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Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:26 pm
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Race: Wick
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes: [url=http:/fullurl/]Plot Notes[/url]
Writer: SweetKeeks
Post Templates: [url=http:/fullurl/]Post Templates[/url]

Sat Nov 10, 2018 1:29 am



Race: Wick
Birthday: Dentis 13, 2694
Age: 24
FC: Zoe Kravitz
Place of Origin: Deep Water
Current Location: Deep Water (Mimsbury-in-the-Marsh)
Occupation: Herbalist

Physical Description


Small in stature, Lysandra tops out at an unimpressive five-foot-nothing. From the crown of her head flow braids of blackest night that stop at her rear. Her tawny skin, sprinkled with sun-loved freckles and small tattoos, speaks of her years on the road and the time spent honing her craft -- scars from harvesting herbs and traversing lands not meant for frequent travel. Her meager size makes it easy for her to find hidden campsites when she is on the road alone and also means that she moves fast when the need arises. Lysandra is not a curvy woman. She prefers to think herself built for the life she'd been born to: straight as an arrow for the candid, sincere life that she tries to live. You can find her bedecked in any amount of jewelry (the most notable, consistent piece being her septum piercing), typically created from whatever materials she finds on the road: gemstones, particularly stunning rocks, and scraps of metal, mostly.


Lysandra is straightforward -- at all times. While she does keep to herself, especially when in new surroundings, if trouble comes bearing her name, she meets it candidly. Being nomadic, she moves with her tribe (and sometimes by herself, being a courier), but being alone has come ever so naturally to her. She takes comfort in the companionship and boundaries of trust that she has established with her Tribe -- for no one knows her so well as them -- but even she tires of company. Not that she grows exasperated of the only family she's ever known or cared to recognize; however, being an introvert, even she had limits to the amount of activity she can deal with.

Unlike her late mother, Lysandra is not quick to anger and has developed the patience to watch, listen, and learn. It's amazing, she's found, how much others might reveal when they forget you are present. Perhaps it's because of her race that others disregarded her so readily. Not only is she a woman within an already oppressed people, but she is a soft-spoken woman of slight build and that combination, more than anything, is what makes her an adept courier of information and letters best kept hidden. She endeavors to grow her healing capabilities, always, but some days, it is nothing more than an elaborate ruse to get her where she needs to be a little sooner than she would be there otherwise.

Quiet and solitary does not mean vulnerable and meek. Lysandra is well aware of her physical limitations and makes no bones about ensuring her own protection and being smart about the choices she makes, especially when alone during travel. Direct, observational, and quick on her feet, Lysandra must be to keep up with the winds of change that seem to be sweeping through the nation. Wherever she goes, Lysandra's goal is to assimilate as quickly and efficiently as possible. She's developed impartial ideals toward other races; so long as the individual was cordial, she was happy to remain unbiased. She makes a point of keeping grudges to a minimum -- because the more biased she was, the less money she made. It did not mean that she was blind to what was happening in the world. Merely that she, like everyone else, is holding her breath in anticipation.

None of this meant that she would ever even share a drink with someone outside of her tribe but rather that she prefers to ensure her own survival before paying so much attention to others' dealings.


Lysandra was a month premature and in a tribe, far from civilization, the odds of surviving should have been nil. But between her parents' unfaltering attentions and the great history of healing that her tribe bore, she made it over the first hurdle and continued to adulthood.

Growing up in Deep Water was . . . calm. It was a simple life for a young girl and perhaps the biggest reason why Lysandra became who she did. Living in a tribe that was set apart by the ancient language they used would do that. Being distant from the rest of society had taught her to watch her surroundings and acclimate as needed. Being unseen was just as much of a skill as being seen. She figured out young that she would prefer to travel far and wide, alone or with family, so she took quickly to the trades that she thought would aid her most: hunting, fishing, and healing. It wasn't until she stepped out of her tribe for the first time that she learned what money would come with carrying messages and materials from a sender to a recipient might earn her and how it could help build a life for herself. That was when she was freshly 19, and after years of travelling from town to town, healing and transporting goods and messages, she'd like to think she has it all down-pat. That may or may not be the case.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Unarmed (beginner). Evasive (beginner)


Deep Tek (Fluent). Sign Language (Broken). Estuan (Broken).


Spoke's Almanac (Proficient)


Herbalist (proficient), Healer (beginner).

Career and Income


Healer. As a healer, Lysandra can tend to wounds and illnesses. She can create tinctures, ointments, and salves. Because of her nomadic lifestyle and familiarity with hunting, she recognizes herbs and what parts of an animal might help her heal a customer best. Courier. As long as it's small enough to fit in her pack, Lysandra will transport it. Lysandra will carry messages, packages, and letters far and wide as an additional means of income.

Income: Wealth Level


Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type



Clothes. {regular} Dark brown cloak; simple, earth tone shirt and pants; white undergarments; black shoes. {weather gear} Thick grey cloak; thick grey pants; white undergarments; black boots.

18ftx7ft kint. Horse, tent, fishing net, lantern & oil, 6 torches.

Rucksack. Knife, waterskin, set of toiletries, 2 rags, bedroll, rope, tinderbox, compass.

Pet. Bander Wolf (grey w/black stripes, blue eyes).


Short-term goals: Earn enough money to live an average life.

Long-term goals: Better her healing and courier skills, learn apothecary work.

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