blood
⚠️Body Parts
⚠️Bodily Fluids
✅Combat and Injury
✅Harm to Animals
⚠️Harm to Children
✅ Rats
✅ Spiders

I don't think I have any specific triggers, but if one arises, I will make sure to list it here! I'm pretty okay, knowing this is fictional writing.
✅ Abuse: Emotional, Mental, or Physical
✅Drugs, Drug Use
✅Freezing to Death
✅Natural disasters
✅Paralysis/physical restraint
✅Police, police aggression
✅Pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, or abortion
✅Severe weather
⚠️Sexual assault, Rape
✅Specific cultural issues
✅ Starvation
✅Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts

Hard Limits