Vivian Rush

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Vivian Rush
Posts: 39
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:37 am
Topics: 7
Race: Galdor
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Mythic
Post Templates: Post Templates

Sun Dec 30, 2018 5:53 pm

Vivian Rush


Race: Galdor (Anaxi)
Birthday: 13th Dentis, 2694
Age: 25
FC: Madeline Ford

Place of Origin: Vienda, Anaxas
Current Location: Brunnhold, Anaxas
Occupation: Internal Affairs Liason for Brunnhold
Personality: ESTJ-A: The Executive
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Archetype: The Tyrant

Physical Description


Vivian Rush is the pinnacle of her Anaxan heritage. Long, thin auburn hair cascades in waves along the framework of a lithe face and somewhat larger than average cranium. Deep pools of amber hold within them the haughty, highly appraising gaze of a young woman raised in the lap of luxury. Her build is similarly lithe with a fair bust, but somewhat wider hips that extend to thin thighs. It's evident that Vivian isn't a highly physical creature, with her straight posture and elegant step further evidence that dense physical activity hasn't been a necessity. Her features denote quiet confidence to them, and her lack of physical mannerisms (ticks) show the mark of a patient and cunning individual.

Typically, Vivian will wear dark dresses, with hair let down or tied in an updo. However, this changes when she's working or at social conventions, where she'll dress in attire appropriate to her setting. With a keen eye for the general tone of an event, she's quick to shift to what occasion may arise. When Vivian is alone or in the privacy or her home or office, she'll often wear spectacles, the need born from her continued use of Perceptive mona and the sensory deprivation that results from it. Vivian stands at a diminutive height of 5'2", and takes to wearing high heels in order to mask just how short she feels she is.



Reared with the traditional galdor standard of superiority, Vivian carries herself with an elegance and grace that can be attributed to an aristocratic lifestyle. Compassion is heavy for the young galdori, which stretches as far as the magic within goes. That is to say, she wears a face of loveliness and understanding for those with a connection to the Mona like she has. Galdori are the recipients of affection and camaraderie, and while there's some measure of altruism to Vivian, it does not extend to charity. She's of the firm belief that those with the power to utilize the mona are also capable of solving their own problems and shares her time with those with the resourcefulness and intellect to come to her in friendship rather than need. When the situation is right, Vivian is lovely to converse with and sharp enough to offer insights that seem to stretch well beyond her years. Analytical by nature, Vivian is quick to anticipate the needs of others, but not so quick to respond to them.

Vivian Rush truly embodies the galdori mistrust and oppression of passives, humans and wicks alike. The inferior races of Vita all, in her eyes, rightfully bend their knee to the galdori. As the only race capable of such an intimate connection with the mona, all others serve in their rightful place beneath the kingdoms of the galdori. Vivian's disregard for the safety and well-being of these inferior races extends to her using them to any advantage or pleasure they can offer. The Anaxi sees them as pawns, intelligent and resourceful as they might come, but inferior on a genetic level. Therefore, when it comes to these races, she cares not for their survival, their comfort, but only for the utilization of these beings as what they are: a resource. As a result, deep within Vivian, there is deep, venomous sadism that arises when a proper opportunity arises.

In regards to family and blood ties, there's a great deal of conflict within Vivian. Vivian is a creature of inheritance. Her parents are of aristocratic stock, finding their ambitions come to fruition in their respective pursuits, which inspires and somewhat forces Vivian to succeed. She's driven by the high standards placed by them, eager to impress but hesitant to follow the path set for her directly. But rather than panicking in the face of expectations, she calmly faces them head on and strives to exceed them.

With regards to her elder twin brother, whose relationship with the mona is damaged by a brain injury, she feels at fault. Being saved by his sacrifice, she has loved him dearly, remembering their youth and all that they've been through. However, in her heart, there is the pike of divisiveness, the superiority of a rotten lot of fate. Part of Vivian resents the burden she bears, having a passive sibling and being forced to by expectations to succeed. But she's made her success in a field of her choosing, impressing her father, even if at the cost of some disappointment from her mother and resentment from her sibling.




The youngest fraternal twin, Vivian nonetheless saw the limelight of her parents' attention. Raised in the lap of luxury, Vivian and Lucian flourished, showing very clear signs of magic in the weeks before their examination at Brunnhold. When their results came in, both of the twins were lavished with reward and encouragement. When the pair was sent away to Brunnhold, the beginnings of their real struggle began. Co-dependence and purposeful isolation from the rest of the student populace was Vivian's norm. She clung to her brother, and the staff at Brunnhold, believing the need for these twins to be separated, went along with their plans of doing so. Half of their classes were re-assigned, with the twins forced to sit apart and not acknowledge one another in the midst of their studies. Despite this cruel separation, Vivian and Lucian both excelled in their early studies. The young Vivian took a shine to the dual nature of politics, her keen eye and sharp wit perfectly molding her to an understanding of political science.

When these talents were discovered by her professors, she was assigned to classes meant to cultivate talent in perspective conversation. With the many conversations she had with her brother and their shared studying in the free time allotted to them she learned of their mutual talent. Vivian and Lucian were placed to study together anew, both of the young galdor growing in their understanding of the Mona. With her brother at her side yet again, Vivian found herself shaping to habits that impressed the Mona, staying away from the poor decisions and neglect that many students found in their adolescence. Armed with a calculative determination, Vivian turned her efforts to swaying those beyond professorship. While in school, she befriended one of the Chairs, secretly plotting her future with them while her studies continued.

Through the immense amount of time spent between them, Vivian discovered the intact purity of her brother's soul and sought to protect that within him even while the machinations the younger twin laid out for herself. While her brother was the light, Vivian turned her eyes away from generosity and charisma, preferring to keep silent, observant and gracious while hiding her words behind a wide smile. Before the accident, Vivian never had the opportunity to thank her brother for the help he gave her, for propping her up with support and love while she tirelessly hunted for her piece of destiny.

The Accident

It was supposed to happen to her. The machinations Vivian laid out for herself were all meant to be a cruel joke, the punchline ending her aspirations and leaving her behind. It should have happened to her... but it didn't. Heavy tile loosened by snowfall tore from the roof and plummeted to the earth. Directly in the path of the fall was Vivian, with her brother standing beside her. Vivian couldn't react to it, too deep in conversation and the stray thought that accompanied with it. It wasn't until Vivian was smashed against the nearest wall that she heard it happen. Tiles crashed into her precious brother's head, and the collapsed Vivian could do nothing as the blood trickled down his face and he fell to the ground a bit further down the hall. Vivian screamed for aide, which came quickly and carried Lucian off to the infirmary.

However, the time taken to do all of this was too much. The damage was done, and Vivian looked down in horror as her collapsed brother rested away after a procedure that sealed his wounds. Vivian herself had an injury, a sprained shoulder and cracked bone in her arm, but nothing that threatened her life. The young woman stayed with her brother as he slept for days. She read stories as he recovered, taking an extended leave from work to recover from her own injuries. The medics then told her of something that'd strike her as unfair, unjust, and unacceptable. Lucian had extensive brain injuries and might have trouble speaking when he woke. Immediately, Vivian took the initiative to have Lucian transferred from his work. She vowed to keep an eye on her healing brother, just as he'd always protected her. How he always would protect her.

The Aftermath

In the weeks after Lucian's injury, she did her utmost to help him along. He was slower, duller but still maintained the spark he'd had before his accident. Supervised by Vivian, he was presented with challenges meant to incrementally ready him for his new duties and tasks. Vivian kept a close eye on her brother, keeping him closer than ever. In time, she'd feel that having her brother around was an asset rather than an unfortunate circumstance, and she grew pleased with his constant presence in her life, even offering him room in her home. Vivian couldn't help but recognize the warmth that settled within her, the compassion that grew within her anew. Her years of post-education had begun to harden her to the plights of others, but her brother's recovery had her regress. Only time will tell when the darkness might return, and the deep sadism possible within Vivian Rush returns anew.
Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills




Perspective - Intermediate
Physical - Beginner


Politician - Proficient



  • Estuan
  • Gioran
  • Monite




  • Mugrobi


Housing: City Dweller Pack

Vivian lives in a small, but modest home in the Stacks, far enough to ensure her privacy but close enough to send servants to task on foot.

Her home is built around a tiny hallway that begins at the front door and goes into the house proper. The hallway has four doors, each of which leads to a different part of the house. The first door on the left leads to a small dining room with a kitchenette appended to it. This kitchenette includes a stove, sink, and icebox all shoved into a corner, with most of the small space assigned to dining. In the kitchenette, there's just enough space for two drawers that contain basic eating utensils and dinnerware.

The next door leads to Vivian's bedroom, which takes up the bulk of the house's floor space. In her bedroom, she has a small desk, a comfortable desk chair, her bed, and a personal chest. The third room is a very basic servant's quarters fitted with two bedrolls and nothing else. The final room is a restroom with an appended shower, with has in it basic essentials for grooming.


  • Two Sets of Toiletries (One left at her home in the Stacks, the other in her mother's suite in the Brunnhold faculty dormitories.)
  • One flask (often empty, but kept in the event of necessity)
  • Six floral summer dresses, all dyed differently with distinct patterns
  • Three hardy waistcoats, tailor-fit to her size and dark brown in colour.
  • Six skirts (different materials, all of fine quality and frequently replaced/taken for repairs if damaged
  • Six fine silk blouses, all black or dark green.
  • Three ballgowns, for political events or school functions. (Black, silver and violet.)
  • Four leather purses, all of which are black or dark brown.
  • One bottle of Gioran whiskey (always replaced when empty, kept in her office in Brunnhold.)
  • One half-ounce bag of pipe tobacco (always replaced when depleted, kept in her purse on her person.)
  • One intricately carved, wooden pipe (often refurbished by the tobacco seller whenever Vivian replenishes her supply.)
  • Two pairs of rimmed spectacles, oval in shape
Galdor Starting Package bonuses:
Access to a Brunnhold provided carriage.
Access to two passives who support daily errands and requests
Access to tutors and trainers within Brunnhold.

Career and Income


Vivian is the Liaison for Internal Affairs within Brunnhold. Vivian is responsible for collaborating with different departments within the campus and powers that be relevant to any 'hot button' occurrences and incidents transpiring within the university. Vivian's duties also extend to mediation between students, faculty and the help with the intention of simmering tensions and drawing a constructive solution to problems and differences. With her sentiments towards passives, however, this rarely ends to any benefit to them.

Income: Wealthy

The daughter of a Brunnhold professor and an Anaxi politician, Vivian was raised from wealthy stock. While she likes to claim independence from her sires, her moderate income is bolstered with financial assistance from her mother, who also lives in the school..


Vivian's ambitions are to further her understanding of the mona and discover her true name. Additionally, she aspires to become one of Brunnhold's Chairs. Part of Vivian also aspires to become the Headmistress of Brunnhold itself, for so long has she already spent within its walls that a staunch craving to spend the rest of her life in direct pursuit of the loftiest reaches and knowledge of magic is one of her greatest passions. Not an educator by any stretch of definition, Vivian finds this ambition loftier than her other goal, but juggles the both of them within her mind at all times.


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