Nerves and Heartache

Vivian's causing a few problems.

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Vivian Rush
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Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:36 pm

36 Ophus, 2718
"This is becoming a problem Vivian."

I know it is, she reflected, though the young galdor kept her lips sealed even as the massive, elderly woman began to admonish her. Normally, Vivian wasn't the sort to endure this, staunch to defend herself but this time... She was in the wrong. Next to Mrs. Rogers, nestled into the third bed from the right side of the door to the Infirmary rested the twitching abomination that Vivian Rush created.

Anger, so quick to fester in the galdor's heart, lashed out. Her voice was a low sway, to and fro as she beseeched the mona to teach this wretched soul the lesson she required of it. She sang her admonishment, pulling the mona to her tune. Then, she saw it. The features before her began to curve in pain. Waifish arms carried wide hands along the woman's neck before she clenched her jaw. Fingers buried into her ears. Vivian raised a hand as she watched the twitch in her body.

A smile.

Then, she stepped forward. That raised hand caressed the passive's cheek, moisture welling against her index digit before she snapped. Vivian's hand shifted, nails digging into the passive's scalp as she continued to sing into her ear. Slowly, the singing stopped and the galdor pressed forward, seizing her servant's lips violently with her own. A flash of delight curved the galdor's lips, desire a heady mistress but ignored as she completed the muffled spell against the curr's lips.

"Please," the trash begged of her better and soon after, the darkness overtook her. She began to sway, and Vivian saw no reason to intervene as she crashed to the ground in a heap.

Shivers wracked the passive's form, her collapsed figure rested on her side. Fingers trembled and the galdor couldn't help but admire what she'd done. Even if she knew it was wrong, the performance was the release she'd craved. Still, she licked her lips as Mrs. Rogers lecture continued, heard but not received. There were other things to think about, of course.

"Are you listening to me, Vivian?! This cannot continue!" she yelled out, breaking the younger galdor's focus as at last she paid attention to the elderly woman.

"Of course I am," she snapped, quite displeased with the matter. Yes, I was wrong. Are we quite done? was the sassy retort, begging for utterance. Of course, Vivian Rush had better control of herself than that. The redhead clenched her fists for but a moment, offering Cicely Rogers nothing but a fine smile as she said,

"Please, can you keep this between us? The Headmistress really need not be involved. I've been under a great deal of duress! There's a report due in three days and I've yet to hear a word from him," she seethed, referring to her increasingly distant employer.

"Yes, the Chairs are busy, but how am I expected to process all of his work with no time or contact? Not to mention the other thing," she said, allowing emotion to suffuse into her visage. Her eyes grew wide, and her lips carried a subtle twitch. She leaned forward, and fingers combed her own cheek. Long fingernails brushed just beneath her eye, to wipe away a non-existent tear.

Mrs. Rogers, at last, offered a sympathetic smile, nodding her head, "The only person I've notified is your mother. She'll be here shortly."

"YOU WHAT?!" Vivian's words felt shrill, even though the dulcet tunes often carried pleasantly from her plump lips.

"Yes. She's offered a solution. You'll see. I'll be back in a few," she said, closing their little discussion before heading off. Vivian cradled her chin in her hands, displeasure creeping along her spine.

I'm not a kid anymore! Who the clock does she think she is?!

The echo of footsteps was heard in the distance, and Vivian Rush did her utmost to restore her composure. The clicking grew louder still, and she dabbed the hesitant tears from the sides of her eyes. Then, she adjusted her coat and slung a leg over the other as her fingertips trailed gingerly over the prone passive's wrist.

So lovely... but so stupid, she assessed with cold eyes.
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Lucian Rush
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Mon Feb 25, 2019 4:32 pm

36th Orphus
"But that doesn’t explain why I have to leave here, Ma,” Lucian had spent the last twenty minutes or so listening to Coraline Rush, his mother, rattle on about Vivian and the potential embarrassment of yet another passive being hospitalised as a result of Vivian’s harsh treatment. Whatever the Rush matriarch said, Vivian’s embarrassment would never be as big as the disgrace Lucian was. He could see it in her face: how her eyes flickered over his face rather than ever properly look at him, how her lips remained tight, hard lines. Her whole form remained stiff, as it putting on a front to the public. Lucian was now an outsider.

Because each day you linger here depletes your sister’s inheritance,” the woman said it with such a blasé attitude that Lucian couldn’t help but flinch. Not only was he a burden, but he had been disinherited without a word. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to him, what else did he expect, now that he was magically inept? If the woman noticed he son’s distress, however, it didn’t stop her. “You can’t stay here indefinitely. I am told your rehabilitation is complete... while you will remain... disordered, your speech is adequate and in line with the rest of your development.

Lucian blinked. “Okay...” it was news to him, not that staff here bothered to actually talk to their patients. “And what do they suggest I do with my time, then? A passive who spent years cultivating a relationship with mona and thought of little else...” his voice cracked as he spoke. Saying it aloud made it real, and it was still hard to face that reality. “...what am I supposed to do?

Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Lucian,” his mother admonished impatiently, “It is not for the staff here to find you employment. You have lost your ability to cast, not your ability to think for yourself. However... as it happens, I have decided what to do with you.” The boy, who had flushed and dipped his head, found his gaze shooting back up to meet his mother’s eyes. As usual, the shared eye-contact didn’t last for long. “Come with me.

What do you-” but Coraline was already leaving his room, clearly expecting him to follow. Though he wanted nothing more than to stay within the safety of the four walls he had come to call home over the past few months, that no longer seemed to be an option. On shaky legs - caused by emotional rather than physical trauma - Lucian stood and hurried to catch up.
Last edited by Lucian Rush on Sun Mar 01, 2020 12:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Vivian Rush
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Mon Feb 25, 2019 5:11 pm

Click. Click. Click.

The footsteps grew louder and louder as very expensive heels carried the Rush matriarch towards the infirmary. Vivian's fingertips tightened against the collapsed servant's wrist, and she willed the mona to act on her behalf. The woman lulled the patient into a deeper sleep, gently coaxing the mona into lavishing the mind over and over with gentle, soothing music.

It simply wouldn't do for her to be awake right now, she reasoned. This servant held a weapon against the Rush heiress, a blade of truth that the young galdor would rather see sheathed than at the ready. The music poured into the passive's ear, deeper and deeper the lullaby formed until the heiress heard the twisting of the doorknob. She didn't cease the lullaby when it opened, and instead, she let the tune turn sweeter and softer.

The mona carried around the room, and certainly, the matriarch would both feel and hear the utterance of the spell. The confusion was prevalent on her expression, but quickly it was expunged. Coraline Rush stood proud, and behind her was not one, but two figures. The massive girth of Cicely Rogers cloaked the second from her view, however. The matriarch stepped to the side, allowing Mrs. Rogers and... Lucian?

"Hello, mother," she offered as she willed the distress to wilt from her countenance. Mother and daughter caught knowing glances, shifting between the prone passive and the matriarch. Coraline's unreadable features melted into a smile, and Vivian Rush knew that everything was going to be just fine. At least, between them.

"Dear, we taught you better than this. Why must you insist on assaulting the passives?" she asked, a weight in her voice that spoke of her fatigue.

Did you, though? she mused, knowing full well that Coraline Rush was putting up a front for the entirely too sympathetic Mrs. Rogers. The Rush heiress knew to carry the admonishment and allowed the weight of her burdens to crash down on her in full. She looked to Lucian, offering a shaky smile before she said,

"Does a master assault his mutt when he does wrong? Yes, I got carried away, but that sort of language is very wrong, mother."

"Vivian, please-"

"You're right. Mrs. Rogers, I'm so sorry for burdening you,"

"That's not what this is about, Vivian! You're attacking someone!" Mrs. Rogers interjected.

Someone? This trash is just a pretty face.

"My assistants need to be suited to their position, Mrs. Rogers. What I'm doing is an effort to... course correct. It hasn't gone the way I wanted it to," she ruminated aloud. The heiress offered her brother a smile before she rose to her feet. Fluid steps carried her over to Lucian, kissing both of her suffering brother's cheeks before wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

"It's so good to see you up and about!" she exclaimed before Coraline Rush snapped her fingers in distaste.

"You'll have plenty of time for that later, Vivian. Lucian's going to replace this... girl," she said, waving her hand dismissively over the prone passive.

Wait... what?
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Lucian Rush
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Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:22 pm

36th Orphus
The walk was silent. Something was different between them, and Lucian doubted it had anything to do with his mother’s worry over her firstborn. No, Lucian knew what he was now: an irregularity in an already minority group. He was raceless, really: a galdor who could not use magic, a passive who could converse with mona. He wondered if that was worse for his mother than if he had been designated a passive as a child.

Instead of early disappointment and an easy grieving process, he had left his parents to suffer the reality of having a bright future for their children dangled in front of them, only to have it torn away. This frigid silence was clue enough: Coraline had lost her son, and she was coming to terms with it. In the vague memories of the days after he woke up, Lucian remembered his sister coming to see him. He wondered if she had refused to look at him too, the same distant pity flashing across her eyes whenever Coraline’s eyes accidentally met with her invalid son’s.

The answer wasn’t long lost to him, as he entered into the infirmary ward, a few steps behind his mother. His gaze was carefully trained away from Vivian’s as he entered, looking at the patient in the bed, the matron, out the window, at anything but her. He was, for the first time in all their years together, frightened of what he would see. Conversation washed over him, a familiar lull of voices which left the most important things unspoken. Lucian, of course, knew what was being said.

Discovering you were a passive was a fear for nigh every galdori child. Highly unlikely, of course, given how rare they were, but a fear nonetheless. Hitting teen years, having passed the test, the indoctrination into the fear and disgust towards the lesser race was cemented, and Lucian was no exception to that rule. He had never treated passives the way Vivian did, but he was hardly kind to them either. Now… he was on the flip side. He had barely accepted his fate, but seeing that girl on the bed caused that awareness to hit him in the gut. They spoke so flippantly about the girl, and all Lucian could think of was how it could be him lying in the bed, with a mother-daughter pair talking over him.

I-” He must have looked like a right gormless fool as he belatedly raised his hands to grasp her, dropping them mere moments later as Vivian backed away. It was a far better greeting than he had hoped for, but it was Vivian, and he should never have doubted her. “There’s nothing wrong with my legs, Viv.” Lucian didn’t quite smile, but it wasn’t a grimace either. His sister’s greeting reminded him why this was okay, why everything was as it should be. “Just my mind.” The bandages had been removed some time ago, the wounds long since physically healed. But the scar was still evident on his head, mores because of the visibility of the line of flesh through his dark hair.

Coraline’s announcement was new to Lucian, but not shocking. In a distant part of his mind, he knew this was the best option. So -called false passives, those who already had a relationship with mona, were not like true passives. Similar in so many ways, but different in more, and the treatment reflected that. They were an embarrassment, in their own way, but they were more likely to be hidden away than sent away. He had expected to be taken home by his parents, there to have little impact on society other than burden it. As soon as his mother spoke, however, it all fell into place for Lucian. His parents wouldn’t want him at home, a constant reminder of familial disgrace. With Viv… well he didn’t know what it would be like, but a chance to be with Vivian meant the world to him.

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Vivian Rush
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Wed May 08, 2019 7:05 pm

Time Stamp
The servitude of passives to the galdori was something of an oddity. The practice, in Vivian's experience, was almost unique to Brunnhold and Vivian Rush preferred it that way. The lesser brethren of the galdori were hardly more than human, and far more dangerous for it. Whatever it was about the school that made them believe passives were capable of servitude... time had proven them right and Vivian was along for the idea of it.

At least it gives them a purpose, she'd reasoned over and over again. In time, she'd become convinced of their utility as handmaidens and help, but there was more she required of them. The passives that Vivian hired into her service were invariably female, handpicked by the galdori woman. Suited to her tastes, she'd come to rely on their existence for... other things. Vivian might never tell her brother and much less her family of the extent of her involvement with them, but nonetheless, the evidence of it was present to those that paid attention.

Vivian looked between Lucian and the prone passive. Still held by the heiress' sleep spell, she'd be unlikely to wake up while there were others in the room. Then, she cast a meaningful look towards Lucian. Nearly imperceptible movements of her bust were indicative of breath. She steadied her mind, taking but a fraction of a second to portray the face of civility before she turned to her mother. Then, she nodded. With a scathing look to her brother, she lifted her chin just slightly before she told him,

"Not that it's anything new to you to be short of mind is it, Lucian? In any case... if we're all done here I'd like to take my leave. I'm very busy," she added. This meeting was, in truth, directly interfering with her busy schedule. The heiress was doing her utmost to clean up the mess of her superior's absence and moreover she had places to be. A letter held against her breast and a decision weighed heavily on her. A decision she couldn't take to her parents. But, perhaps, Lucian might be of assistance.

"Come, brother," she told her new charge. Vivian stepped forward, pressing her lips to her mother's cheek respectfully. Mrs. Rogers, on the other hand, seemed quite surprised by the sudden turn of events.

"We're not done here, Viv-"

"But we are. You've made your point, Mrs. Rogers. And I'll keep your complaints in mind. I, however, have much more to tend to than impromptu summons and idle conversation. Good day."

Without waiting for the approval of anyone in the room, Vivian made her exit. When the door closed behind her, whether or not Lucian followed her, she let out a heavy sigh of relief.

"Foolish girl," she murmured, referring to herself as she ruminated on the logical fallacies of her endeavors.

Lucian's presence will make it more difficult to get away with such... enterprise. But, it's undeniable that this is the best course of action for his... predicament. Mother is wise, she reflected, leaving it at that. Once she heard the footsteps of her brother behind her, she'd turn her head and offer the false passive a smile,

"Oh, brother. There's no need to be so melancholic, is there? You've had a rough go, but you're still my Knight, aren't you? You'll always be," she affirmed, offering Lucian a dazzling smile before she pushed forward to enlighten the elder Rush twin.

"You've always protected me, Lucian. Now, allow me to protect you. Please," she beseeched him.
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Lucian Rush
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Sat May 11, 2019 5:31 pm

36th Orphus
The relationship between twins was an indescribable one. Some shared a womb and little more. For Lucian and Vivian, however, their relationship was something... more. As close as any two lovers could be, Lucian could see his sister. He knew her eyes, each twitch of facial muscles, each unspoken sound. Vivian could not be described as a woman who wore heart heart on her sleeve... but, to Lucian, she was an open book, there to browse as his pleasure.

Despite outward appearances, nothing about the younger twin screamed danger. The matron might have fears for his safety in much the same way she seemed to worry about the magically comatose passive on the bed between them, but the disinherited heir betrayed none of that same emotion. This was his sister, and she was, as ever, defensive in her wilful pride.

Of course,” hands clasped behind his back, he about turned and made towards the door without so much as a backwards glance at their mother. He paused only briefly when the Rogers woman spoke, but did not spare her a look either, eyes only for his sister to deal with it, and rightly she did, before they were once again on the move and out of the room.

For his part, Lucian did not immediately speak, waiting for Vivian - who he had always allowed to take the lead - to make the first move. This was new territory for both of them... and, while he knew his sister would rely on him for support, he knew he needed Vivian’s guidance in reintergrating back into the world with a new status.

Who, the passive, or the matron?” the boy asked quietly. Vivian had always had a far more blasé, even callous attitude towards others, regardless of their race. It wasn’t that she was needlessly cruel as such, just that she had no mind for the experiences of others, where Lucian strove towards understanding. “Or Mother?” It was probably what made them such an effective team, a great intellect and great compassion. Perhaps their mother’s decision to pair them once more was not punishment for either, but a chance for temperance.

Melancholy?” He allowed his own smile, smaller but no less genuine. “Oh, Vivian. Knowing my future as I have these past few days, I would still change nothing. You are the only sister I have, and I will love and defend you until I draw my last breath.

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Sat Feb 22, 2020 7:23 pm

There was no denying the love that Vivian felt for her brother. The only man their age to ever touch Vivian in any way resembling intimate, there was a measured distance between the Liaison of Internal Affairs and her male galdori colleagues. Quiet respect and intellectual conversation, it was only Lucian that had an intellectual understanding of his younger sister's mind, and truly, she was glad that she did. As much as Vivian loved her parents, and she truly did, they were older and lacked the understanding of the pressure placed upon their children by them. Now that the pressure was solely hers to bear, she'd rely extensively on Lucian for his support until the day came that his injuries were fully healed.

Vivian had full faith in the fact that her brother would overcome these limitations... she had to. Otherwise, the feeling of responsibility would turn to overwhelming guilt, and as much as she loved him dearly, she wasn't sure just how much guilt she could survive without slowly pushing her dear brother away and isolating herself from him. Vivian despised the notion, and the fear was palpable in the woman's field. She made no effort to hide it from him, for she needed him to feel it. She needed him to understand just how nervous all of this made her.

But then, Lucian interrupted her thoughts with the question. She'd spoken aloud, but perhaps didn't quite mean to. She'd called herself foolish, a derogatory remark that disturbed her more than she thought it should. Vivian was always the picture of confidence and competence, high-strung and high-functioning in her efforts to disguise the disturbing qualities that had been pointed out in her encounter with the last passive to fall to the fury of her monic attacks. She knew that Lucian would understand, the study of Perceptive magic, after all, was something they'd both taken to quite thoroughly. Even if Lucian didn't push himself to the darker qualities of the conversation, he'd likely appreciate her notes as she mused them aloud,

"I was referring to myself... It was a grave miscalculation. You, more than anyone else, Lucian know that I lack the time to go out and dally. It would be too simple, to have the time and resources to invoke a romance. And yet... none of the women in this place are worthwhile."

No one but Lucian knew the secret that Vivian Rush was a lesbian, an heiress with no inclination to reproduce and pass on the line to the next generation. Always, she kept those secrets close to her chest, not for fear of being rebuked socially, for there was no prejudices she could see on the fact of that. However, her parents always dreamed for her to bear children, to rear them and send them through Brunnhold just as Coraline and Alcastor had for them. It was all the more difficult, for Vivian to share this with them in the wake of Lucian's disinheritance.

"The female left in her state of slumber... that passive. There were too many emotions going through my head. I'd been pent up, angry, maybe even a bit bitter... Never at you, Lucian, but I'd been with mother earlier that day and it was in my mind the entire time. Then, pair that with..."" Admitting her physical frustrations was something she found difficult, even with her beloved brother, Vivian's field wavered with deep embarrassment that dampened the usually haughty woman's countenance. She hid her face from her brother before at last she allowed herself to roll on to a more scientific assessment.

"There was no backlash upon the caster, but in the wake of such anger, I allowed my spell to delve deeper than originally intended. Usually, and as you know, a Perceptive will often deal with the conscious mind, the efforts focused on the active thoughts of the brain without greater focus laid upon the homeostatic impulses that are controlled by the subconscious. I suppose, in my eagerness to twist the passive, the song I was singing veered too deeply and unhinged the subconscious commands and she ceased her breathing. I did what I could in the moment to reverse it, but it was quite the mess turning the passive over to the medical staff to deal with,"

Spellwriting was by no means the girl's expertise, and she'd perhaps fallen too far from the path of her known spells. She'd reference her grimoire later in the evening, and perhaps bring Lucian along for the investigation into it so that his mind for the arcane remained sharp even as his brain continued to heal. Perhaps Vivian had moved too far into the scientific, for when Lucian's smile brandished upon his features, a chuckle escaped her own.

However, first she felt the tears well in her eyes, Lucian's reassurances drawing from her at last the sense of compassion that she lacked for anyone else. Her field waxed with the happiness his utterance brought her, and she quickly stopped, turned on her feet and pressed into her brother's chest. She placed a gentle kiss on each of his cheeks before her hand rose up to gently brush along his chin.

"You've always been the merciful one out of the two of us. Don't worry about anything, Lucian. You'll be safe, loved, and useful in my employ. I have no intention of making things easy for you. I've been in need for an assistant and the Office of Internal Affairs needs the presence of a person I can trust. While I lament why you're placed in my employ, I can't help but feel that it's necessary.

Thank you, Lucian,"
she added, pressing a last kiss to his forehead before they turned. The pair were very close to the carriages, and she'd have him help her into it before they continued along.

Do you have any questions about what you'll be doing? Or would you rather speak of other things?"
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Lucian Rush
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Sun Mar 01, 2020 1:20 pm

36th Orphus
None of this was fair… which was, in and of itself, a massive understatement, and unnecessary to even think about… but Lucian allowed his damaged mind a moment or two of self-pity. He also felt it for Vivian. Now that the prodigal son was all but useless, with all family expectations dismantled, Vivian was all they had left, and she would feel the pressure weighing her down already. He could see it in the way she walked, mere days - or was it weeks? - after the accident. He also felt it radiating out of her. Anyone would notice that. She already suffered because of him, because he was no longer who he was meant to be.

But there was something else there too, Lucian mused as he turned his head a little more to scrutinise his sister. A determination in the way she moved. She was already plotting and scheming, as only Vivian could do after being cornered by their mother. His twin’s mind never really stopped, even as children, she was always coming up with new proposals and strategies for the two of them to try out, even something as simple as trying to wrangle extra puddings at dinner time required time beforehand plotting it out.

Yes, well…” he began, mulling over the words in his mind before speaking. “Is that really a top priority right now anyway?” Vivian’s words were… well at best they could be considered chaotic. Her mind seemed to be jumping all over the place, seemingly unable to construct a cohesive narrative. Lucian couldn’t help but smile. He had been told that was his problem now - an inability to be coherent in thought and speech. Yet here was his sister, talking about women and passives and emotions without any really thought to the fact that her words made no sense to her interlocutor.

Though that could well be the problem. Were she talking to someone else, maybe it would make sense to them. Maybe this was just the manifestation of Lucian’s difficulties following his head wound.

Vivian…” the boy trailed off, unwilling to admit that he was struggling to comprehend what his sister was actually saying. That would make it too real for both of them. It wasn't that he didn't care, just that he no longer had the luxury of the faculties to understand how to relate to people. 

I’ll make it worth your time.” He finally said in response to everything her grasped from what his twin spoke of. “I know those others—your passives, or even your friends? They just give you everything so easily. But that’s not what you want, is it? You want to work for it, to be rewarded something because you earned it and not because you’re some pet waiting on hands and knees to clean up whatever mess is blamed on you this time. But with me…? You won’t have to worry about that.

The false passive hesitated - Vivian’s aura was still pulsing around her, though it was calmer now - and he settled on resting a hand on her arm, just as had always worked in the past when his sister needed grounding. “You never have to worry about me.” The galdor leaned in close, even going as far as to place a kiss on his forehead and cheeks. It was worth it. Everything he had done for her, everything he was yet to do… it was all worth it.

Reaching the carriage, he offered a hand and helped her balance as she stepped into the carriage before following in behind. They sat next to each other, his arm pressing against hers. Now that they were truly alone, he let out a sigh and dragged his hand through his hair. What he really wanted to do was sleep for a week. Even though he had been cooped up in a hospital bed for so long, that walk really took it out of him. “An overview of my responsibilities and daily tasks wouldn’t go amiss,” he finally responded as the carriage started moving.

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