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[Writer Profile] Mafiosafox

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 11:14 pm
by Mafiosafox
Biographic Information
Hi there, I'm Mafiosafox, or Fox, or Kat, whatever works. I'm nearly 27 at the time of writing this, and I'm located in Canada. I'm a fine artist in many respects - drawing, painting, sculpting, but for the most part I love textile arts. I'm training to be a costume designer, and hopefully in a few years I'll be able to work in the film industry.

My hobby is definitely roleplaying in all forms. Most of my life during the summers before the pandemic was filled with Live Action RolePlay, where I have several characters and design costumes and intricate makeup for each. I also ran tabletop games when I could for friends. However, with the pandemic, I haven't been able to fulfill my desires for RP and it's been making me pretty depressed. I decided to come try forum RP for the first time since high school, so if I'm rusty and don't know the terms, please be kind with me. I tend to write or roleplay intuitively, as I have an acting background, and stepping into roles comes easier to me, but it may mean my writing isn't as verbose or practised as many of you. I hope to improve in my time here.

Cast of Characters
This will come in time I'm sure

Writing Habits and Expectations
So as I said earlier, I'm not as experienced of a writer, I'm used to acting and instant/instinctual response, so long drawn out posts may not come as easily to me. I'd consider myself rather active, as I'm in online school but otherwise full of free time.

I love love love conflict - I'll always play villains or grating characters if it'll give me interesting conflict roleplay and fun rival relationships. I like pushing characters' buttons, and exploring themes of morality and selfishness. I hope this doesn't scare people away from me, as I am happy to work with others and collaborate OOC, and conflict is reserved for between characters only.

Narrative Consent and Preferences
Please understand the use of the symbols I use below like this:
✅ Enthusiastic consent; bring it on.
⚠️ Okay if veiled or offstage; might be okay onstage but requires discussion ahead of time; uncertain.
🛑 Hard line; do not include unless I give you explicit permissions.
Mature+ Status
I'm definitely ok with being considered a mature writer, I haven't written much in that sense in a while, but it doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing!
Relationships: Sex and Romance
Romance, Romantic Relationships
✅Between PCs and NPCs

✅Between PCs
Sex, Sexual Encounters
✅Between PCs and NPCs
✅Between PCs
✅Fade to Black
⚠️Explicit (just don't spring it on me without warning)

Combat: Horror, Gore, and Violence

✅ Blood
✅Body Parts
✅Bodily Fluids
✅Combat and Injury
✅Harm to Animals
✅Harm to Children
✅ Rats
✅ Spiders


Note: Below are just examples. Please feel free to write in your own and/or delete ones that you don't think at all matter to you or will come up as an issue. Thank you.

✅ Abuse: Emotional, Mental, or Physical
✅Drugs, Drug Use
⚠️Freezing to Death (this is an ooc phobia, but as long as it isn't super detailed I should be ok)
✅Natural disasters
✅Paralysis/physical restraint
✅Police, police aggression
⚠️Pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, or abortion (not a theme I super wanna go into, but it doesn't bother me that much)
✅Severe weather
🛑 Sexual assault, Rape (Backstory is fine but I'd rather not participate in that kind of roleplay)
✅Specific cultural issues
✅ Starvation
✅Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts

Hard Limits
I'd prefer no sexual assault/rape. Trauma, abuse, and violence can be explored in other avenues in my opinion. Mentioned passively is ok but I will not roleplay it.