Garamir Wakefield

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Garamir Wakefield
Posts: 6
Joined: Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:20 pm
Topics: 2
Race: Passive
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Hubble

Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:42 pm

Garamir Wakefield


Race: Passive
Birthday: 6th of Loshis, 2697
Age: 21
FC: Joe Dempsie
Place of Origin: Derne, Anaxas
Current Location: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Occupation: Servant

Physical Description


Garamir’s features follow after the strong and prominent frame that his galdori father possessed, along with the dark mess of hair upon the top of his head, clashing with the blue eyes that mirror his mother’s. His hair shows promise of opulence if properly groomed and grown, but has since experienced much abuse through his time as a servant at Brunnhold, leading it to be simply cut and let free. A dark and rough stubble finds itself upon Garamir’s face, a result of his own negligence towards his grooming.

Standing at 5’5”, Garamir’s build has been strengthened with his tasks as a general cleaning/maintenance repair servant and the go-to lifter for heavy odds and ends. He was often the brawler-type child in his youth, a trait that has carried over to his time at Brunnhold, occasionally leading to the Gated passive releasing his frustration on other less fortunate servants. With knicks and scars covering his upper torso, as well as clearly calloused hands, it is safe to say that most servants dare not approach Garamir when his brow is furrowed.

Garamir makes no attempt to relive the amazing standard of fashion he once had with his galdori family, now content with his simple and ratty garbs that are provided through his “occupation”. Most would say the man has fallen into his role as a Gated passive quite easily, but those close to him and to those more perceptive, the hatred towards his current state of affairs is clear.
Any manner of object - whether it be furniture, plant life, or another living being - becomes encased in stone if it is within a 5-10 foot radius of Garamir. This stone would seem to be cracking out of the objects in question, as if it had been there all along and is only now deciding to wreak havoc, causing excruciating pain as literal stone grows out of one’s body. After a certain amount of time, the stone will eventually become brittle, allowing whatever happened to be encased inside to break out/be broken out, normally with little damage spare for the initial pain of the incident. There is a chance of organic matter turning to stone during this particular diablerie, leading to some unfortunate souls having to amputate a limb or have parts of their skin removed. However, Garamir has not experienced his diablerie ever before, leading to him not knowing of what terrible surprise lies within that could awaken at any moment.



As described before, Garamir’s temper is one that is to be avoided at all costs. If one gets the Gated passive truly angry, there is little one can do to escape his scathing remarks and violent tendencies. This is spawned from his early days as a child when his father would push Garamir to the edge in constantly being the best and making sure he exerted such behavior. However, it must have been quite the shock and instant disappointment as Garamir failed to procure a single ounce of magical capability during his initiation test. His family was quick to cease communication with their now defunct child, sending him swiftly to be utilized at Brunnhold. As a result, Garamir’s patience with frivolous discussion and small talk is short, and he often wants to get to the heart of conversations so that he may address problems head-on, a leftover of the brash and assertive household he was raised in.

However, he does show some sympathy to those experiencing the same negative feelings he does towards servitude, often willing to give a listening ear to those who need one to vent their frustrations. While not necessarily being able to offer any wise musings to help them with their problems, sometimes a silent listener is all that is needed. This side is not often shown, unfortunately, as most would much rather say nothing to the brute if given a chance.

Garamir does not enjoy servitude, such is simple. He thinks the idea of enslaving an entire subset of people is the worst in existence, especially since he is part of that particular subset. He has heard of the wandering nature of wicks and the camaraderie of humans and has long envied the same freedom that is given to them. Because of this, he naturally despises the galdori. Everything from their natural predisposition to think they are greater than other races to the biased forms of government and society they create. He follows their orders in Brunnhold with muted frustration, not daring to speak out against them on his own. This opinion was fostered in his mind ever since he was proven to have zero magical capabilities, believing that he still had more use and capability than a mere slave (a remnant of his galdori-like childhood). Those with opposing viewpoints to his own often get the cold shoulder as well, Garamir not having the energy to engage in wordplay over wrong opinions.

Garamir is hopeful that he will one day escape the persecution of passives, and live on his own, perhaps passing himself off as a human to the rest of the world. He has also given thought to one day visiting his old family, and show them what has become of their once-prized son. A long goal that is, however, and one he has not thought through completely. It is unknown whether or not Garamir would follow through on escaping Brunnhold once and for all, setting out on his own, but one thing is clear: He is tired of eternal servitude, and his yearning for freedom grows with every passing day.


Born during a particularly rainy night in Loshis on 2697, Garamir was the only child born to Cassandra and Eliventus Wakefield. And perhaps for the best, as Garamir’s childhood was one of constant competition, constantly being pitted against other children in terms of early academics and even brute strength. The Wakefield family was obviously one of one-upping others, and Garamir quickly filled the mold. One may have called him a spoiled child, but the reality was that he had to work for food on his plate most of the time, showing to his parents that he was worthy of receiving their praise. Eliventus was a big proponent of this incentivization, believing that it would make Garamir strive for more and become ambitious during his mature years. Evening dinners were often filled with verbal sparring as to whether he had done enough for the day, and whether he could fit in more studying for the night.

What should have been a routine test, an easy pass for the Wakefield child to get into Brunnhold University, turned out to be the worst day not only in Garamir’s life but also in the lives of his parents. Cassandra and Eliventus were left stunned with horror as their son had shown zero signs of magical capabilities, not even as much as a wick could muster. No matter how much the young 10 year-old would scream and beg for another test, another try, another chance at being galdori, there was no changing fact.

Garamir Wakefield was a passive, and he was no longer accepted in his family.

As perhaps a twist of comedy from the divine, Garamir was allowed to go to Brunnhold. But of course, as a “servant” who tended to every whim and fancy of the galdori. And when he begged to his parents to not send him there, to instead keep him home, he was met with silence. Only disappointment was palpable, an emotion he had not truly felt from his mother and father until then.

The rest was swift and decisive. Garamir Wakefield was sent to Brunnhold for his forseeable future, to serve those who had condemned him. At first rebellious and noncommittal, Garamir soon bent to the will of those above him, unable to see any escape from his situation. He was quickly put to work, becoming physically trained as he was put to heavy lifting and repair as soon as he was able. Garamir would often repair cobbled walkways or chipped away corners, paired with his lifting of heavy supplies so that he could do both with great effect. With a repetitive and negative lifestyle, Garamir had fostered quite the thorny outlook on his situation, causing him to be well known amongst the rest of the passives at Brunnhold.
Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills


Combat (Unarmed): Proficient


Estuan: Fluent


Professional (Maintenance/Repair): Proficient
Professional (Lifting/Transporting): Beginner

Career and Income


Garamir is very much physically built, thus he is mostly put in jobs where he can lift heavy objects and bring them somewhere else, as well as helping with reconstruction due to his ability to lug heavy materials such as stone or metal. He regularly helps with repairing walkways and cobbled/brick walls that have degraded due to negligence. Garamir also helps with cleaning through window-washing and mopping occasionally. He much rather prefers to lift things for others however, since it is a relatively simple job that he is content with doing.

Income: Servitude

Garamir has no personal wealth as a passive in Brunnhold, save for the occasional shiny trinket that he may find on the ground, forgotten by a careless student.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: Servitude

Garamir stays bunked in a dorm with another passive servant, one that he has become somewhat acquaintances with, but rarely speaks to him. (A blessing in disguise, some would say behind Garamir’s back)


No possessions to Garamir’s name except for those given to him by his higher-ups.


Garamir first and foremost wishes to one day escape the horror that is Brunnhold, and to never think about the galdori there ever again. If he ever does, he might seek out a wick tribe that would allow him to ingratiate with them, as he has heard that passives are somewhat welcome among wicks. Garamir has also heard wind of the Resistance, but has as of now waved them off as some lost cause waiting for their time to be arrested.

As long-term goals go, Garamir may attempt to find his parents to confront them about their unwillingness to help their only son escape slavery, but has not formulated any way to do this yet, and may as well be a pipe dream. As a slightly more realistic goal, Garamir hopes that one day he can live in true freedom, whether hidden as a human/wick, or recognized as a free passive.

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