Linnea Madison

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Linnea Madison
Posts: 25
Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2019 8:17 pm
Topics: 4
Race: Galdor
Location: Vienda, Anaxas
: Patron of the Arts
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:33 pm



Race: Galdor
Birthday: Intas 27, 2689
Age: 30 years old
FC: Carly Chaikin
Place of Origin: Florne, Bastia
Current Location: Vienda, Anaxas
Occupation: Ambassador of Bastia
Player Name: Fermin

Physical Description

Linnea is slightly tall for a galdor of Bastian heritage, standing at 5'8", although the rest of her body is average in its lithe form. A mirrored image of her mother, her waved and sometimes curly hair is a dark brown oftentimes appearing black, only displaying lighter hues of red and brown in the light of the sun. Likewise, her eyes are the same light gray as her mother's, and her face is composed of sharp features and a myriad of moles and freckles scattered across her skin. It's easy for her to tan when spending time in the sun, however a lifestyle spent indoors has paled her skin into appearing far more Anaxi than anything else.

However, the woman is almost always well-presented, representing Bastian craftsmen in fine-tailored pantsuits, gowns, and polished shoes; preferring the work of tailors and cobblers from back home rather than trying out the locals in Anaxas. When in the comfort of her own home, or on a day when she's certain not to run into other politicians, Linnea can be found in neutral-toned sweaters and other fashion choices unlikely to draw attention.


Melancholic would perhaps be a good word to describe the Bastian. While not visibly depressed or even bothered at all, Linnea has developed an inward dislike for most people that she meets, often finding them far too pretentious and manipulative for her taste. She would be a fool to let this show, however, and so the ambassador pushes her personal opinions down in favor of keeping Bastia's image clear and authentic to everyone she might meet.

Linnea is a creative at heart; a renaissance woman with a passion for individual expression in all forms. She is a supporter and patron of many Bastian artists as well as those from other kingdoms (mainly Anaxas at the moment), however has a bias for the former. Even if she isn't particularly interested or enthused by someone's art, be it of the visual or performance kind, Linnea has a habit of smiling and praising the work nonetheless; finding herself genuinely inspired by creativity in all forms. She frequently attends both official and street performances in Vienda.

That being said, to say that she isn't a critic would be far from the truth - she simply keeps her criticisms to herself, for the most part. Unless its a close friend of hers, Linnea is likely to stay quiet, too concerned with her political position to ruin it over a critique.

Old habits die hard, and this is especially true for Linnea. Years of alcoholism have left their mark on the ambassador, and though she is recovering now and has been sober for two years as of 2719, the journey is still a difficult one. It's hard for her to be around alcohol in any setting, although she has learned more restraint in the past two years, and this proves itself a big frustration in formal meetings, dinners she might attend, and gifts given from other politicians as well as civilians in favor of the Bastian's creative mind. This old addiction is perhaps what spurred her newer melancholic disposition.

A youth spent conceptualizing and then building (quite literally) a life for herself has made Linnea a hard-working, determined woman, never one to give up on her plans once she's made them.

She values art and religion above all; a galdor devoted deeply to the gods that has dedicated all of her actions and artistic endeavors to the name of Hurte. In whatever free time she finds, Linnea continues her religious studies; a frequent face in the temples and a woman that tries her best to live as the Circle would desire.

As such, Linnea does her best simply to not interact with the lower races, never having been one to enjoy rudeness or superiority in any form, but she recognizes all of galdorkind as superior nonetheless. The idea of passives being equal or deserving equal rights has never crossed her mind; she believes they were likely punished in this life for some mistake in the last. Humans and wicks, in her mind, are lowly and unintelligent creatures, but if she's ever faced with the ordeal of being around them or even speaking with them, Linnea isn't cruel. She believes in a middle-ground, at least socially, even if she does think of them as inferior beings.


Linnea was the third and youngest child born to Alec and Salma Madison. Her birth was both a blessing and a curse upon the Madisons; she was their final child and named heiress, but Salma passed only hours after bringing her into the world. Before her death, she named her Linnea, a decision her father would have vetoed had she not been on her deathbed, as it was the name of Salma's bitter, unloving mother.

The tragedy of a wife and mother's passing overshadowed any excitement the family had had for a new child. Linnea's older sisters, Farah and Theresa, were given the job of taking care of the new baby while their father isolated himself in his grief. This led to a sense of resentment from both sisters early on, but from the start, Linnea was an easy child. Her crying was so infrequent they almost thought something wrong with the girl, but chose instead to accept her easygoing and relaxed demeanor as a blessing born from the sadness surrounding her birth.

The Madisons had never been religious before, but the death of Salma eventually brought them to the temples, Alec seeking answers as to why their family would be so cursed, but instead found his faith. After this, their lives seemed to turn around; their once-absent father now a devoted and religious man determined to raise his children as the gods intended. Linnea was seven years old when her father decided to re-enter their lives, and though she was wary of the man she hardly knew, the child opened her heart.

It was barely a year later when Alec met his second wife.

Giulia Savatier fled from Hesse to escape an arranged marriage months prior; leaving her family and fortune behind in favor of a free life in Bastia, where she could make her own choices. Despite knowing that it had to be done and she had made the right decision, Giulia struggled on her own, looking for answers from the gods in every place she could find in the unfamiliar land. On one fateful night she was joined in her prayers by a native Bastian, a man that saw the pain in her heart as it lingered in his own. It didn't take long for the two to fall for each other; Giulia helping to mend the hole in Alec's heart while he taught her the importance of real, willing love. It was an arrangement perfect and wonderfully made, but for Alec's children, the new woman was nothing but a distraction for their father.

He had only recently accepted their situation and come back completely into their lives, and again he was spending all of his time away from them, leaving the children to themselves and the servants for the second time. Linnea, despite coming to the realization that their father would likely never be a permanent part of their lives, held tightly onto the hope that he would one day treat him like the child he had always wanted.

Linnea didn't start schooling until both of her sisters had graduated; attending Anastau with a focus in both Perceptive and Static conversation.

As the siblings grew older, Theresa's resentment for the youngest only strengthened, learning to blame her not only for their mother's death, but for all the difficulties they struggled through in the years afterwards. She married an Anaxi "businessman" when Linnea was fourteen, however upon moving to Anaxas, Theresa realized her mistake. Her new husband was no official or legal businessman, but a Bad Brother, and though none of the Madisons had heard of the organization before, she discovered the extent of her husband's manipulation when she was sold to the Mad Queen.

None of the Madisons heard from Theresa after her move, still unaware of her fate, but Farah was at least spared in her marriage to a Bastian politician only a year later.

With both of her sisters married and gone, Linnea finished school without issue, finding a talent in architecture and soon after, interior design, and found a career as an architect at the tender age of twenty. For almost a year, Linnea helped design new buildings and structures throughout the city of Florne, but her former professors were unsatisfied with her status when she had shown such a talent for public speaking and passion for everything Bastian, be it culture, history, or of course, architecture.

When Linnea was offered the position of ambassador, she was at first of the mind to decline. She was honored to be considered, and would be proud to represent Bastia and its culture in the other kingdoms, but her true passion was in architecture. It wasn't until she spoke with her father and step-mother that her mind was changed.

The young galdor was given shocking news from the pair over dinner. Giulia and Alec, so foolishly seeming to forget why she had left Hesse in the first place, had promised their daughter's fidelity and life-long partnership to a young man from Giulia's family. Without even consulting Linnea, they had planned and agreed upon both the marriage and a wedding, and she was to be married at the start of the new year.

Linnea had always sought the approval of her father. So much of her being protested with the news, with the very idea that they had thought it was okay to make such a big decision for her, yet another part of her hoped that her agreement would perhaps build a bridge between herself and her father.

It was only two months later when Linnea married Milo Savatier (though kept her own name, thank you), one of Giulia's second-cousins. It was the first and last time the woman has seen her husband, as she accepted the position as ambassador and left for Anaxas days later. Only twenty-one, Linnea was excited for a change of scenery, but more than anything, she was nervous.

In the nine years since she became the ambassador, Linnea has remained mostly a silent figure. Always polite yet enthusiastic about her culture, she has made a welcome home for herself in Anaxas, though makes trips back to Bastia for business matters, taking care to avoid her husband and parents.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Monite: Fluent
Estuan: Fluent
Gioran: Conversational
Mugrobi: Conversational


Magic (Perceptive): Elementary
Magic (Static): Elementary


Professional (Ambassador): Proficient
Professional (Architect): Beginner

Career and Income


As the Bastian ambassador, Linnea serves as the official representative for her kingdom and its people in the other kingdoms, and is considered a part of the upper consulate of the Vyrdag.

Income: Average

Although her job as an ambassador brings in enough income for her to be considered wealthy, Linnea spends her money too quickly to stay above average. She takes frequent trips back to Bastia for both personal and official matters, and spares no expense when meeting with other politicians and educating them on Bastian culture (namely, the artistic side of their culture).

Housing and Inventory

Housing: City Dweller

Linnea resides in a moderately-sized mansion in Vienda, although it belongs to a distant Anaxi family member and she only owns the furnishings and décor.


A handful of Bastian pantsuits, gowns, etc.
A few sets of casual attire (neutral-toned sweaters, plain trousers, long skirts)
Her mother's wedding ring


Her main goal at the moment is to stay sober and stay away from her husband.


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