Avi Kwensie

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Avi Kwensie
Posts: 15
Joined: Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:07 pm
Topics: 3
Race: Human
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Iz

Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:25 pm


Avi Kwensie

Race: Human
Birthday: 11 Vortas 2678
Age: 40
FC: n/a
Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Old Rose Harbor
Occupation: Apothecary

Physical Description

Avi is a middle-aged human. She looks a little younger than her many hard years: her dark brown skin has only a few lines, and there’s not yet any grey in her short black hair. Only the dark circles around her eyes and an ever-weary look give her age away.

She’s tall and sturdy. Her hands are long-fingered, rough, and dextrous. Even on the job, she insists on some fashionable adornment: studs in her ears, layered necklaces, heavy bangles. Only her rings will she remove when at her work. For now, of course, she has little in the way of nice things.

The herbs and oils cling to her person and clothing, the aroma of her trade following her more aptly than perfume.


Avi is careful, cunning, and as every year passes she grows more pragmatic and more walk-backwards-into-hell. For certainly, if bad is going to befall you from crown or Brother, there’s little faith in fairness can do to prevent it. With no family, Avi can afford to look after her own skin and work smart to find some freedom and comfort in an unjust city.

Despite her thickening hide, and the armor of confidence, Avi’s hiding a skittishness. The threat of returning to prison has nurtured a dread that could inspire recklessness and compromising her morals.

At her best Avi is hard-smoking, hard-drinking and game for good company. She is no good alone.


The start of Yaris of 2718 has seen Avi released from three years in an Anaxi prison, and picking up the pieces of the small shop that had been left for thieves and squatters.

Avi is Vienda born and raised, youngest daughter of a single father. For the good years, her father worked in service, but the death of his fair galdor employer left the family in need of better work. The prospects were attractive in Old Rose Harbor and so they picked up. Mr. Kwensie labored until his death as a dock worker, using all their spare money to send Avi to apprentice under an herbalist.

Young Avi took to it well. At first, it was all sharpening knives and scouring kettles and cleaning cellars. Later it was pulverizing chalks, drying herbs, and shaving roots. It wasn’t until she was grown that she was allowed to do any of the making. Her master was well respected in the town and so Avi was regarded with patient indifference by the apothecary’s many customers.

When Avi was only 18, she lost both her father and her master in the same year. Her father by a mugging gone wrong, her master by a harsh winter and bad lungs, an ages-long blight that no healing seemed to kick. An ironic death for a clever concoctor. Mercifully, her master had the proper documents to leave her the shop and none in Old Rose Harbor attempted to usurp it - for a price.

Avi began her craft in earnest and in constant debt to Silas Hawke and the Bad Brothers. She made a fair living for herself, but the good graces of her master lasted only so long.

Five years ago, she found herself in bad stead with Hawke and it eventually came to a head. It was no difficulty for Silas Hawke to pull his protection and throw her in the path of the Seventen

Aptitude Skills

Poor to Average

Focus Skills


Proficient in hand-to-hand self-defense


Estuan - Fluent
Tek - Basic
Sign Language - Basic




Expert apothecary/herbalist

Career and Income


Avi is skilled at gathering and trading for medicinal plants, minerals, and animal parts. She is skilled, also, at cultivating spices and oils for cooking, and dyes for clothing. It is a closely guarded secret that she knows a thing or two about gunpowder and combustion. She owns a small shop, not more than two rooms and cellar. She’ll have arrived back to it to find it in disrepair and devoid of all her equipment and inventory.

Income: Wealth Level

Average before prison, destitute to poor now with the skillset to get back to average.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

She lives in the back room of a tiny two-room shop she was left when her master died. Now, it is little more than a ransacked ruin, but with some work will be secure enough.


At start, Avi has only what she was arrested with. A paltry amount of coin, the clothes on her back, and the rings on her fingers. She has a roof, at least, and whatever looters and squatters left behind in her derelict shop.


Avi’s immediate concern is surviving. She must rebuild her craft and earn again the good graces of Silas Hawke. It’s difficult to plan beyond that, but what she wants is esteem as a master of her trade, security and freedom. She doesn’t know it yet, but she is willing to risk it all to get there.

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