Jean-Rene Dimonte

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Jean-Rene Dimonte
Posts: 13
Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2018 11:03 pm
Topics: 2
Race: Galdor
Character Sheet: =http://fullurl ... 2172#p2172
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: Nathaniel
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Fri Nov 09, 2018 10:43 pm

Jean-Rene Arnauld Dimonte


Race: Galdori
Birthday: Intas, 2 2687
Age: 31
FC: Peter Cushing (Young. Voice Claim as well.)
Place of Origin: Gior
Current Location: Vienda, Anaxas
Occupation: Special Enforcement Sargant, Investigative Services Division, The Seventeen

Physical Description


Jean-Rene, a Gior native, stands at an even six foot in height. Born an albino, his skin is alabaster white. His hair, which he keeps at shoulder length and wears in a half-knot, is snow white. Jean-Rene has broad shoulders, but an otherwise lanky frame. He does not possess the strength of some of his fellow Gioran Galdori. His eyes are a stark pinkish-red.

The Galdori has hauntingly sharp features - his cheekbones are highly pronounced, and he has a long, pointed nose. His eyes are also quite deeply set, and are heavily shadowed in most lighting, which causes his pink irises to stand out even more than others. Jean-Rene's thin, pink lips are his greatest tools of expression, although his wispy, white eyebrows do quite a bit of heavy lifting in that department as well. The Galdori sports a thin mustache as well as expertly groomed sideburns. Though it requires quite close inspection, there can be found intense scarring around his outer left ear.

He is one of those men only attractive in a very specific way, to a very specific (probably limited) subset of people.

Jean-Rene carries himself with perfect posture. He carries his head with a practiced refinement; the crown is always the highest point, allowing him to sneer and glower at those below his station.


Dimonte is an incredibly refined character. His every word, gesture, and expression is tempered by years of careful consideration to societal norms. He is an aristocrat in every sense of the word - polite to a fault, arrogant, and ambitious.

When it comes to his fellow Galdori, Jean-Rene is the picture of nobility. He is respectful, even in disagreements, and would never think for a moment to stoop to violence. He delights in political debate in salons and balls. He is a practiced gossip, participating in the whispers and judgments of polite society. Though not especially charming, Jean-Rene is not immediately off-putting and can usually find himself a comfortable place at formal gatherings.

Despite his manners, Jean-Rene is nevertheless ruthlessly cutthroat in his ambitions. He sees political maneuvering as a complicated and necessary game, in which all is fair. If he perceives an opportunity to advance his station, he will take it - even to the detriment of other Galdori, including his friends. The concept of loyalty is somewhat crass to Jean-Rene. He sees no use for such a rigid worldview.

When it comes to the lower races, however, Dimonte is an entirely different creature. He is cruel, domineering, and borderline sadistic. Raised to believe he is a member of a superior race, Jean-Rene has come to believe that any efforts in the way of equality between Galdori and humans or wicks would present an existential danger to the continued existence of society. He believes that humans and wicks are less than people; they are an inconvenience to be dealt with swiftly, and without prejudice. If he had his way, the other races would've been exiled (or worse) long ago.


Jean-Rene was born in Giorite, the mountainous capital city of Gior. His father was a moderately successful local politician, and he spent his early childhood years in opulence. Ever since he could comprehend language, Jean-Rene knew that he was being groomed for a life of politics as well. His father drilled the concept into his mind on a daily basis, and when Dimonte was sent to study in Anaxas at the age of ten, political ambition was the foundation of his every action.

Jean-Rene spent his teenage years with a distant relative, herself an accomplished member of Congress in Anaxas. As a student of magical conversation, Jean-Rene struggled at first to determine his core interests. Hailing from Gior, he felt pressured to focus on Physical Conversation during his initial few years of education. However, a sound spell backfired during a private tutoring session, and the hearing in his left ear was permanently damaged. Afterwards, he was a bit gun-shy with Physical spells, and discovered a passion and an affinity for the field of Perceptive Conversation. He was something of a progeny with Terror spells, becoming quite adept at the act of inspiring fear in his later teenage years.

Along with his magical studies, Jean-Rene spent his late childhood and teenage years learning the ins and outs of political intrigue in Anaxas. He was drilled in manners and etiquette, onto which he latched almost immediately. He delighted in learning about aristocratic life, and often preferred reading to magical studies. Nevertheless, his appearance served as a slight setback to his passion for politics, and he never quite mastered the art of charm as he might have otherwise. He is often perceived as a cold, calculating individual.

When it came time for university, Brunnhold was the obvious avenue for Jean-Rene. He was a modestly successful student during his time there, making a decent name for himself as a competent Conversationalist. Upon graduation, he enlisted immediately with The Seventeen. This decision was entirely politically motivated; Dimonte sees The Seventeen as a stepping stone to an election to the congress in his later years, once he has obtained a leadership rank and has served admirably enough.

During his career so far, Dimonte has served admirably, but a little too typically. He is anxious for opportunities to make himself stand out, and is always eager to take the lead on whichever cases come across his desk.

Rumors of Jean-Rene's cruelty towards humans and (especially) wicks have cropped up here and there, but no evidence has ever been found, nor has anyone caught Jean-Rene engaging in especially cruel acts. Nevertheless, Dimonte routinely stretches the definition of "appropriate" force when it comes to alleged criminals, and many of the suspects he apprehends die in custody before they can face trial due to their injuries sustained during capture...always in "self defense", of course. Jean-Rene sees absolutely no problem with treating humans and wicks however he pleases, and he covers the tracks of his indiscretions merely because it seems proper to keep himself clean.
Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Tactics: Beginner


Estuan: Fluent
Monite: Fluent
Gioran: Fluent


Perception Conversation: Proficient


Investigator: Proficient
Socialite: Proficient

Career and Income


Jean-Rene is an Investigator with The Seventeen, and has an appropriate skillset. He is a detective at heart, skilled at investigation. His social skills also aid him with communicating to witnesses, fellow detectives, and criminals.

Income: Wealth Level

As a four snap Sargant, Jean-Rene is modestly wealthy. He wants for nothing but more wealth.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Jean-Rene has a private dwelling in Vienda, under the City Dweller package. He has a carriage, four full outfits, a range of passives, and on-call tutors.


He has the inventory entitled to him by his status as a member of The Seventeen, namely: three military uniforms, a set of focus training books, a set of toiletries, and a water container.


Short term, Jean-Rene's goal is to take on the most ambitious cases he can find. Every day, he seeks to make steps towards improving his station. Long term, he aims to become the Captain of the Investigative Services branch of The Seventeen eventually. Even longer term, he would like to use his rank as Captain, and his service in The Seventeen, to secure himself a place in the Congress someday. Perhaps an election to King of Anaxas could be in his distant future? He only entertains the thought in the late hours of the night, as he waits to sleep.

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