Francis Pusher

Warehouse worker extraordinare!

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Francis Pusher
Posts: 37
Joined: Sat Sep 01, 2018 11:16 am
Topics: 4
Race: Human
Character Sheet: Francis Pusher
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Hollowbreak
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Sat Sep 01, 2018 11:18 am

Francis Pusher


Race: Human
Birthday: Ophus, 17th, 2696
Age: 24 years of age
FC: Harry Samba
Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Vienda
Occupation: Laborer

Physical Description


He is a handsome chap, his head like a block of stone expertly chiseled to gift him the blessing of his good looks, chocolate colored eyes to compliment the darkness of his skin and hair sorted tirelessly into a countless number of dreadlocks finishing with a full beard that’s kept short shaven. But it is a life of labor that gave him form; standing at 5’9” Francis was just a slight inch below the average Mugrobi and four inches less than the average Anaxas human male, but it was hardly something brought up when one notes his wide frame and the musculature brought with it; for Francis was not a weak looking man, a fair amount of bulk covered his torso and shoulders and there was a couple of scars in the form of small cuts and permanent bruises beneath all the dust and soot that indicated he was no stranger risking his life just to earn barely enough for a loaf of bread. Even more apparent was the roughness and callousness of his hands, blistery and leathery and Francis would tell you he is proud of these hands.

His default posture was one of confidence, back straightened and a gaze that just seemed to grin despite his mouth sticking to a straight line. It would have been easy to believe he was someone if import if not for the condition of his clothing of which brown was the only color factor, brown sleeveless shirt worn and tattered at the hems, brown pants with one hole at the left knee and another at the back of his right calf and finally work boots with soles that are barely sticking together.

His voice had a jovial deepness to it, yet a lifetime at the Soot District with its vile conditions left a scratchiness akin to a man with a constant sore throat. He feels it adds character and adds his chance with the opposite gender.



Francis was your average sort for the most part, like the rest of humanity in Vienda he diligently woke early in the morning to work in unfair and unsafe conditions at the Soot District till end of day came and repeat come next day to ultimately earn a handful used to pay taxes and the rest to barely if at all enough to pay for food and other necessities. He realizes the unfairness of it all, and he could not deny he wished for more.

Particular he desires to be ‘smarter’, unable to read nor write and with barely an understanding of math to keep track of his earnings, he’d always desired to fix this fault of his but felt he would never have the opportunity to do so.

He tries to cover this desire, this want, under a shroud of humor and optimism, always trying to find the joke or the silver lining in a situation. Was the Day more difficult than need be? The pint of beer at the end of it will feel particularly cool at the end of it. The foreman’s stick particularly stiff up his rear today? Could always imagine grabbin’ it and giving it a good shake against the wall with the foreman still on it.

One important thing Francis holds important, passed on from father to son, is that one must admit to their mistakes and take responsibility. While he tries not to expect this of others, he expects it nonetheless and he becomes greatly agitated and sulky when he see’s someone try to deflect the blame.

Francis has a great respect for women, practically their forms especially the more attractive they are and as such will spend a fair amount of time off work attempting to court either in display of his physical abilities or attempt to sweet talk them in a way that would be considered ‘mugorabi’.

With other humans and with wicks he is respectful, most if not all of them are of the same class as he although with the Wick he found it difficult to relate at times though admittedly he found himself keen on Wick women more than women of his own kind.

Galdori and their passives however; Francis holds little love for their overlords and their disabled offspring, a resentment that has yet to border hatred yet far enough that he would shed no tears over their misfortune. His only concern would have to be if they decided their misfortune would be turned on humanity.

For now, he keeps himself content with his lot in life.


To the knowledge of Francis, from the mouth of his da to the ears of the son, the Pusher started from the union of a young Mugrobi sailor and a young Mugrobi woman who’s family had already migrated to Anaxas decades prior. The sailor impregnated the young girl during one night of drunken revelry, it didn’t take long for the signs to show thereafter. Even back then abortions where a dangerous prospect, just as they are now.

The young sailor out of responsibility remained with the girl, at first their relation was loveless as it was simply two foolish youths who made a mistake…. After time it became something real and thus the child of the couple found a happy family when born.

This was the origin of the Pusher family, retold throughout the generations even as the family relocated from the port city of their origin to Vienda. It was unknown when the move was made nor why, but it was done and the Pusher has been there since.

Francis, the latest generation of the Pusher, family grew up with hardship despite his father Robert’s efforts to improve their standards and his mother Eliza’s attending to his young needs. But the reality of humanity’s place within the world under Galdori rule made it difficult.

There were nights his father would swear in the privacy of their home against the Galdori, how they take but give little in return, how they viewed man as nothing more than pack animals all witnessed by a young Francis.

One day, his father was no more, the working conditions had literally killed him and his mother had to take up the torch.

A few years later, she was no more as well.

Now the only Pusher left in the city and barely young to take care of himself, the young lad went to work in the Soot District, doing what his father before him had done and his before that. And for years he tried to make good of a bad situation, forming friendships, making jokes, always trying to look at some silver lining.

But that didn’t mean he didn’t have his limits, that his anger would not soon breach, and that he would not want more. For now, he simply lives his life and tomorrow… who knows if he’ll even live to see it.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Combat (Unarmed): Proficient
Combat (Clubs): Beginner


Fluent Estuan
Broken Mugrobi


Profession (Laborer): Proficient
Profession (Driver): Beginner

Career and Income


Warehouse worker: The moving of equipment and wares within a warehouse is the basic duty of a warehouse worker, as well as delivering them from point A to point B via a large carriage.

Income: Wealth Level

Poor – being a common laborer does not pay much, but it’s better than nothing at all and was enough for one person at the very least.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Francis’ home is located in a small yellow apartment building he himself has affecitionalte dub ‘Yellow hole’ for its depilated state and the color of its brick
His apartment includes the many basic necessities found in many a home; one bed, two chairs, one table, two knives, a three piece dining set to serve four (cup, plate, bowl), one chest, and a stoveAny


One set of clothing: Brown tattered shirt, pants and a set of worn workboots
One set of toiletries: soap, a comb or brush, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste
One water skin
Two sets of eating utensils


Short term:

Increase his standard of living.
Join the Resistance.

Long Term:
Equality for all!
Own his own business.
Become a lot smarter.


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