[M] As Nice As Apple Pie

Mature - Sexual content/themes

Open for Play
Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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: Too pretty for you
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Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:22 am

Achtus 14, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
Pie. Wonderful glorious pie. Delicious. They'd wanted to treat themselves and this was certainly sweet. It was clocking fantastic.

Apple had possibly been the best choice out of those pies on offer, especially if Kit's response was anything to go by and Shae had to agree. The raen didn't tackle the pastry with quite the same enthusiasm as their galdor companion but they were enjoying themselves. Dessert and a show. It was highly amusing to watch him

"Sure that you don't want to just stick your face in it and get it over with, Kit?" they teased. "You're doing an excellent job of making a mess, love."

They couldn't help but grin as they watched him, although the mischief and humour in their gaze dimmed, replaced by something more thoughtful as Shae considered the man. They'd been doing that more and more in recent days, sitting and thinking as they gazed at Kit, trying to make sense of certain emotions that he managed to elicit from them. They'd been with him almost two weeks and some things hadn't changed much since the day of their first meeting when he'd picked them up on the street, fed them and taken them in.

Shae still found the galdor incredibly attractive, more so now though. They'd had time to see more of them, to see various habits and quirks of his and they liked what they saw, they couldn't help it. They had a helpless fascination for him when he sang or when he played, musical talent definitely there and the man's confidence and evident pleasure when he did anything musical simply added to his appeal. By comparison, their own forays into anything musical with this new body were pathetic but they were still learning things about it, about what it could do and how they could control it. They were oddly self-conscious about the whole thing and when Kit had come across them, he'd tried to encourage them, the raen a bit embarrassed by the whole thing but also buoyed by the fact that he didn't seem to think that their endeavour was a doomed one.

However, something else that hadn't changed was the fact that Kit was a gentleman towards them. Oh he flirted outrageously and Shae was more able to keep up with him now but he'd been careful around them. They'd wondered if he was just giving them space, allowing them to heal but they were better now, so much better. Maybe he sensed it or maybe they were hyper-aware, as they were sure that they'd caught more interested looks from him in recent days, a flicker in his eye before he seemed to suppress it. Now they wondered if it was just the return of this body's libido, the electrifying sense of desire making them see what they wanted everywhere.

They were right here, undeniably here and not unattractive, they'd spent time looking at their own reflection, a healthier happy glow to their face as they took the time to apply eyeliner on a daily basis, the gaunt, ill cast to their face having disappeared. They were more confident in themself - trousers definitely helped - and confidence was sexy, right?

And yet Shae had come to the conclusion that he didn't see them like that but more like a child. That horrible thought had taken root a few nights before when the musician had returned home with a pretty witch, the noise they'd made coming into the apartment more than enough to raise the raen from their sleep on the couch. Muzzy and disorientated, they had been slow to realise what was going on. And Kit had realised that they'd woken up and he had trotted over and given them a kiss on the forehead like they were a child and told them to go back to sleep.

As if they could have slept through that!

No, of course they had decided to make themself scarce, allow Kit to conduct his uh... entertaining in peace but yet they had been slow to do so, almost rooted there as they listened to Kit and the witch, emotions stirred within them before they finally made themself move, not wanting to hear things come to their fruition. And all they could think in the midst of their hurt and jealousy was that they'd been there and Kit had gone elsewhere. Kit had kissed them on the forehead, been strangely soothing as they went about their business - just for the grown-ups, a group of which Shae hadn't felt they were a part. Only if they'd received a pat on their head would it have been any clearer.

They knew that Cordelia had been a slip of a girl, quite youthful in appearance and it was something that they'd inherited but Shae wasn't some girl-child. They had fucking tits! Proper ones! Although Kit was aware of that. They hadn't been the most... attractive at the time though. Maybe that was in his head too. Vulnerable, girl-child whose body was-

It was fucking frustrating! It wasn't fucking fair! They understood that he had needs and wants and all that but so did they! The raen was decidedly not dead in that regard although it wasn't like they'd gone and announced it to the galdor. They'd been discreet about things as they became quietly and more intimately acquainted with their new body but surely he'd heard something. They hadn't always been able to stifle a sound in time, lying on the couch afterwards wondering if he was going to appear and-

Well, the idea that he might come to investigate was providing plenty of fantasy fuel but the real Kit seemed oblivious. Disappointingly so. They were very nearly ready to confront them about it or provoke a reaction from him but they weren't wholly certain how to go about doing it. Were they meant to blurt things out, manufacture a situation or simply wait for an opportunity?

Which brought them back to the pie, the thoughtful look on their face as they considered him. He really was making a mess. He'd shaved since that first day, mostly clean shaven these days but he seemed to be trying to reconstruct the beginnings of a beard in crumbs. It was particularly noticeable around his mouth, his lips comically covered in pie crumbs and bits of the apple filling. They found themself looking at his lips and then they couldn't help themself, words flowing naturally to their own lips.

"Kit, you've gotten more pie around your mouth than in it. Here, lemme just..." they began, trailing off as they leaned in, narrowing the distance between them to bring their mouth to his. It was likely very unexpected but it gave them the chance to do what they said they'd do; they cleaned his mouth all right! It wasn't a long kiss but it included a careful flick of tongue and the soft catching of his lower lip between their own before they drew back, making a show of licking their lips, undeniably deliberate. Their was a touch of smugness to their smile but it was more of an invitation, something bright and dancing in their grey-blue gaze.

"Now, I've taken care of you."

Last edited by Shae on Wed Apr 01, 2020 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Fri Feb 08, 2019 4:58 am

14th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
Ugh, how did she know?

Berries were all well and good, peach and cherry definitely too sweet for his taste, but apple pie was undoubtedly his favourite. There was just something about the acidic tang of the juice mixed with the sweetness, and the crunch and pop of well-cooked apple flesh letting the flavour burst onto the tongue. And that was after the pastry that embraced it- firm yet flaking, with the crunch of coarse-grained sugar on the lid. He tended to lose himself a bit in the sensation of his teeth sinking through the crust to the yielding sharp sweetness within. In Kit's mind, if something was worth doing, it was worth enjoying to excess, and pie was no exception.

So this was one definite positive to the stray kitten he'd picked up a couple of weeks ago- excellent taste in pies.

Shae was an odd one. So many secrets, so many mysteries- he'd admit, it was half the reason he hadn't gently nudged her out to find a room of her own after that first odd night- and though he was undoubtedly intrigued by her past, he preferred to let her tell him in her own time, or not as she chose. Rather like a rose blooming, you couldn't force it to show you all its petals at once with out hurting it, without destroying the very thing that made it beautiful.

And she was definitely beautiful. Though perhaps a better word at times would be handsome- she clearly preferred to live in trousers and shirtsleeves, once she'd acquired them- that loose, pretty dress that he'd met her in had been consigned to a bundle at the back of a shelf a soon as she had alternative attire- and quite honestly, it suited her. She held herself like a young man, walked as if each step was claiming territory, and there was something masculine in the set of that pretty jaw, the glint in her grey kohl-ringed eyes.

She had a sharp tongue too, quick and smooth, and after a few days in his apartment, the tiredness leaving her face, Shae flirted like a man, direct and teasing.

Kit had to admit, he'd been rather enjoying waiting for her to break. It had started out as concern for her well-being- she'd clearly been through a hard time, and he didn't want to make it worse- but then he'd heard something through the bedroom wall one night that had him laughing silently in delight. After that, it was all about the game.

Bringing Delyth home hadn't been a deliberate attempt to needle her, he would admit that much-Kit had been indulging that night, and had genuinely forgotten his diminutive houseguest's presence. He'd been too out of it to even shut the bedroom door, and because of the mess when he woke up, he and Shae hadn't really discussed it, other than the brief introductions over breakfast.

But here they were, sitting at his little table, pie dish between them and he honestly hadn't expected it to be now.

She closed in so quickly that his breath caught in his throat as that tongue darted around the corner of his mouth, and then she mouthed at his lip and he nearly choked on pie crust.

Kit's fork dropped to the table with a clatter as the cough turned into a laugh, delight sparking in his blue eyes.

“Oh you have, have you?” he chuckled, leaning closer and snaking a hand out to cup the back of her neck, long fingers rasping through the short bristles of her cropped hair. “I'm afraid I need considerably more effort to be taken care of. Do you think the results will be worth it?”

His other hand came up to his lips, and blue eyes held grey as he licked the stickiness off his fingertips, mischief twitching at the corner of his mouth.

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Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:14 am

Achtus 14, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
That they'd caught him entirely off-guard was quite evident; he nearly choked in his surprise. They had to admit that they enjoyed that response more than anything, the grin broadening as they chuckled. Well, they'd wanted to force a reaction, hadn't they? Almost choking on pie wasn't exactly much of an indication either way but it was still good to know that they could manage to shock the galdor in what was an odd sort of one-upmanship but-

Oh hello!

The hand on the back of their neck and the nearness were definitely clear signs that they could read, pleasantly clear. Maybe they'd been wrong, maybe he didn't seem them as a child after all. The feel of his fingers slipping over their short hair was a deliberate action, certainly not infantilising and while it did tickle, there was something sensual in it which drew a small shiver from the raen. They could have forcibly closed the gap between them in that moment but there was far more excitement in this little game that they'd slipped into with Shae's actions.

The raen had started this but that didn't mean that they had to be the one to finish it. For wicks, it was more often the witch that was the instigator of things, although Shae had broken that rule many a time. Different body now though, different culture, they didn't know how the game was meant to be played but they knew how they wanted to play it.

"Oh well... your mouth is taken care of, I can't see why I'd want to waste effort there, nothing to deal with, you know? Disappointingly easy to handle actually, very little to taste and sample," they commented, the wide grin reduced to a smirk now as they tilted their head, eyes half-closing as they moved against Kit's finger. A soft hum came from between closed lips, they couldn't help themself, it had been awhile since anyone had touched them and damn, there was no denying that they were alive in a moment like this. They might not be properly alive but they were certainly alive enough.

"Would the results be worth it? I don't know now. It can be incredibly sweet and it's quite good when it's hot and you get that feeling in your belly that... mmm, well what could be wrong with that?" they purred, fingertips moving lightly over his chest, barely tipping his shirt as they breezed over the material.

Obviously they were talking about the pie, what else would they be talking about, hm?

As they continued talking, their hand lightly clasped the wrist of his mostly free hand, a gentle tug to take their fingers away from their mouth as they leaned that little bit closer.

"It can be a bit messy though and sticky but that isn't necessarily bad. You can always clean up the mess and sometimes that's almost as enjoyable as the main thing," Shae murmured, letting their hand slide up from Kit's wrist to his own. Thumb in the galdor's palm and fingertips tracing over his knuckles, they let their grey-blue gaze flick down for the briefest of moments so they could see what they were doing before bringing one of the galdor's fingers to their mouth. Their eyes were fixed once more on the bright blue ones as they placed a feathery kiss on his fingertip before opening their mouth and taking it in, allowing their tongue to swirl around it before sucking gently. It was one of the ones he'd already licked but the sweet tang of the apple still remained, sugars clinging to the skin.

It was done with great care, the raen quite aware that this tongue was not their own but that they still had some idea what they were doing and could physically translate it. Unless Kit tried to draw away, the action would be a little more prolonged than the kiss but still brief enough, the young person seeming to do the job they meant to do before drawing back, a tease.

There was plenty of promise there though in that unwavering gaze, making it quite clear that Shae knew what they wanted. They certainly weren't going to retreat out of their light grasp.

"Do you think the results will be worth it?" they shot back in little more than a whisper before moving on to repeat the same treatment to every finger of that hand provided he didn't stop them.

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Writer: Foxing
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Fri Feb 08, 2019 7:05 pm

14th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
Kit was reminded once more of a sleek, black cat as Shae leaned into his touch, practically purring as he traced his fingertips through her hair and ghosted over the sensitive skin behind her ears.

“Disappointing? Is that so?” he murmured, then blue eyes hooded as her lips caressed his fingertips, that tongue enveloping in an unsubtle promise echoed by her eyes that set him shifting in his seat as heat pooled in very pleasant places.

“Oh, we want to play?”

He let her tend to each finger in turn, holding her gaze with an inscrutable smile twitching at his lip, then let the calloused pad of his thumb pull down her lip and slide between those white teeth, pressing down on Shae's yielding tongue as if daring her to bite before slowly withdrawing.

“...I can work with that.”

Then two things happened at once. Kit's booted toe slid behind the crossbar under Shae's chair, pulling, and his hands found her hips and...tugged.

The resulting momentum landed the girl in his lap, knees either side of his waist, face to face with the smug galdor.

Thumbs tracing the ridges of her hipbones through the neat fabric of her trousers, Kit leaned back just enough for Shae to properly appreciate her new position-and the physical reaction she had already engendered.

“So. Where do we go from here, do you think?” he mused conversationally, voice low, wine-dark and rich with promise.

“Shall we have it sweet...and hot...and maybe, if the mood takes us, a little...messy?”

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Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:12 pm

Achtus 14, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
They knew how well their little tease had gone down when the man shifted in his seat, that little squirm a movement that they were intimately familiar with because once upon a time, it had been something that they'd done. They knew the heat, the changes, the readjustments necessary as things became far too hard to ignore. Although admittedly, maybe it wasn't that different. For all their outward calmness, the raen's heart rate was high, arousal twisting within them as spots of colour came to their face, flushed with excitement and anticipation. That constant eye contact between them, electrifying, overcharged and decidedly heated only increased the colouring, the warmth spreading through them as they resisted the urge to squirm themself.

They were both handling themselves quite well all things considered, especially Shae because unbeknownst to Kit they had a body to hang onto but funnily enough, they were so caught up in embracing everything, they didn't think that they could be parted from it if they tried. Mentally, they'd had plenty of opportunity to learn how to keep it, their own nighttime explorations an excellent chance to learn how not to lose it in the midst of pleasure. This was more though, a lot more but they thought they could remain sufficiently grounded.

They did have certain weaknesses though, weaknesses that apparently hadn't gone away since dying and coming back in an entirely new body. Kit's evident pleasure, even if he was trying to play it cool outwardly was enough to thrill them to the core, the idea of eliciting pleasure in others always having been a draw for them. They couldn't resist it. Some might have thought them a highly considerate lover in the past but in truth, they were benefiting quite a bit from their partner's - or partners', yes, they'd been there - own enjoyment.

The thumb placed in their mouth received a light grazing with their teeth, the raen careful not to do any harm, all too aware that this was an operation that had to be carried out delicately. They didn't want to inadvertently bite Kit because their stupid body decided that it wasn't going to cooperate. Thankfully, it did just what it was told, the young raen smirking to themself once the galdor took his thumb away.

And then he catapulted them into his lap. Shae couldn't stop themself from letting out a small startled shriek, especially as they felt their control slip ever so slightly. However, they dealt with it, the sudden movement over and done with and they were able to laugh it off, full of delight as they discovered their new position, appreciating the way he'd parted their thighs, his hands on their hips quite a welcome addition. They shivered slightly as his thumbs moved, tracing flesh that was sensuously ticklish, heat trembling along fault lines that made the urge to squirm all the stronger and then he leaned back.

Oh! Well!

The feel of him beneath them drew a giggle from Shae who found themself draping arms about his neck, leaning forward to steal a kiss even as they rocked against him once, a motion that they remembered to be more than a little maddening. Even through layers of cloth, the friction was wonderful, a hitch in the youth's breath, a gasp against his lips followed by a breathy laugh.

"Hot and sweet... definitely. Messy... I don't see a problem with that either," they murmured, tilting their head so they could bring their mouth to his jaw, a kiss here, the light graze of teeth there before bringing their lips close to his ear. "I'm not disappointed now," they complimented softly, accentuating their point with a little wiggle against them. They hummed with pleasure, sound inflected upwards at the end in a way that suggested that it was very close to turning into a soft moan.

They leaned back so that they could look at them, lip caught briefly and thoughtfully between white teeth. Fingers moved to the top of his shirt, lazily tracing around a button before moving to undo it, hands ready to slide down on work on the rest, hopeful that Kit's own hands would move to explore, eager to feel such a thing although perhaps there was a bit more nervousness mixed in with that excited anticipation now.

"Here or...? If you wanted to move to your room, I could probably..."

The lip found its way between teeth again. If he wrapped his arms around their waist and then they had their arms about his neck and could use their legs to... well, there was no need for them to separate in order to move.

"I could manage here okay, I think. Besides, you seem to be in your element here," they teased, making a show of looking down where- yes, things were definitely more apparent. Their gaze returned to him, one side of their mouth pulled up, the eyebrow on the same side raising in tandem with it before they winked.

"Whatever makes you happy, love."

Last edited by Shae on Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Feb 10, 2019 1:21 pm

14th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
Shae's little shriek of surprise drew an appreciative chuckle from Kit, and the look on her face was just...priceless, especially as the colour rose in her cheeks and she just couldn't seem to stop biting that lip of hers. The galdor revelled in the slow build of tension between them, the heady atmosphere of repressed longing that they were unwrapping layer by layer, holding himself back for that final taste to be that much sweeter.

Then her arms were twined around his neck, those soft lips pressing against his, and her hips canted forwards just enough to drag a guttural noise from his throat that mingled with the gasp escaping hers.

He very nearly broke. The temptation to just slam her down on the table or up against a wall and just...get rid of everything between them… there was a knife in his boot, he wouldn’t even have to worry about buttons...but he knew it had been a while for Shae. He knew she was delicate, in more ways than one, for all her bravado, and he didn’t want to break her. That was the last thing he wanted. But her lips were moving, tracing a heated path along his jawline. His breath drew in sharply when she nipped at his cheek, and her voice in his ear sent a thrill down to his core, music in her soft tones. By the gods, he wanted to hear that voice moaning his name...

“So glad to hear I’ve improved in your estimation,”
he chuckled when she admitted her satisfaction. But oh, she was moving against him, and he couldn’t help but drop his mouth to bite gently at her neck, nudging her open collar aside, her quickening pulse thrumming against his lips.

Kit’s hands flattened against the base of her spine, pulling her closer as he softly growled, “You keep moving like that, you little tease, and...mmm...messy will happen a lot sooner than you'd like.”

Then she leaned back, considering him, and he let his hands slide to sit atop her thighs, stroking gently as she moved to unbutton his shirt.

"Here or...? If you wanted to move to your room, I could probably..."

Kit didn’t want to move. Well, no, that was a lie, he did...there were all manner of things he wanted to do, but he didn’t want to forget himself tonight. He wanted to be prepared before he let that happen.

“I am incredibly comfortable here, thank you,” the man drawled, hooking two fingers under each strap of her braces and gliding them upwards, the backs of his knuckles brushing featherlight over her shirt front as he slipped them off her shoulders. “Believe me, dearling, I would dearly love to have you naked in my bed, but we have all the time in the world for that. Unless this is to be a goodbye present?” he finished, crooking an eyebrow at her, teasingly, while his fingertips found their way under the waistband of her trousers, sliding down her back until they met warm skin..and then travelled a little lower.

Last edited by Kit on Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sun Feb 10, 2019 6:50 pm

Achtus 14, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment
Having the chance to kiss him, taste him, feel the thrum of his pulse and experience the slight rasp of facial hair against their lips was all wonderful. However, it was all bested by that guttural sound he unleashed, more attractive than any song they'd heard him sing or any smooth and honeyed words that had dropped from his lips. It slammed into them, an almost physical thing that left them thrumming with barely suppressed lust, juddering under their skin, waiting to be let out. It was a moment when they had both slipped, the raen having been unable to keep their enjoyment to themself and Kit had been quite obvious in revealing his. They were even in this little game although it still had the potential to be very fun indeed, provided that they could both keep their heads for long enough.

It wasn't like Shae didn't want to lose their head but that was for the future, when they'd both wound each other up so tight that the inevitable conclusion would be delightfully delicious. Perhaps on some level, they wanted this to be something more than a brief encounter, all too aware that although neither themself nor Cordelia (well her body) was virginal that sex in this body was new to them. Everything was a first and well... was it wrong to want to prolong it and make it memorable? Was it wrong for them to want it to be unforgettable for Kit as well? Yes, there was definitely some ego at play here, the youth eager to earn his praise and have it well earned at that. They wanted to be difficult for him to forget.

Still, there was a definite headiness to the situation right now that seemed to prod them closer to both lose their minds, the electricity between them reaching levels that risked one or both of them getting burned. The feel of his lips at their throat, nibbling at a pulse point which drew a breathy whimper from them. They leaned into his mouth for a moment, giving him easy access while he dragged them closer. The raen had to lean back to take stock of the situation, to be able to keep a somewhat level head on their shoulders so that they wouldn't rip open garments, sending buttons flying and rending fabric. They did technically know how to repair clothing, even if doing it with this body was new to them so if they wanted to get utterly carried away... No, they had to behave.

Hell, if they gave into what they wanted then they'd keep rubbing against him and yes, well, they didn't want to cause a mess yet, he was right. They knew from experience that once didn't necessarily have to be the end of things but that would be no fun. It would put a bit of a dampener on things, especially if Kit felt that he had to get things going again for Shae's sake. You could be as young and virile as you liked but that sort of pressure and expectation could really kill things for a man. The raen was all too aware of that, quite intimately acquainted with that anatomy and its pitfalls, even if they no longer possessed it.

So they decided to be kind, ease up on him a little bit - if they could - and allow him to set the pace for a bit.

He wasn't going to make it easy though, was he? Hands on their thighs, stroking close to their trembling centre, the sensitivity of that area surprisingly high; they'd discovered that some areas drew a shudder from them, like their hip bones, although they had no idea why. It was an exhilarating feeling and they were trying to be good they really were but then they succeeded in getting his shirt unbuttoned, their palms sliding over his skin. Fingertips bent, short nails scratching lightly, catching slightly on the scattering of chest hair, humming appreciatively as his hands moved to their braces, sliding them off.

They shivered as his knuckles grazed their chest, breath noticeably quicker, resisting the urge to grind against him.

Damn him, damn him, damn him, damn him.

And then his hands were sliding to other places, his words torturously teasing but certainly not distracting enough and something in the raen was tightening but also threatening to unravel at any moment. Their own fingers tried to find something to distract him, hands sliding down, fingers briefly tracing the waistband of his trousers with a feathery touch. They let them slide to his sides, resisting the urge to slip beneath the waist just yet although he didn't have the same qualms clearly.

The raen bit their lip to stifle a gasp, the feel of his hands against such soft and sensitive skin, callouses rubbing in just the right way.

"I-I-I'm glad. That you're comfortable," they murmured, clearly losing control and looking somewhat unsettled because of it. "Are you assuming that you'll have another chance if I stay? Also are you saying that you don't want me gone?" they asked, fingertips moving back to the front of his trousers again, idly skimming flesh before poking at one of the buttons. No, they weren't going to undo it yet but let him think that it was a possibility.

They took their hands off him at last, moving to play with the buttons at the top of their own shirt, fiddling with material as if they were thinking the matter through, whether to stay or to go. In truth, they knew that they wanted to stay and the galdor certainly hadn't hinted that he wanted them gone.

"Oh I can definitely see advantages to me staying here, can you? But I also don't want to outstay my welcome, you know?" they murmured, wiggling back into his hands a bit as they popped one of their shirt buttons. "I don't want this to be goodbye, do you?"

Another button was undone, cloth parted to reveal the swell of breasts held in place by short stays that the raen had gone to the trouble to pick up. They weren't for his benefit although perhaps they were in a way; he didn't need to be driven mad on a daily basis by the sight of bare breasts beneath a frankly flimsy shirt.

Once that small bit of cleavage was on show though, the raen stopped, hands moving back to his waist instead.

Last edited by Shae on Sat Feb 16, 2019 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Writer: Foxing
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Fri Feb 15, 2019 8:59 am

14th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
Shae was clearly close to losing control, and Kit genuinely couldn't get enough. The flush in her cheeks, the way her breath was coming in little ragged gasps, the way she fumbled with his shirt as if she just couldn't wait to touch him.

His earlier tease of being close to breaking point himself had been a complete fabrication- the man had been doing this for close on a decade and a half, and well knew how to make things last. Her face though, when he warned her to slow down and she tried so desperately to hold herself back, that was a gift. Another gift was the trousers she wore- designed for men, they hadn’t accounted for a feminine waist, and so there was just enough give for the man to slip both hands between fabric and warm skin. It seemed to give her ideas that she wasn’t quite sure what to do with, because her fingers were flirting with his own trousers and the delicate tracing against his skin was delicious.

"I-I-I'm glad. That you're comfortable.”

Oh, she was trying so hard and it was intoxicating. That bite of the lip again, and that gasp...

“You seem a little uncomfortable yourself… here, let me…” and he shifted underneath her, tilting his hips as he pulled her inexorably closer, fingers stroking ever so gently as her fingers moved to her own shirt. “And whyever would I want you gone? You're a troublesome little kitten but the...perks…do seem to outweigh the grief.”

Long fingers splayed and tightened just enough to feel her flesh give as he lowered his mouth to the skin she had just revealed.

“And you... don't seem…” he murmured between kisses, the occasional flick of tongue between parted lips, “...the the kind to be...content..with a taste…”

Kit had been looking forward to this. Ever since he first noticed the sidelong glances and occasional flushes, the intensity of her gaze when he played. She definitely tasted sweeter for the patience.

Fingers gave a final squeeze and slid round to her hips, lingering just long enough trace over her hipbones once more before one hand slipped free, hooking a slender finger under the knot of her stays.

He looked up just long enough to meet her stormy eyes- “May I?” -a mischievous smile curling at his lip.

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: Too pretty for you
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Sat Feb 16, 2019 7:09 pm

Achtus 14, 2718 | Evening
Kit's Apartment

Gods, if only he knew just how they felt right now. There was a definite wobbly sensation in their belly, something strange, inexplicable in the raen's experience. Such limited experience. It felt as if they might unravel, turn inside out from the core outwards. They didn't know how much of it was the body, the nerve endings firing in patterns that were new to them and yet had familiar echoes. They weren't sure if the slight wobbliness, the gradual unwinding their tendrils releasing their hold on Cordelia's body.

Their body.

That was probably a problem, thinking of it as Cordelia's body first rather than their own, the detachment, the disassociation unlikely to help matters. But they weren't thinking of that, weren't thinking of how what they were feeling could be a warning sign, an indication that they needed to slow down or else risk losing far more of themself than they wanted.

But damn, how could they resist? The galdor was hardly doing anything that would be putting out the fires within them. The closeness, the friction between them, his hands just- Was it any wonder that they were overheating, a charge crackling through their body, everything ready to start trembling and unravelling at any moment? Every touch from him was spectacular, delicious and the body - clock the Circle - the body responded to it so bloody well. How could anything be so sensitive? Beautifully, wonderfully sensitive.

"Perks... Mmm you'll certainly have... perks in a few moments," they breathed, glancing down at their chest in a meaningful manner, lip caught between their teeth as a helpless tremble went through them, eyes rolling back as he bent his mouth to soft, pliable flesh.

A noise issued from low in their throat, unfiltered, animalistic. Fuck the game. Shae had always been smooth when it came to flirting, to tempting others into their bed but once there... they'd never been one to be quiet. Why should they be? Before, it had always been clear, it wouldn't have been possible for them to hide their arousal, just as it was impossible for Kit to do so. Even now, if he was to slip his hands between their thighs... heck, they were almost certain that he'd know just from the way that they were currently intertwined, certain that he'd be able to feel the intoxicating heat and ebb, the pulse of what he'd done to them. They certainly couldn't escape the feeling and they were finding it hard to believe that it hadn't bled through in obvious ways. Surely, he must know so being vocal could hardly give away anything new.

Their back arched, unthinkingly tilting their hips forward to rub against him, soft moan escaping from between bitten lips as they moved, leaning into his mouth. Their fingers found the back of his neck, tangling in the hair, digits splayed across the base of his skull. The temptation to grasp and tug his head back, to let lips and tongues move together but that would mean taking him away from his current task and to be fair, they did not want to take away from any of the exquisite movements of his mouth.

He wouldn't stay there forever though, his mouth drawn as he gave them that smile so full of mischief, the ghost of a touch on their hipbones before his fingers found their way to the knot that held their stays in place. With one hand still at the back of his head, they brought the other to his jaw, palm under his chin to tilt it up as they pressed their chest to his. Their mouth found his, catching his lips to steal a brief kiss before Shae murmured against them.

"You may do... whatever the fuck you want, sweetheart. Please..."

They felt the knot loosen and unravel, sighing out before they inhaled abruptly, chest swelling as their lungs expanded. And they kept unravelling, all too aware that this wasn't their body, no matter how wonderful it felt right now.

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Writer: Foxing
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Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:58 pm

14th Achtus | Evening
Kit's apartment
The noises she was making...fucking hell, was she trying to drive him insane?

Whatever it was, Kit didn't care- he just wanted to hear more of it.

He didn't need telling twice. With one swift tug, the knot came loose and laces slipped free, his right hand coming up to cup the back of Shae's neck as he deepened the kiss, pulling her flush against him, skin to skin. No hurried movements, all deliberate building pressure as he rocked up into her, meeting her need with his own. His left hand travelled down to pop the remaining buttons on her shirt, then snaked round under it, easing up her back to press her even closer.

Gods, it was good to kiss her like this. His hand tightened in her hair and every slow press of his lips and pass of his clever tongue was echoed by the gentle rock of his hips. He was so close to just giving in and letting go completely when-


Kit felt something give underneath him and automatically planted his feet, right hand flying out to grab the table and the other reflexively clasping Shae close.

The chairleg clattered to the floor, but they did not, Kit just about managing to balance them on three legs of the chair, breathing heavily and heart feeling like it was about to leap out of his chest.

“Well, fuck.”

Copper head turned, assessing the situation as he clung to the table, loath to move a muscle but shaking with the effort of not laughing at their predicament.

“Right, darling, want to show me how strong those legs are after all?”

He grinned, boosting her up, and managed to get just enough momentum to stand and scoot her to the tabletop. The chair crashed to the floor as he let it go, but he paid it no mind, raising a hand to gently stroke her cheek.

Kit stood there for a moment looking down at the girl, then all of a sudden, swore loudly, palm hitting his forehead in exasperation.

“Godsdamnit, I nearly forgot.”

He looked down at her, expression suddenly serious.

“If I asked you if you drink wick tea, would you know what I mean?”

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