[PM to Join] Hammered

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Race: Wick
: neque pertinet hilum
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Lazulum
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:39 pm

Meraki heard the tapping. He glanced over, once or twice, to check what it was. When he realized it was Gideon’s foot, he stopped the glances. He focused on the mug of tea and waited for the water to heat up. While he did so, he ran his mind back… his thoughts coiled inward like shadowed fronds of a fern. To the stem, to where the mystery first began, to when he’d first seen Gideon on the dock. Every interaction, every frown and growled word and awry grin. Why? Why did he feel so repulsed by the attractive human? Why did his field bother him? Why didn’t a single person know anything about the dockhand? Why did crowds split apart for his path? What were intention tremors?

He felt as if he had a million clues right before him, but no understanding of how they all connected. A jumbled mess of puzzle pieces that he tried to fit, even though he knew there were more missing than found. What Meraki did not know, however, was that he was trying to put together one puzzle from pieces sourced from many puzzles. Other than superstitions, he had little understanding when it came to matters beyond the mortal realm. He would never guess, not consciously, for he had no words, no frame to fit such understanding within. But he could feel suspicions in the darker corners of his mind, instinct turning around with curiosity.

The tsat picked up the kettle and poured the water, though it wasn’t quite boiling yet. Hot enough, he figured. He glanced over and saw the wide, dark eyes looking at him… the tapping foot… the calm, handsome face…

What are you hopin’ to find here, exactly?

Meraki hesitated. He turned away and gave a small gasp when he saw that he’d poured too much water into the mug. The wick set aside the kettle, then hurried to try and contain the water. It was no use. It flowed over the edge of the surface, onto the ground, in a hot damp puddle. He reached into his vest and took out a folded rag, then dabbed around the mug to clean it up.

Once finished, he dried off the mug and then walked over. He dampened his field so it wouldn’t bother the other man. The tsat held out the tea and said, “Not hopin’ for anything. Y’ looked like y’ could use a friend… and some tea.”

“I’ll let y’ be, if that’s what y’ want,” he offered. He remained near though, to watch if the human might need help with drinking the tea or if the shaking would cause some trouble. Meraki wasn’t opposed to grabbing onto the mug if required, to avoid a spill or the like. He gazed with his dark green eyes, able to look down at the taller man while Gideon sat in the chair. “Y’ don’t got to worry ‘bout me, Gideon. I knows you think I’m irritatin’ and that I kicked yer hammer off the dock not by accident and that y’ don’t let no one get close to ya, but ent no one can go through life without gettin’ to know some folks for the better of it. Don’t gotta be all alone wit’ it, whatever it is y’ dealin’ wit’.”

“Okay?” he added in a quieter voice. He frowned slightly. “If y’ still want me to go… I’ll go.”

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Posts: 99
Joined: Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:26 am
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Race: Raen
Occupation: Dockhand
Location: Old Rose Harbor
: Absolutely Not a Serial Killer
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Cap O' Rushes
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:45 pm

26 of Dentis, 2719 - End of Day
Peregrine's Room
Peregrine kept watching as water poured onto their floor. Their face didn't change, not even while they watched Meraki scramble to mop it up. Couldn't think so good, around the headache. Around the holes. Had the water boiled yet? Peregrine didn't think as it had--they could hear it, when it boiled, but it didn't matter. Not to them, anyways. They barely wanted the stuff. Weren't as quite sure why Meraki was making it, other than he wanted something.

So they just thought they should fucking ask. Weren't no point in dragging it out.

They must have looked a wreck, by the time Meraki came over with that clocking mug. They knew they did, and it bothered them, on account of how they picked out the face special. They were vain, or something like vanity at least. Didn't like as to have witnesses, though even Peregrine knew that they'd been more a mess than this in more public places. Was one of the consequences of liking to drink so much. And of not being able to sleep enough.

Y’ looked like y’ could use a friend.

Was the wick stupid, or moony? Peregrine stared, though they'd been staring the whole time. A dark-eyed, wild-looking thing was PereGideon now, sitting in their nice nice chair. The chair was blue, and Peregrine almost hadn't bought it because they hated blue, hated it deep in their bones, but in the end they had. Because it was a good chair. And blue was just a color, after all. A friend. Peregrine tried to remember the last time they'd had a friend. Couldn't. Oh, they'd had them, sure--they knew they had. Could remember the friends, their faces and voices and deaths. Always their deaths. Just couldn't remember the order in which they'd come and gone, or what faces Peregrine had worn to be their friend.

This was a lie. Peregrine couldn't think of it as anything else, because why the fuck would anyone say that to them? Their face held a frown for a moment, then went blank again. Didn't want to think about it. Didn't want to think about dead friends, crawling up out of their graves, out of the holes in their mind that Peregrine kept them in. So many pretty dead friends. Peregrine would carry them all, but they didn't like it.

You don't know, wicklet, You don't know shit. If you knew, you wouldn't be here. You'd listen to your fucking sense and you'd take them ants and you'd go. Peregrine took the mug at last, though they just held it in front of them. Don't got to be alone? What chroveshit.

"No," they said, distant, "I do." They felt very old, suddenly. Because they were, they supposed. And would only get older. They were silent again.

"Y' are irritatin', 'n I don't think--I know you did." they added after a minute. "...Goes away by itself, if I sleep on it. Somethin' like--a family condition." If you counted all the faces Peregrine had worn as family, this was true enough. Seemed to calm most folks, anyways. They were too tired now to care if Meraki left or stayed. Maybe it would happen as they slipped into a gap in their time, and they'd kill him. Or fall asleep. Or fucking--shit, anything. How were they supposed to clocking well know, hey? Weren't never sure, with gaps. His funeral--hadn't they said that before? His funeral.
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Posts: 263
Joined: Sun Feb 09, 2020 2:22 am
Topics: 24
Race: Wick
: neque pertinet hilum
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Lazulum
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Sun Mar 08, 2020 11:46 pm

No, I do.

Meraki had grown up in the Stacks. He knew plenty of types of people: students, artists, musicians, poets, and more. Which was to say… he knew brooding types. That was what Gideon was, he decided when he heard the distant answer. The insistence that he had to be alone with whatever it was he dealt with, when he had someone right there telling him otherwise, reminded him of it. A brooding lugger of a man, in self-pitying pain, who wasted his life between the job at the docks and the liquor in the bottles. It settled better than the addict theory or the fugitive hypothesis. It matched the frowns, and the staring, and the unusual expressions and dry humor. An act that wasn't an act, a sad posturing to create an isolated aura of justifications for a stale, dreary existence.

Gideon was a tortured poet… who simply didn’t write poetry. He wasn’t mysterious. He was boring. Yes. That fit. That suited Meraki just fine as an explanation. He didn’t tend to like people who considered themselves poets but didn’t study verses. It could explain his instinctual dislike, similar to those who lived derelict lives of minimalism and intoxication but had nothing to show for it except a frustrating sullen demeanor. Good thing too because he didn’t know how much longer he could have managed to stay standing next to the brusque man. Not with how his stomach churned and his impulses kept telling him to leave.

Y' are irritatin', 'n I don't think--I know you did…

Besides, the man seemed to be keeping hold of the tea just fine. Maybe he got on Gideon’s nerves (okay, not maybe, he’d confirmed it now, but that didn’t make it any easier for the young wick to hear), but Gideon also got on his nerves! Gideon was irritating too! With how he… and… that thing he did… and… the voice, yeah, that was it. Did he not know he was just as irritating?

Meraki walked away and let his field flare out around him, as soon as he got out of arm’s reach. The wick glanced once more around the place, then he picked up his toolbox, and turned to say, “Yeh, well… Not like yer made of sunshine and roses, either. If y’ hadn’t been such a godsdamn erse, y’d still have yer hammer.”

“Enjoy yer tea,” he snapped. Meraki swiftly made an incredibly rude gesture with his hand, directed toward Gideon. He picked up the bundled towel of bottles, with the same hand that had his toolbox, then he opened the door. The tsat left, quick and without a glance backward, and he loudly slammed the door behind him.
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