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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Evandria Sericks
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Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:07 am

That was not good news. Evandria’s squad was in charge of his portion of the Dives and the loss of a constable – even when temporary – would no doubt be detrimental. It was difficult enough to keep an eye to the rowdy area and one less Seventen would mean someone needed to pick up the slack. Not to mention the unrest that had been growing along with the whispers of Resistance. He had been planning on asking for the Hoxian’s help for his investigations, but now he wondered if she would be able to handle it. “I see. We certainly wish to see him back of his old self as soon as possible.”

Emric ran his fingers through his dark hair as he sat down across Sy’rien and Niccolette, the only outward sign of his irritation. He ordered a glass of coffee and any cut fruit they might have at the moment.

He returned the doctor’s bow. The size of their class had been considerable, so it was not surprising that he might’ve missed a few names. “The pleasure is mine.”

“Did you know Uzoji as well?”

His blue eyes blinked in surprise. It had been a long time since he had heard the name. After Niccolette had handed things with him, he found out that she got together with the new student from Mugroba. They were still together even after they graduated, if he wasn’t mistaken. Emric shared some of his classes with Uzoji since they were both learning Physical, but never did interacted much. It was a rather specific thing to ask. Healso noticed the doctor’s brief glance towards the Bastian woman. He wondered why.

After sneaking a peek into the ward Lorcan was placed in and then changing in haste, the young sergeant finally found herself walking down the strikingly clean halls of Grand Mercy. Nurses and doctors passed her by, barely giving her any glance as they looked at their charts or talk about a patient’s urinary output.

When she was younger, Evandria had imagined herself becoming a doctor one day – as a lot of children did. Their wide coats and calm aura had always impressed her. One of her uncles was a doctor and he always had the kindest smile. Unfortunately, as the years passed by, the Hoxian found that she was far too restless and impatient for such a career. As she entered the surgeons’ cafeteria, Evandria could not help but wonder how different would have been should she decided to become a healer.

The room was inhabited by very few people so it wasn’t difficult to spot a Seventen’s green uniform. As she focused on them, she could hear Emric’s deep voice, talking. “I remember him. We never did talk all that much in Brunnhold.” Just as the inspector finished, the young woman took a seat beside him. He then turned to the hazel-eyed woman. “I do not know much however. Only that he was from Mugroba and was with you, Nic.”

The Hoxian was finally looking somewhat presentable. A cold water splash on her face had returned its colors to normal and her raven hair was no longer all over the place. The white shirt she wore was clearly oversized and its sleeves she had folded up neatly – from the scent and its fine quality, she would have guessed that it was Emric’s own. She was still wearing her pants, but they were more than dark enough to hide any unpleasant stains.

Evandria looked between the trio. The way Emric had addressed Niccolette was surprisingly familiar. Had they known each other? “Did I miss anything?” she asked lightly.

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Niccolette Ibutatu
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Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:37 am

Evening, 33rd Yaris, 2719
Grand Mercy Hospital, Vienda
Sy’rien’s eyes went wide with surprise then, and an apologetic look swept over his face. “My apologies,” he said, concern in his Anaxi-accented tones. “I had not thought, of course…”

Niccolette felt as much as saw Sy’rien turn to look at her, and it was as hard as anything she had ever done to keep her smile smooth and even. From Mugroba and with her, Niccolette thought. Yes, of course. She knew what she had to do, because Sy’rien’s gaze was still fixed solidly on her, because the silence had stretched a moment or two too long.

Evandria had returned from the bathroom, cleaned up and dressed in a men’s shirt, and she looked between them, something like uncertainty on her face as she asked if she had missed anything. There was an empty chair for her, a fourth in the little cluster Sy’rien had chosen.

Niccolette settled her hands in her lap, and let the right rest of the left, so that she could feel the metal of her wedding ring against her fingers. She found a place of stillness in herself, almost like casting. “What Sy’rien meant,” she said, quietly, and if her voice was not quite cheerful, it was steady and even and did not tremble, “is that Uzoji was my husband.” A moment, there – just a moment, but Niccolette knew she could not stay in it, and she did not hold long enough for anyone else to speak. “He returned to the cycle last Intas.”

There was a beat of silence there. Sy’rien’s eyes were lowered, and he looked suitably uncomfortable, as if thoroughly repentant for the gravity of his faux pas. Niccolette did not apologize for it, did not offer up any polite phrases about the mood or the awkwardness or the weight of what she had said.

Sy’rien was already talking, rushing into the space that Niccolette’s words had left. “Naturally, I assumed you knew,” he said, contrite and apologetic. “I’m terribly sorry.”

Niccolette wondered if Sy’rien’s apologies were for making her say it, or for bringing it up in the first place, or for putting Emric and Evandria in an awkward situation. She wondered if they were meant to cover all three, and maybe something more besides, or perhaps none of the above – Niccolette knew something about polite nothings, these days, more than she had ever wanted to, the sort of words memorized and repeated that had always seemed to her powerless; they were no better now.

The Bastian’s field still held clear and indectal in the air around her; there was not a shift of blueshift or redshift, not the faintest peek into her emotions for Sy’rien or Emric or Evandria, no matter how close they sat. And if she could not quite hide the pain on her face as she spoke, if she could not quite say it without feeling, neither had she wept or shouted or sobbed or thrown anything. The good widow, Niccolette thought, dizzily. She would not hand Sy’rien this weapon to harm her with - and she did not believe for a moment he had not known what he was doing.

Last edited by Niccolette Ibutatu on Thu Nov 14, 2019 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Evandria Sericks
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Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:01 am

She looked to Emric as he lowered his head slightly. His usual bravado fading away, replaced by something that she rarely saw. “I am sorry for your loss, Nic.”

Evandria looked between the trio once more. The Hoxian then focused her gaze on Niccolette, not lingering too long to be noticeable. Intas was merely a few seasons ago. To lose a loved one… Evandria knew a thing or two about that. The woman held herself together rather impressively. Still, she recognized the look. She wore the same face for quite a while, after all. There was no words to describe the grief. There was also no word that could ever make it better.

And so, she offered none.

Silence stretched between them once more, filling the room uncomfortably. Fortunately, a human servant came by with a tray of food. After she placed the glass of coffee and a bowl of fruit in front of Emric, Evandria felt her own stomach grumble. Just as she opened her mouth to order, the inspector slid the bowl towards her.

It was the best chance for her to change the topic.

She did not know what connection they had to each other and despite her curiosity, it was not the right time for her to ask questions. Besides, there was still the matter of Lorcan. That should be her main focus for the evening. “What do I– What do we need to do make sure he gets back to his feet?” And then there was the matter of money. There was no guarantee that the Seventen would help them cover the costs. “Any therapies, medication, I’ll pay for it. Give him all you can.”
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Niccolette Ibutatu
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Sun Oct 27, 2019 11:07 am

Evening, 33rd Yaris, 2719
Grand Mercy Hospital, Vienda
Niccolette inclined her head gently in response to Emric’s courtesies; she did not meet his eyes, and she did not say anything else, but sat in quiet silence. She did not mind that Evandria said nothing; she thought she felt the Hoxian’s eyes on her for a moment, but she did not lift her gaze to check.

Silence stretched between them all. Sy’rien cleared his throat and shifted slightly in his chair, as if he meant to speak, but he did not. Niccolette simply held, and waited for this moment, too, to pass.

The arrival of the drinks and food broke the tension. Niccolette took a cup of tea with lemon squeezed into it. Sy’rien had ordered something like a tea service, and there was a small plate of delicate sandwiches, wafer thin slices of vegetables and cheese or meat between soft white bread, and a few biscuits as well. Niccolette glanced down at them, and did not take any, what little appetite she had found long since gone. She sipped quietly at her tea instead and cradled the cup in her hands a moment too long; there seemed to be no such thing as too hot for her, these days, and the warmth that might once been uncomfortable her felt only – pleasant.

Sy’rien smiled at Evandria. “He’s lucky to have such a devoted friend,” the doctor said, and if there was a question in his voice, he kept it well-hidden. “It’s early still. For tonight, the best thing is to let him rest; the body is its own best healer. We only try to guide the way.” He set his cup down, gesturing with his long, graceful hands as he spoke.

“Every indication from the surgery is that he’ll recover well,” Sy’rien said, firmly, meeting Evandria’s eyes once more. “The attendants will set his leg and immobilize it. I’ll check on him personally tomorrow, and make sure that everything is still where it should be, but I don’t expect any surprises.”

“There will need to be therapy,” Sy’rien explained. “He can’t use the leg at all at least for the next season – if it were up to me, I’d keep him here in the hospital two weeks, given how much blood he lost and how severe the injury was, and I’d only agree to discharge him if I knew he had someone who could take care of him. After he’s back on his feet, he’ll need a course of therapy to get the leg back to its old strength. For now, the focus is on making sure pain and weakness don’t keep him from sleeping and eating well. We try to maintain what we can of the normal rhythms of the body as it heals.” He sat back and took another sip of his tea.

“It’s a good deal to take in,” Sy’rien said, frankly. “Such injuries always are. But he’s in the best of hands here, and I have every confidence he’ll be his old self sooner than you know.”

Last edited by Niccolette Ibutatu on Thu Nov 14, 2019 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Evandria Sericks
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Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:55 am

“It is,” Evandria admitted as she leaned back in her seat. There was still a slight discomfort in the air between them, but the young woman took it all in a stride. “Of course, I am sure you will take good care of him, Doctor Palevi. I can’t hope for anything more.” She turned to Niccolette who had been silent during the entire explanation. “Will you also be involved, Mrs. Ibutatu?”

Two weeks of hospitalization. It would not be cheap. The moment he woke up, Evandria could already see him insisting that he did not need so much treatment. While his constable pay was not ungenerous, between sending money to his family and fulfilling his own basic needs… It would stretch his budget thin. Perhaps it would be better if she could finalize the whole treatment plan and pay for it before he had the chance to refuse. She had no doubt the rest of their friends would love to pitch in.

“Our squad lives together. I am sure we can take care of him.” The confidence in her voice did not match her thoughts, but Evandria was an expert at hiding her doubts. Still, she knew they could make it work somehow. Lysandra was fussier than a wet nurse and Ryker was always over enthusiastic with any task given to him. “Perhaps we can be briefed by your or one of your staffs on how to manage him before he got discharged?”

“I can help,” Emric suddenly chimed in.

“You?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. She could not tell if the inspector was joking or being serious. “You two can barely stand each other. As I recall, the last interaction you two had ended up in you two nearly passed out on a tavern floor, desperately trying to crawl over to each other to land a punch. I was a bit disappointed that he didn’t get to hit you.”

He shrugged innocently, taking another sip of his hot coffee. “We had fun. Besides, it’s the least I could do. And I also need your squad to be fully functional as soon as possible for my work to be done.” She had been wondering why Emric decided to stay. Of course, it wasn’t out of the kindness of his heart.

The Hoxian rolled her eyes as she reached for the fruit bowl. Once again, her stomach growled uncomfortably. “Good to know you are truly worried of Lorcan’s wellbeing.” With a shake of her head, she turned back to the two healers in front of her. “You mentioned pain earlier, Doctor Palevi. I am guessing that it would take quite a variety to keep Lorcan’s in control? To be frank, I am a bit worried. I have arrested far too many addicts not to know the dangers of painkillers.”
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Niccolette Ibutatu
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Tue Nov 05, 2019 12:45 pm

Evening, 33rd Yaris, 2719
Grand Mercy Hospital, Vienda
Evandria turned to her and asked if she would be involved.

Niccolette raised her eyebrows slightly. She had not thought of it; she had not thought of much of anything, these last minutes. There was the slight warmth of the cup in her hands; the distant sound of Sy’rien’s voice. She knew that she should be focusing on it; she was sure what he was saying was important. It washed over her in waves, slow and steady, and there was little that she could seem to take in.

Slowly, Niccolette brought herself back to the present. She set the cup down, and glanced at her hands, surprised to see the skin of her palms slightly reddened. She ran her thumb over it, lightly, but – it did not feel warm, not to her. Slowly, carefully, she curled her hands together, and tucked them lightly into her lap, and she lifted her gaze to Sy’rien.

He was looking at her, curiously, and she thought perhaps he had been waiting.

What had Evandria asked? Niccolette could not – could not quite –

“Well,” Sy’rien was saying into the silence. “It would make things easier, Nicco, actually – if you’d like to continue helping me with Constable Lorcan?” Perhaps he had thought she was waiting for him to answer for her; Niccolette hoped so.

“Of course,” Niccolette said, and smiled, and did her best to pretend as if she had been following this whole time, and had merely wanted him to confirm that she could help. She turned back to Evandria. “I am sure I shall find ways to be of assistance,” she shrugged.

It should be interesting, to watch the bones of the leg knit back together. Niccolette found such things quite fascinating, and she had rarely seen a leg so shattered as Lorcan’s had been. She knew, too, that Sy’rien truly had done an exceptional job fitting the leg back together; she doubted her own work could have been anything like so neat and precise. Niccolette rather thought she would enjoy watching the progress of it, and perhaps learning some new monitoring spells.

Niccolette picked up one of the sandwiches, and nibbled at it – one small bite at a time, and she set the sandwich down between each, but she picked up back up again, and before long she had managed the whole thing. There was something of a knot in her stomach, but she thought perhaps the sandwich had helped, rather than making the ache worse.

Sy’rien seemed to be letting Emric and Evandria talk over Lorcan’s recovery, although it was clear he was listening intently. He met Evandria’s eyes when she turned back to him, and nodded, seriously.

“You understand the problem well, then,” he said, taking a sip of his tea and setting the cup back down. “I won’t pretend it’s simple, or that Grand Mercy has never over-prescribed painkillers. What I can offer you is that we have strict guidelines here for the appropriate prescription of painkillers, and that it is my personal philosophy to stop the course of treatment as soon as the body can handle the pain on its own. Judging that time is something I am very conscious of – one does not want to set the body back in its recovery – but as soon as possible, we’ll wean the Constable off of the painkillers. I have no doubt that Lorcan is strong-willed enough to handle the transition. If we had a better way to let the body recover, I should be glad.”

There was a serious frown on his face, at those words, a moment when he had drawn intently into himself, but he looked back up at Evandria and smiled. “I’m not sure how reassuring that was,” Sy’rien said, ruefully. “Do you feel at least a little better?”

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Evandria Sericks
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Mon Nov 18, 2019 7:48 pm

It certainly was not the most reassuring words she had ever heard. Only last week, she had arrested an addict with the needle still in his arm. He swore to her that he was taking it for The sergeant gave Sy’rien a wan smile, her hand running through her dark hair. “It is a whole lot better than nothing, I assure you. I am entrusting a dear friend to you, Doctor Palevi.”

A sigh escaped her as she leaned deeper into her chair. The tension refused to leave her body and she doubted it would until she could be at Lorcan’s side. Until she could see him open his eyes, hear his voice calling her name. Then he would tell her that she was worrying too much, that he was perfectly fine. Her stomach growled once more so she reached for the bowl, choosing a sliced apple to munch on.

She turned to look at Emric. He did not bother to hide the fact that he was staring at her, his blue eyes trained on her face in order to observe every twitch of her muscle. Often times she forgot that the inspector did not need his perceptive magic to read people’s thoughts. “You should go home and rest. I will watch him till tomorrow.” Then he looked at her up and down. “Are you hurt?”

Evandria shrugged, wincing a bit as she did so. “Nothing worth mentioning.” The young woman had took account of her injuries as she changed earlier. A blooming bruise on her shoulder from slamming a door open, some abrasions on her arms – things that would heal well enough on its own. “I am fine. I’ll stay until Lorcan wakes up."

Unwilling to give the inspector another chance to insist on sending her home, the Hoxian turned her gaze to Sy’rien and Niccolette. “So, how do you all know each other?”
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Niccolette Ibutatu
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Tue Nov 19, 2019 3:56 pm

Evening, 33rd Yaris, 2719
Grand Mercy Hospital, Vienda
Sy’rien held Evandria’s gaze through her wan smile, meeting it with a kind, sympathetic look. “It is a responsibility I can assure you I take seriously,” he promised.

Niccolette watched, this time. She held there in the moment, and she frowned, ever so slightly, her gaze lingering just a moment longer on Sy’rien. And then, with the faintest shrug of her shoulders, she looked away. Perhaps he had changed, Niccolette thought, although she found it still hard to imagine. She glanced back at Evandria, and thought that another explanation might be more likely. It did not trouble her, not particularly, not either way.

Niccolette was still looking at the Seventen when Evandria turned back to her. She smiled, faintly, and glanced sideways at Sy’rien. “We were classmates at Brunnhold,” Niccolette said. She shifted her crossed feet, and smiled at the surgeon. “You have come a long way since then, I think,” Niccolette said, lightly. “I did not know once could bridge Pikewood and Mas’anthor.”

“Ah!” Sy’rien grinned, his eyes sparking with interest. “Our instructors would have said it’s not possible. Conventional wisdom is to pair Pikewood with some tedious lengthy spellcaster like Jameela, following those archaic principles of balance,” white teeth flashed in his face. “But as you saw, I’ve done it.” He said it simply, almost without arrogance, as if his brilliance was simply a matter of fact.

“Impressive,” Niccolette said, smiling now. She turned back to Evandria, and glanced over at Emric. “Of course, Emric was our yearmate as well.” There was a brief pause, and then a rather different grin on Niccolette’s face, something with a little edge of wickedness to it. “Em, in those days. Or else, Emmie.”

Sy’rien coughed a laugh into his hand, reaching for his coffee. The door opened, and the surgeon glanced up, and raised his brows at the sight of his assistant. “My apologies,” he grinned. “No rest for the wicked, I’m afraid. Sergeant Sericks, Inspector Leverenz, it was a pleasure to meet you both. Please feel free to stay here as long as you like - you are my guests still. Mrs. Ibutatu?” He rose and bowed.

Niccolette rose as well, and bowed as well. She smiled at Evandria, nodded to Emric, and followed Sy’rien from the room, into the hallway.

“You know,” Sy’rien said casually, “I’m working on a paper on the Pikewood-Mas’anthor bridge. I’ve had several colleagues testify to its success, but another pair of eyes on the draft would be most welcome.”

“Of course,” Niccolette said, smiling, well aware of the way Sy’rien’s gaze was drifting over her once more. “Feel free to have it sent to my hotel.” She smiled at him, then turned, crisply, and followed his assistant down the hall, without sparing so much as half a glance behind.

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Evandria Sericks
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Thu Nov 28, 2019 5:48 am

Evandria lowered her head in acknowledgement as the two healers said their goodbyes and left to attend whatever business they had waiting. It was the first time she realized that the room was actually by then. She did not even know what time was it. The young woman sagged even lower into her chair, hugging the bowl of fruit close to her body. “This season just keeps getting better and better!”

Not missing the sharp sarcasm in her words, Emric’s eyebrow rose in accusation. “As far as I can tell, you are almost always directly causing all the troubles you are in. It hasn’t even been half a season of you being here.”

Evandria sighed. “Don’t remind me.” She did not need him telling her that. Was it happening again? Her obsession over the Resistance? She liked to believe that her decisions so far had been thought through. Yet, the fact that one of her closest friends were lying in a hospital bed was probably prove of otherwise. “Why are you here, Emric?”

“I heard that you got into some trouble and I had to make sure you were alright.”

“What are you really doing here?” Her eyes narrowed as she met his gaze. While circumstances had recently forced them together on a multitude of things, it was still quite difficult to believe the fact that he really was checking on her.

His blue eyes rolled in annoyance. “I am serious. I cannot have you die and leave me taking care of all the mess you have caused.” That sounded mostly true. It would be better for him if she did not get herself killed.

Nonetheless, even though she would never admit it, the company made her feel a little better. When left alone, her mind tend to wander into dark places. One of the few person that could pull her out of that spiral was unconscious and that meant she had to occupy herself. Without any warning, Evandria leapt to her feet. “I am going to stay with Lorcan until he wakes up.” A half smile tugged at her lips as she remembered what Niccolette brought up. “Are you coming or not, Emmie?”

The inspector groaned as he rose from his seat. He looked genuinely bothered with the nickname – which gave her all the more reason to use it. “Don’t even start.” He offered his arm to her, which the sergeant took as they headed for the wards.
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