Darwin Widogast

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Darwin Widogast
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:05 pm
Topics: 3
Race: Human
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:46 am

Darwin Widogast


Race: Human
Birthday: Bethas 27, 2696
Age: 22
FC: Artist work, Ornerine
Place of Origin: Dorhaven
Current Location: Old Rose
Occupation: Vagrant

Physical Description

Darwin is 177cm tall, almost lanky build. He has brown, almost red hair and blue eyes. He wears a leather long coat with patchwork fur insides, a rusty brown tunic, gray oversized pants; with a huge knot on the side of the waist to pull away the extra material, and leather traveling boots, beyond well worn. He is typically extremely filthy at any time, covered in mud, dust, and who knows what else.


Darwin is a downbeat but realistic boy. He acts cold, like a computer. But he loves giving people flowers or other small, nice gifts. Albeit, with a straight face. He gives straightforward answers when he can string it together, but otherwise he is a socially inept mess. While he doesn't believe in the gods outright, he's open to experiencing spiritual occurrences.

He's good with a bow and arrow, and is somewhat okay with a blade no longer than a shortsword. He's mostly a neutral viewed person, seeing things not as inherently bad, but a symptom of society. Theft, murder, and any other morally awful deed doesn't bother him.


Darwin grew up on a farmstead outside Dorhaven, as a single child. His father and mother worked themselves to the bone to get enough to get by. Half of their crop was taken as tax yearly, and the rest sold to get the seeds and repairs for next year, or to buy the absolutely vital in emergency.

When Darwin was 5, his father joined the rebels' cause, giving his son access to schooling. His mother was almost resentful of the danger they were put in, but between the extra coin and priceless schooling, she bit her tongue.

At 13, the day after Darwin's birthday, his home was lit aflame, his parents dying in the fire. He ran into the forest, not to return for a year

Here he met a group of outcast wicks, who taught him how to survive on his own in exchange for some basic reading skills. He since then, lived a reclusive life, orphaned and on the run from his past.

At 14, he came home to find his farm well kept by a new family. His parents and his own grave are marked outside the farm under an oak tree. He left the farm and hasn't gone back since.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Ranged Weapon (Bow and Arrow): Proficient
Bladed Weapons: Beginner


Estuan (Fluent)




Farmer, produce (Proficient)

Career and Income

Occupation: Vagrant

Vagrants often drift from one place to another in search of under the table work and to beg for coin.

Income: Destitute

Currently living from hand to mouth.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: None

Darwin sleeps where he can, whether it's safe or allowed or not.


-One set of clothing
-One water skin
-One set of eating utensils (handmade, wooden)


Become socially adjusted(Long term)
Gain a job (short term)

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