[Riot 2718] The Rats Are Swarming [Open]

An entirely disagreeable afternoon at the Zoo

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Jean-Rene Dimonte
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Writer: Nathaniel
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Sat Nov 10, 2018 12:22 pm

Jean-Rene Arnauld Dimonte

Chaos had erupted across Vienda in a flash. Jean-Rene was not quite sure why things had gotten so exciting so quickly down in the Dives, but he had not been overly surprised. A riot seemed the exact type of behavior one could expect from the lower races. This is what happens, he had thought, when you are lenient with the trash.

The Four-Snap Sargent of the Investigative Services Division was able to pull rank to maintain a certain degree of autonomy with regards to where his abilities would be most useful in curtailing the riot. Frankly, Dimonte cared little for what happened in The Dives. Let them destroy their own homes. His priority was keeping Uptown clear of the rabble, and to prevent their misdeeds from damaging the institutions of proper society. The Patrol Division, he had faith, would handle the issues in the Dives.

He was on foot, as Uptown was far too busy to take a carriage. Dressed in his pristine green and black uniform, Jean-Rene marched along the bustling sidewalks and roads of Uptown. The riot had begun the day before, and Uptown had been just a tad slow in reacting. An air of panic permeated the crowd of Galdori as they rushed to and fro to keep their affairs in order during the time of emergency. Dimonte, however, was quiet and focused. His boots clicked against the street as he weaved throughout the crowd.

He was headed towards the King's Zoological Gardens. Apparently, one of those tedious 'tribes' of Wicks had fancied themselves conquerors, and had established an impromptu base of operations in the arbor. This presented several obvious problems, as the zoo was home to many dangerous creatures that could cause havoc throughout Uptown were they to be released.

Jean-Rene was aware that at least one other officer was supposed to rendezvous with him at the Gardens, though he was not sure exactly who. In a time of emergency such as this riot, it was unsure where any given officer might be.

Dimonte unconsciously shifted his jaw as he imagined the arrogance of these wicks, these rats, swarming about the city in which they had been allowed to persist. They were half-bloods, lacking even the decency of abstaining from magic entirely. They perverted what magical conversation was meant to be, and even the thought of their pathetic attempts at magic was enough to send Jean-Rene into a near rage.

As he came nearer to the zoo, Dimonte found himself hoping the wicks gave him an excuse to resort to violence. He needed to blow off steam.

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Rhys Valentin
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Wed Nov 21, 2018 2:54 pm

26th of Yaris, 2718
The second full day into this riot and everyone was still annoyingly optimistic despite how quickly everything seemed to catch on fire. The Red Crow and the Yellow Eye were fighting in the Dives, but the conflict had simply given an excuse to every other disgruntled and disenfranchised sod on the street to take up arms, to loot, and to protest with as much clocking violence as possible the state of oppressive affairs here in the otherwise beautiful Kingdom of Anaxas. Vienda was just the crucible, and everything in the city felt like kindling. The last riot, in 2716, had lasted a few days and Special Enforcement Sergeant Rhys Valentin didn't see this one winding down any faster than the previous.

This one had begun with violence, even moreso than two years ago, and at even his superiors had been surprised by the lust for blood that seemed to come clamoring out of the sweltering shadows of the lower parts of their capitol.

The real problem, in Rhys' opinion, was that his fellow Seventen had no qualms about feeding the hunger for suffering through retaliation.

It was a clocking mess and it was only the second day. Alioe forgive them!

He'd been briefing his squad on taking to the streets as support in the Investigative offices when Captain Haines interrupted him, word from the Patrol Division announcing that wicks had taken over the Zoological Gardens. While there were rumors it was a hostage situation, no one really believed it was true. Arthur had already sent Inspector Dimonte ahead of them, and while most of Rhys' squad was indeed needed desperately on the streets between the Dives and Uptown at all of the checkpoints to keep both the rioters and those fleeing the riots at bay, he admitted it was of utmost importance to quell whatever was happening at the zoo.

Too close to the imperial complex, any rioters holing up in the somewhat tarnished zoo was surely a security risk. The young Valentin didn't even get to volunteer—he was simply assigned. Alone. Without even his partner, Potiphar, because they were already all aware how shorthanded they were.

Two galdori against a handful of wicks?


"I'm on it, Captain. Take care of yourselves out there." The tall blond offered with his typical bravado-filled confidence, making sure he was armed with his baton and loaded down with plenty of restraints and smoke. Dimonte wasn't a stranger, the tall Gioran not quite a contemporary classmate but someone who wore the same number of snaps as himself. They shared similar duties before Rhys' assignment to Sergeant, and had overlapped on several assignments over the past five years that the young Valentin had been out of Numbrey. They didn't see eye to eye, that much Rhys was aware of, but it was all the typical rhetoric of both a foreigner from a Kingdom that didn't even bother addressing the issue of the lower races as well as an expected response from a galdor.

The tall blond was aware he wasn't typical, but he didn't yet know how atypical he was.

Rhys worried he would be the only one to take the mention of a hostage situation seriously, and as he made his way through the streets, aware of the smoke drifting from the Dives, aware of the increased security and boarded up windows at the edges of Uptown, he prepared himself for professional resistance. He prepared himself to do what he felt was necessary, no matter who he was working with.

He was to meet with Inspector Dimonte near the Zoological Gardens, one of the many blocks of shops just within walking distance having already been evacuated and offering a place to consider their approaches together now that they were almost entirely on their own and given their own jurisdiction in the chaotic atmosphere of the fledgling riot.

It was hard to miss the tall albino, honestly, and even if the young Valentin was tall for an Anaxi galdor, he was certainly no match for the Gioran who shared his uniform. He didn't wave so much as nod curtly, tilting his head in the direction of the small cafe they'd been given permission to step into, aware that whoever had taken over the zoo may have still had eyes on the surrounding streets. Beyond the zoo loomed the beautiful imperial complex and all of the government buildings, locked down and secure by the AAF to keep all of the international Incumbents and Diplomats safe during the questionable circumstances the riot was proving itself to provide. Everything would have been a beautiful sight at this hour of the morning, but it wasn't. Not today.

"Hello again, Jean-Rene. It appears it's going to just be the two of us, unfortunately or not. I brought you some gifts—" Sweating already in the sweltering Yaris heat, Rhys made a humorous flourish of presenting the taller man with his own bag of various non-lethal goodies that were from the Seventen's lovely arsenal, "—just in case. Captain Haines would prefer us to be as respectful of life as possible, given the animals and the fact that we're in clocking Uptown. I have heard it mentioned there could be hostages? The groundskeepers, perhaps?"

Would there have been a galdor on duty overnight? The Sergeant was admittedly ignorant on that one. He scowled, glancing toward the Zoological Gardens through the windows of the now-abandoned restaurant they'd hidden themselves from view in,

"I have ideas on how best to get in there. What are yours?"
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Jean-Rene Dimonte
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Writer: Nathaniel
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Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:34 pm

Jean-Rene gave a curt smile to his fellow investigator as Rhys entered the cafe that was to serve as the staging grounds for their infiltration of the gardens. His colleague was a tall man, though Jean-Rene nevertheless stood above him. The Gioran kept his spine straight and tall, his chin raised ever-so-slightly, as a bag of non-lethal weapons was thrust upon him.

Jean-Rene's fellow Sergent was a warm soul, but Jean-Rene had frequently been frustrated by the Anaxan's politics. As far as Dimonte was aware, Rhys had never gone so far as to call for equality among the races or anything near as absurd, but it was Jean-Rene's understanding that Valentin had mildly sympathetic views to the lower races. This sort of thinking, in the Gioran's eyes, was incredibly dangerous. It had always been his opinion that any sort of leniency towards the lower races would lead to a gradual deconstruction of proper society - give an inch, they'll take a mile. Jean-Rene believed this riot was an exact consequence of this idea of 'kindness' that had taken root among Anaxas like a noxious weed. Still, Dimonte believed Rhys could be turned from his harmful political ideals; the blonde Anaxan was a young man yet.

He received Rhys's 'gift' with professional curtesy, his visage flat but not hostile. "Sergent Valentin," Jean-Rene said, emphasizing Rhys's rank with a hint of irritation that the same courtesy had not been extended to himself, "Captain Haines is an undeniably wise investigator, but I am sure that he - and yourself - would agree that securing the safety of a possible Galdor hostage is worth whatever means necessary, violent or otherwise, and should certainly hold priority over the lives of a few wick thugs." He allowed this sentence to hang in the air for just a moment, almost like an opening chess move.

"That being said, we are indeed faced with a delicate situation. Outright violence would more than likely endanger the hostage or hostages further. I am of the opinion that a fight must be avoided until we have obtained a sufficient understanding of our situation." Jean-Rene placed the bag on a nearby table, and took a seat. He invited Rhys to take the seat across from himself.

Jean-Rene crossed one leg over the other, and brought his fingers in a steeple before his lips. "With regards to infiltrating the gardens, subtlety is our ally. Now, perception conversation happens to be my specialty - I understand the same is true for yourself." Jean-Rene had included this concessional statement for Rhys almost as an afterthought. Dimonte was all too aware of Rhys's field ... 'weak' would almost be too kind. It was shameful, frankly, that a Galdor could reach the age of twenty-seven with such flimsy magical ability. Jean-Rene was speaking with a slight air of assumed superiority, and made no conscious effort to hide the fact that he felt he was 'taking the lead' on this issue.

"I would be amused to see wicks organised enough to designate guards, but perhaps it would be pertinent to assume the worst ... or perhaps the best, if we can put my plan into action." A mischievous smirk spread across Jean-Rene's face. "It is quite unconventional, and rather dangerous, but could serve as the most direct method of solving this problem."

"Assuming we can find a guard, would it not be possible to manipulate the criminal into taking us into its custody? Surely the two of us could manage a powerful spell of suggestion that could suit the task. I suggest we hide a few of those items you have brought on our persons', and have ourselves escorted right into the center of their little camp. Once inside, we can gather intelligence and enact suitable efforts to dismantle this 'occupation' ".

"As I said, it is a risky plan that could land us in rather hot water, but I am not sure the two of us could manage anything like a frontal assault, even against this scum." His use of 'scum' caused a slight pause, as he anticipated Rhys would take affront to the label, but he continued. "I would be open to hearing your ideas, and whatever ... critiques you may have of my own plan."

There was an air of condescension to Jean-Rene's voice as he seemed to give Rhys permission to speak that Rhys certainly did not require. Dimonte was not making a conscious effort to act superior - it was an unconscious aspect of his personality. He certainly wasn't aware of it, thus not giving any thought to the idea that Rhys might be offended.

Instead, he sat back in his chair, fingertips still together, and waited for his colleague's ideas.
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Rhys Valentin
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Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:00 pm

26th of Yaris, 2718
"Captain Haines outranks you and your clocking opinions on violence." The younger Sergeant sniggered, aware that he was but one snap below the taller albino. Rhys thumbed his nose, literally and figuratively, at the thought of even needing to resort to violence against the wicks inside, save for perhaps forcefully subduing them. The riot had just begun yesterday and so much blood had already been shed that the blond had no interest in feeding the fires more fuel, especially here in Uptown. When Inspector Dimonte back-pedaled just slightly and agreed that charging in calling forth magma in Monite wasn't perhaps the best strategy, Rhys could only smirk in response.

He chose not to address the implications in the Gioran's tone of voice, far too calloused to the assumptions made about his magical abilities, or, as far as most of his peers were concerned, his lack thereof. He may not have graduated at the top of his class in terms of Conversation ability, but he certainly hadn't failed, either. The young Valentin chose to flex his field in silent emphasis that he was not, in fact, standing by in ignorance,

"I'm not convinced they're organized, either. Any group of wicks fleeing the Dives and making the choice to not only hole up in Uptown but congregate in the Zoological Gardens probably weren't in the state of mind to consider the consequences. Could they have a scout or a guard? Perhaps. Constable Hours has yet to confirm that, but my squad's scryer will be joining us to scout the area once she's free from her checkpoint near Crosstown Court." Rhys rolled his shoulders and fiddled with the buttons of his uniform coat, already sweaty in the Yaris heat under so many clocking layers.

Could the two of them have managed a frontal assault against untrained and possibly unarmed wicks? Probably. He assumed already that they were frightened, and even if those gathered inside resorted to violence, two spell-wielding galdori with batons and combat education could certainly handle a handful of halfbreeds.

The Inspector was already grating on the Sergeant's nerves, his typical Gioran air of superiority causing the blond Seventen to clench his jaw and summon patience from stores within the narrow confines of his chest he didn't bother to refill often. While quips about his magical prowess were to be expected, he was perhaps more ruffled about the subtle questioning of his intellectual ability to keep up with the other man.

"I don't actually think a frontal assault would be difficult for the two of us, unless of course you're unsure of yourself in melee." It was Rhys' turn to gloat, quite confident in his physical strength in comparison to some of his peers, "But I don't think that is the wisest course of action in this situation until we can confirm whether there are hostages or not. Trudging through the entire zoo in this clocking heat isn't going to do either of us any favors, and so finding an isolated member of their group and suggesting they assist us in the manner you're suggesting is totally possible—but both of us? You've made it clear you don't think wicks capable of being organized but should one sentry be able to capture two Seventen?"

His grin was taunting, bordering on the insubordinate, and the blond Sergeant chuckled, waving a hand dismissively before he curled fingers into his hair and ignored how damp his scalp was from the sweltering Yaris temperature outside. Having chosen to remain standing, Rhys shifted on his feet as if he'd rather be pacing but contained himself instead,

"It would be easier to play off if only one of us was taken into custody, but splitting up is not advantageous this early in the game. I take it unlike most of your people in Gior who focus on Physical Conversation that Perceptive is your only real talent? If you were also decent at Physical magic, you could be invisible for part of this plan. Too bad. One of us will just have to follow along and remain out of view—which will have to be me because hiding you anywhere is a clocking joke and a half."
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