The Long Night

Sleepless nights are bad for the soul.

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Taos Alo
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Writer: Aria / Fermin

Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:01 pm

Nowhere Good | Dentis 12, 2718 | Night
The night was foggy and the clouds were thick with rain, just as they had been all day. Now, in the later hours of the night, the temperature had cooled slightly, relieving them of some humidity but moisture still clung to the air like a child to their mother's arms. Being close to the water only worsened this fact, but despite the humidity, it was cold in the shared wagon of Taos and Polk.

The curved roof overhead provided shelter from the downpour, but the thin nature of the wagon's walls left them exposed to the lower temperatures, especially so due to their small mattresses being placed on the floor. The cold air permeated the structure and the breeze rushed in from every crack, leaving the wagon an admittedly harsh place to sleep on the night of Dentis 12th.

Perhaps less so for Taos, who hogged their single shared blanket as if it was feeding him life. It wasn't even made to comfortably rest over the skin; the blanket was thrown together with a cut-up burlap sack that scratched and irritated anyone that dare sleep beneath it. This fact had never stopped the duo, however, the two not having what anyone could call a life of luxury, and well, they had to make do if they wanted to stay warm.

Or, if Taos wanted to stay warm. The wick slept without a care in the world, his body nothing more than a silhouette in the dark of the wagon; chest rising and falling with every rested breath. The older man held onto the uncomfortable blanket, having twisted to the side enough times so that it was twisted up beneath him and inaccessible completely to the other man in the wagon. If the wick was awake, he of course would have offered more than enough of the blanket to his friend, but sleeping Taos... well he was another story.

He slept peacefully under sounds of pouring rain against the roof, shielded from the cold and every breeze, unaware of his companion's personal struggles.
Last edited by Taos Alo on Thu Dec 13, 2018 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Writer: TheNetiquette27 (Nick)
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Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:45 pm

Freezing Wagon | Dentis 12, 2718 | Night
Polk shivered uncontrollably as he stared at the ceilling of the wagon, it was as if he was cursed to relive the same night over and over again. Every single night, Taos would take the blanket for himself, and EVERY SINGLE NIGHT he would never give any of it up.

"I swear to the gods Taos," Polk hissed to his sleeping compatriot. "If you don't give up some of the blanket, I will strangle you."

As if on queue, Taos twisted once more to the other side of the bed, stealing what little there was left of the raggedy blanket for Polk to use. Polk swiftly sat up and slammed his hand into the mattress in frustration.

"I did not come this far just to freeze to death in this wagon because you're a blanket whore, Taos!"

Taos said nothing in response, and Polk laid his body back onto the mattress. After a moment of steaming in frustration, he quickly thrusted an elbow into Taos' side. While he had the initiative in the battle, Polk ripped the blanket off of the sleeping and now wounded Taos and covered himself in it, relishing the warmth of his favorite cut-up burlap sack.

Last edited by Polk on Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Taos Alo
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Writer: Aria / Fermin

Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:39 pm

Nowhere Good | Dentis 12, 2718 | Night
All was well in the freezing wagon for the resting, comfortable wick--until of course a jab to his side stirred him, disturbing his sleep and leaving him disoriented in the dark. He felt the blanket shift--no, he felt it get pulled away from him, leaving him still with a fair half of the blanket.

This was not enough for the half-asleep Taos, oh no, this just would not do. He was accustomed to warmer weather, and had grown into the habit of always having the majority of the blanket to himself. Not a kind habit for his frustrated companion to deal with every night, but it was his nonetheless, and though the wick was a surprisingly good-natured man in his waking hours, he was a horror in his sleep.

Reaching out, still in a half-asleep haze, Taos grabbed at the itchy fabric and once again tugged it towards himself. The blanket flew back to cover his already-warm body, the man almost instantly falling back into a deep sleep after doing so. He twisted and turned, rolling on his mattress so that the blanket was once again caught beneath him.

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Writer: TheNetiquette27 (Nick)
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Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:03 am

Freezing Wagon | Dentis 12, 2718 | Night
Polk could only explain how he felt about his companion stealing the blanket from him once more as one thing. Betrayal. After a few seconds the cold started once again to bite into Polk's skin, and he nervously started laughing to himself as he realized Taos would never give share the blanket willingly. Never in Polk's life did he think freezing in a wagon without a blanket would be what killed him. After a deep breath, Polk decided he would not allow himself to pass this way, and launched himself on top of Taos in one last ditch effort to save himself from dying to the elements. Wrapping his hands around Taos' neck, he screamed at his oppressor.

"You asked for this Taos! GIVE ME THE BLANKET DAMMIT!"

All reason in Polk had been replaced with a primal need to survive. He once again reached for the blanket and tried to rip it away from Taos, but this time it was even more secured under the man's body sleeping body.


Last edited by Polk on Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Taos Alo
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Writer: Aria / Fermin

Thu Dec 13, 2018 12:48 am

Nowhere Good | Dentis 12, 2718 | Night
For a few moments, he was once again gifted with warm, comfortable sleep, despite the cramped wagon and small mattress. He made a small noise of content, the sound nothing more than a happy hmph, and in his sleep he tucked his arms back to rest at his sides. Taos was still blissfully unaware of the cold, distressing situation of his friend, however this fact changed quickly.

All of a sudden the mattress next to his made a sound, his companion rolling over fast on top of him and jolting the wick from his sleep. Dark eyes were suddenly opened wide, staring up at Polk as the man's hands went to wrap around his neck. Taos retaliated, ripping his arms out from underneath his younger friend to reach up and grab at his neck, the two effectively strangling each other.

"Wo chet, toft!" exclaimed the wick, voice slightly strained, "ent tryin' nothin' with ye blanket!"

Taos moved with a sudden force, pulling himself up into a sitting position using his grip on the other man's neck. He let go, using his new position to his advantage and swatting Polk's hands away from him, offering an irritated glare in the darkness.

"If'n ye cold, boch, ye wake me up proper an' ask, ye chen?"

The wick pulled the burlap blanket out from underneath Polk and above himself, balling it up before offering it out to his friend as a peace offering.

"Tho, I could go fer some benny ale, after that tossle. Ye woken me up fer good, now," the last comment was said with a bit of a playful (and slightly annoyed) tone, Taos honestly finding his friend's methods amusing. Sure, he had rolled on top of him and tried to choke him all for an itchy blanket... but it was the behavior he had come to expect from his younger companion, and nothing that Taos couldn't laugh off.

"What say ye? Go nab a couple'o ales, er stay an' cuddle ye blankie?"

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Writer: TheNetiquette27 (Nick)
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Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:37 am

Freezing Wagon | Dentis 12, 2718 | Night
After a quick moment of decoding the few words Taos had spoken in Tek, Polk slowly smiled and then laughed as he realized he had just started strangling his brother over a blanket, immediately shrugging off the fight the two had just had.

"I could go for some ale! Maybe we can steal a better blanket off some fool, or win one in a dice game."

Taking advantage of his youthful energy, Polk quickly rolled off of the bed and to his feet. Polk donned his travel-worn jacket and strapped his longsword to his belt. Legally, the longsword was not Polk's, but that has never stopped the young man from deciding what was and wasn't his. Polk sensed that Taos may question his actions on bringing a longsword on a normal walk to get some ale, so he spoke on the topic before it was an issue.

"Last time I went out in the middle of the night for some 'company' unarmed I got a dagger drawn on me! With this fine point and my 'intimidating' brawn, we should be able to scare off most of the tallyboys milling around tonight."

Polk sat down on the mattress in their crowded wagon as he waited for Taos to get ready and then shivered once more at the freezing cold temperatures. In response to the nightmarish weather, he wrapped the blanket around himself. How the natives here don't freeze is beyond him.

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Taos Alo
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Writer: Aria / Fermin

Thu Dec 13, 2018 10:33 am

Nowhere Good | Dentis 12, 2718 | Night
It had always been amusing to the wick how quickly he and his companion could brush off their differences. Perhaps they were simply products of the free-spirited, albeit sometimes reckless tribe they had left almost five years ago, but something told him that wasn't all of it. They were just a good match; a duo that complemented each other's skills and made up for their weaknesses.

"Dze, ye think any ol' jent carry a blanket on em in tha tavern, Polk?" his words were laced with amusement, the wick moving to stand up as his friend did the same. While Polk adorned his jacket to shield him from the oh so terrible weather, Taos grabbed his own, and then slipped off the old ring that most commonly rested upon his middle finger. Didn't want to go losing that; he didn't trust anyone in any tavern, least of all in the harbor.

The wick glanced over upon mention of Polk's last lone visit into town, the older man shaking his head for a moment.

"D'ye hav' ne riff? Tha's tall as I am, abouts," Taos teased, "if ye wan'the sword, take the sword. Ent stoppin' ye--brigk might, tho! Bes' hope they ent about this late."

Taos was set then, jacket sure to keep him safe from the cold, but there wasn't much they could do for the rain. They would just have to deal with getting soaked and hope the tavern wasn't too far. Man, they really needed to get to know this place, didn't they.

"C'mon then, ye," the older pulled his hood over his head, moving to open up the wagon's small front 'door' and hop outside.

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