Taos Alo

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Taos Alo
Posts: 13
Joined: Thu Nov 29, 2018 9:19 pm
Topics: 4
Race: Wick
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Aria / Fermin

Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:00 pm

Taos Alo


Race: Wick
Birthday: Roalis 45th, 2686
Age: 32 years old
FC: Riz MC / Rizwan Ahmed
Place of Origin: Nomadic lands in Anaxas
Current Location: Old Rose Harbor, Anaxas
Occupation: Con-artist, petty thief

Physical Description


It's common to see Taos' face lit up in a wide smile, and even more commonly, to see an air of mischief in the form of a grin. Oftentimes these expressions are shown with pearly white teeth, overlapping enough to make his mouth almost shark-like. Now that he's entered his thirties, hints of crow's feet have found their place at the corners of his eyes, but aside from these, one wouldn't be able to tell that Taos is aging.

His skin is a deep tan, more akin to someone found in Mugrobi than fair Anaxas, and often scratched up or bruised from his activities at "work." It's normal to find his knees scraped from quite literally sliding out of tough situations, or his knuckles bruised and bloodied from getting into a guttered brawl. Freckles and moles are scattered all across his body.

Taos is a bit tall for a wick, standing at 5'8". His body, like many of his kind, is lithe and lean, as well as muscular. He might not be a sturdy, buff human, but years of hard work carrying goods and helping with various caravans have molded him into a strong man. Now that he spends his days as a thief and a con, his strength is still put to good use; in pulling himself over walls and other methods of escape.

He keeps his hair short; the color often likened to that of a raven's plumage. In his younger years, when his time was spent purely with other young, nomadic wicks, he occasionally dyed blue streaks into his hair, but these days he keeps it natural. He usually keeps a bit of facial hair, but it's not unusual to see him clean-shaven now and then, usually around special occasions.

His eyes are a warm yet dark brown, showing no hint or flecks of any other color.



Despite the sometimes dark nature of his work, Taos is a very light-hearted and humorous individual. He likes to make other people laugh when he can, but when his humor goes unappreciated, he doesn't mind just amusing himself. While his humor can at times be dry and even dark, he does know when to keep his mouth closed and take a situation seriously. This doesn't mean he always does, however.

He sees the world through rose-tinted glasses; his free spirit taking him wherever he needs to go and never growing attached to one place. He isn't caught up in conversations of equality and justice, and tends to ignore both the human resistance and their galdori oppressors in favor of putting his entire focus on what's in front of him. He doesn't fight for any cause beyond his own happiness and self-enjoyment.

Taos has wronged as many people as have wronged him, but holds no grudges, and his wrongdoings towards others are purely because he feels them necessary for some reason. He holds no spite for those above him, nor pity for those below, and it seems that his heart is easily kept out of all matters.

That being said, Taos is not apathetic to the plight of others, he just doesn't feel the need to involve himself in most things. He has a strong sense of loyalty and family, valuing these things above all else, and is always willing to do whatever he can to better his friends and family's lives as his own. Taos believes that family is connected beyond blood, and that when he dies, he will be born again into the same family, and on and on. He also believes that those that he holds as dear as family will always find him again in their other lives.

The wick has never taken social matters or politics seriously, and so his opinions of other races are far from extreme. He has an inborn loyalty to stick with his wick brethren when possible, but he feels comfortable among other races when needed. If he had to really stretch for an opinion, he would find the galdori a bit too prissy and arrogant for his taste, the humans his non-magical brothers, and passives an unfortunate result of galdori arrogance.


Taos was born to lead.

He was brought into the world with heavy responsibilities and high expectations from the start, being the first-born son of Durg Fairvine and Bhavya of the Black Hand tribe. The exact location of his birth was never known to them, the tribe simply passing through one town to another in an unsuccessful attempt to shelter indoors from the unbearable heat. Their tribe, having a rather distasteful reputation in most places, was left to deal with the summer weather and Taos was born after an exhausting, unbearably hot day, in the later hours when the sun was lowering in the sky.

The sun's mercy was seen as a sign of good fortune and promise for their new son, whom they named Taos Alo, after the Durg's late father Taos Aarav.

His childhood was spent on the road, roaming all of Anaxas with his family and learning from his father what it meant to lead a tribe. High expectations were always placed upon the child, and when these expectations were not met, Taos often found himself on the receiving end of his father's disappointed discipline. Though he never lost his rebellious streak, Taos did mature over the years, becoming the young man his father had always hoped for. He was stern in the face of the wrongdoings of his tribe, but sympathetic and understanding of their needs, and earned the respect of his future flock faster than even his father had.

They traveled all across Anaxas, never staying in one region for all too long, as the tribe's shady reputation was known to most bigger cities and towns. Eventually they came to an area just outside of Dorhaven, and found that the small, sleepy village of humans was far kinder, and willing to trade with the tribe.

Taos was eighteen years old when they arrived, and being the future Durg, his father had years ago started sending the young man to complete the tasks he would normally do himself. He went into Dorhaven, seeking to secure a few deals with the merchants, but stumbled upon an excited child before he was able to do a thing. The child was young, only six years old, and spoke to him of his family's planned feast, where he excitedly explained that they would all be moving into their next, better lives.

The news, coming from such a young boy, startled the wick. He questioned the boy, who offered the name Francis Hayes, and after confirming his suspicions of a planned mass suicide, brought Francis forcefully back to his tribe--effectively kidnapping a human child. Both his tribe and this boy weren't happy with the situation; Francis fought to be returned to his family, while Taos' father worried that the village would hunt them down and massacre the entirety of them. Still, the young wick convinced his tribe that the child wasn't safe in Dorhaven, and the Black Hand set out once more.

It took a while, but eventually Francis came to accept his life with the wicks, and understand the extent of his family's indoctrination. Taos gave him the new name of Polk, after the wick's deceased younger brother, Polkos Ira. He came to see Polk not just as his responsibility, but as his own chosen brother, despite the twelve years between them.

For years, there was peace within the tribe, despite troubles with the outside world. His father's growing frustrations with the state of the world, however, turned the already quite stern man into something more unbearable. Taos took issue with almost every decision he made, both concerning the members of the tribe as well as their movements across Anaxas, and eventually it grew to be too much for the wick to handle. He loved and cared for his tribe with all of his being, but he couldn't stand to watch his father run it aground any longer.

At the age of twenty-eight, Taos had had enough. In the middle of a dark, stormy Loshis night, the wick took one of the tribe's wagons and left without a word to anyone. It killed him to leave them all behind, especially the young Polk that he had watched learn and grow for ten years, but he had made up his mind.

To his surprise, so had Polk, who followed after him.

Ever since, Taos has made sure never to doubt his friend's loyalty, and the duo have traveled on their own for four years. Despite not having real jobs or any steady source of income, they live in freedom, and use the things learned from their tribe to terrorize the streets of every town and city they stumble into.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Combat (Brawling): Beginner


Monite: Conversational
Tek: Fluent
Estuan: Conversational


Magic (Spoke's Tricks): Proficient
Magic (Spoke's): Beginner


Professional (Con-artist): Beginner

Career and Income


Taos is a con-artist and a thief. He uses his talent with spoke's tricks to his advantage, making a fool out of many a human and unsuspecting galdor. He partakes in the usual methods; fortune telling, palm reading, and the like, taking a fee in advance and oftentimes getting a partner to pickpocket his customer in the meantime. Besides conning people out of their sweet ging, Taos can be found pickpocketing on the streets during the night or on particularly busy days with large crowds. He usually picks up a few coins at a time, but on lucky days, he can get trinkets, jewelry, and other small items, which he then sells.

Income: Poor

He is poor, not having a legitimate job, and can only afford what those in the poor income bracket can. However, now and then he steals pieces of jewelry, and so has a few expensive items when he chooses not to sell them.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Type

Polk and Taos share a 18ft x 7ft gypsy-styled wagon with a built-in cupboard with a bench-top, two mattresses, bedding, and shelving.

Also included:

One set of clothing for each
One set of Weather Gear for each
One tent (sized to accommodate two people or one person and their possessions.)
One horse.
One horse-pulled wagon (two feet wide, three feet long, two feet deep)
100 feet of rope
One tinderbox.
A set of six torches
One Lantern and lantern oil
One bedroll
A compass
A fishing net or fishing pole with a set of thirty hooks.
A blanket
A rucksack
A knife
One waterskin
One set of toiletries
Two rags


Taos Aarav's ring
Two casual-wear outfits (one dyed completely black)
One set of toiletries (a comb, razor, toothbrush, and toothpaste)
One set of eating utensils
One tinderbox


I'll add stuff as I come up with it.


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