Netheneale Rami-Savatier

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Netheneale Rami-Savatier
Posts: 32
Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:02 pm
Topics: 4
Race: Galdor
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: TheNetiquette27 (Nick)
Post Templates: Post Templates

Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:02 pm

Netheneale Rami-Savatier


Race: Galdor
Birthday: Achtus, 37 2683
Age: 36
FC: Jeffrey Wright
Place of Origin: Mestigia, Hesse
Current Location: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Occupation: Zoologist and traveling researcher
Player Name: TheNetiquette27 / Nick

Physical Description


While traveling in the outdoors or in villages Netheneale prefers to hide his wealth and status and dresses as common and simple as possible. While at home, visiting friends, or being on campus, however, Netheneale finds great joy in dressing up. Fine suits from Hesse with their embroidered patterns and golden threads, with jewelry from his mother's homeland, has always been Neth's go to when he needs an outfit and doesn't have time to plan a new one out.

Neth is a little taller than most Galdor, and stands at a humble 5'6". His black hair is usually kept short, but he is known to sometimes grow his beard out when he prepares to travel through colder lands. His brown eyes have an analytical and reserved look in them.

More InfoShow
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 154 lbs
Skin Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Beard: Well-trimmed but full



Neth used to be a much more social person in his youth. Schooling and personal experiences gradually turned him into a much more quiet and contemplative person, however. Towards strangers Neth usually acts very strange and socially awkward, making weird comments to make conversation because he doesn't know what to say. Towards people he knows, the youthful and social Neth comes back from hiding, and it is much more easy for him to talk and make conversation. Neth treats animals just the same and finds them much more easy to talk to and hang around with than normal people.

To fulfill his social and intellectual needs Netheneale collects as many unique animals as he can find and acquire on his journeys around the kingdoms. He also collects interesting and intriguing items and oddities, often placing them in his home, packing them and bringing them with him each time he moves.

Although normally a calm man, Netheneale can become very cold when one of his research subjects or friends is mistreated. Due to his Mugrobi mother's influence, Neth sees passives in a much better light than Anaxas, and their mistreatment bothers him greatly if he directly witnesses it.

Neth views humans and wicks the same: they can be treated with decency, but they are still inferior. The lower races do still serve a purpose, though, and deserve at least some respect.


Netheneale was born in Mestigia, Hesse, in 2683, to a Hessean man named Jaquet Savatier and his new Mugrobi wife Raaziyah Oda Rami.

Before the age of 10, Neth used to dream of looking handsome and being one of the strongest duelists of his time. He wanted the world to fear and love him at the same time, and he planned to make his dream come true. It was easy for Neth to make an impression on the other Galdor youth, and in no time he was running around with his own group of unruly Galdor friends (much to the dissatisfaction of Neth's own family). However, due to the teachings of his mother on how to treat passives, Neth's friends slowly distanced themselves from him at their parents' requests. Netheneale felt betrayed, but turned his unhappiness into motivation, and read up on magic as much as a young child can. Neth's family was happily surprised at the young boy's transition from a troublemaker risking his family's reputation to a devoted student.

At the age of 10, Netheneale was taken to the Hessean university and, after scoring high, started his education. Neth felt intimidated and alone during his first days at the university, but his older sister Anatala Savatier helped guide him through his first (and her last) three years of schooling. By the time Anatala had graduated and left, Neth's fire and determination had come back. Although noticeably quieter now, Neth gained the confidence he needed to continue his schooling and to talk back to those who dared criticize his beliefs and ruin his family's name. Once wanting to become just a duelist, Neth decided he needed to plan bigger than that. Opting to start with physical conversation, and then living conversation which his father's side of the family was known for, and then clairvoyant conversation which his mother's side of the family was known for.

On a cold day during a then 14-year-old Netheneale's winter break, however, life took a strange turn for the young man. Only a few nights after the young man's return Neth's oldest sister Giulia disappeared during the night. Neth quickly ran out of the Savatier manor, shouting to his family that he would find his beloved sister himself. The night was cold, and the fading light of the day was slowly being replaced with the darkness of the night. After an hour of searching the expanse of plains and running after a trail of footprints, Neth found himself lost in the unknown land. Too dark to see which way would lead to home, Neth shouted out for help but received no answer. After five minutes of panicked breathing, Neth calmed himself. He was no use to himself if he couldn't think. Neth cast a light spell and made a temporary beacon in the air as a call for help. After successfully casting the spell, Neth realized he only had to wait for help to come to him. After some time had passed, a noise could be heard from behind him. Spinning around, the young student found himself staring into the bright violet eyes of... something. It had no physical form and looked like a manifestation of darkness or the night sky, with violet stars for eyes. It resembled the shape of a person, but it was obviously not. The young student fell onto the ground and shouted in fright as the creature simply walked past him as if he wasn't there in the first place. When his family found him and brought him home, Neth told his parents in a shaky and panicked tone how a dark creature of the night sky had taken his sister, and that he hadn't been able to stop it. His father, Jaquet, hushed him and told him to never speak of his encounter again, and his sister, Antala, felt bad for the young man, chalking this up to his mind making up an excuse for why he couldn't find his sister.

After his winter break, Neth returned to school but found himself consumed with what he had seen. Inside his dorm, Neth hid stacks of papers that were attempted drawings of what he had seen, and they only got better as time passed. The young student kept continuing his magical education but found himself extremely fascinated with the animals of the world. Maybe they would lead him to the answers he needed to find this creature and more like it again.

Once Neth graduated from his schooling, he decided to take a short break from schooling to visit his nephew Larentiuss before he was sent off to Brunnhold, and to visit his brother Lionel. Once arriving two days late at Lionel's manor, however, he quickly found out his Nephew was a passive. Angry at how quickly Lionel had disowned his own child, Netheneale shouted at his older brother and criticized the man for his lack of parenting. A duel ensued, and Lionel ended up brailing after Netheneale used a mix of defensive magic as he taunted his brother, shouting at him non-stop on how much of a failure he was for leaving his son. The pure anger and sadness in Lionel kept building up until it was eventually too much and he brailed. The duel was stopped immediately, and Neth left after he made sure his brother was going to be alright. Neth thought of visiting Lars but didn't want to disrespect his brother's wishes after what had happened. He went back to school in Hesse and tried to put everything behind him. After another ten years at the Hessean university, he worked for the school, and spent most of his days outside, exploring the lands surrounding him.

Now, at the age of 35, Netheneale arrives at Brunnhold with a letter from Larentius' mother. Neth had wanted to visit his nephew for a long time, and now with permission from Larentius' mother, he felt like it was time. With his birthday only a week away, Neth arrived at Brunnhold and offered his services as a zoologist and researcher. Passives had always been something that intrigued him, and he felt this was his best chance to learn more about their affliction.

Family StuffShow
Three older half-siblings from Jaquet's first wife-
Lionel, who is 17 years older
Giulia, who is 11 years older
Anatala, who is 7 years older

He attended the university in Hesse for his schooling, and his sister Anatala was there with him for three years before she graduated.

He has two nieces and three nephews from Lionel: Lars, Donatien, Alouette, Jeanette, and Antonin.
He has one nephew and two nieces (through marriage) from Giulia: Gideon, Theresa, and Farah.
He has one niece from Anatala: Lyse, who is married to his nephew, Gideon.

He has a sister-in-law named Fleur Savatier, who is married to Lionel
a brother-in-law named Alec Madison, who is married to Giulia
and a brother-in-law named Buckley Addist, who is married to Anatala

His dad's first wife, Adrienne, died 7 years before he was born.
His oldest sister Giulia ran away from Hesse when he was 14 (he originally thought that she was abducted by the mythic beast, Shalok, but she really ran away to Bastia to escape an arranged marriage).

Anatala still lives in Mestigia, Hesse; Giulia lives in Florne, Bastia; and Lionel lives in Dorhaven, Anaxas.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Monite: Fluent
Estuan: Fluent
Mugrobi: Fluent


Magic (Physical): Intermediate
Magic (Living): Elementary
Magic (Clairvoyant): Elementary


Professional (Zoologist): Beginner
Professional (Researcher): Beginner

Career and Income


A traveling zoologist that studies the animals of the kingdoms and their behaviors. A large part of his research revolves around animal adaptation to different civilizations (physical, mental, and behavioral changes, etc). When Netheneale wants to make a little extra income, however, he is known to do research in many other fields to keep his mind sharp.

Income: Average

Netheneale comes from a very rich and prosperous family and because of this, he has never learned how to budget. Purchasing hordes of animals, odd and unique items, and other exotic creatures, it is common for Netheneale to run a little more low on funds.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: City Dweller's Package

A 400sq. ft. apartment in the Stacks. Includes one bed, two chairs, one table, two knives, three-piece dining set to serve four (cup, plate, bowl), one dresser, one chest, and a hearth.

Also included:
One set of clothing
One set of toiletries
One waterskin
Two sets of eating utensils
One tinderbox

Access to a carriage. Any other mount must be bought or approved to start with by a moderator.
Access to up to four full outfits of clothing.
Access to a range of passives who will meet the PC's needs and requests.
Access to tutors/trainers in appropriate Focus Skills. If in doubt, please send a moderator a PM.


Four sets of clothing
One seer stone
A pet leira named "Ambrose"
A pet miraan named "Laurentius." Named after his nephew. Neph plans to give it to his nephew as a gift
A pet Mugrobi osta named "Ana"


Short-Term: Get more involved in passive research, collect more knowledge on local creatures, investigate the local dueling scene, get in touch with local family. Write a spell (maybe long term? We will see)

Long-Term: Discover his true name, advance in known conversations of magic, maybe try to learn another new one. Try to find and learn more about mythic beasts, specifically hatchers.

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