Mildred Aewulum

Everything about Mildred Aewulum, so far.

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Mildred Aewulum
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:16 am
Topics: 1
Race: Galdor
Writer Profile: Writer Profile.

Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:01 pm

Mildred Aewulum


Race: Galdori | Half-Anaxi, half-Hoxian
Birthday: Roalis, 60th, 2699
Age: 19
Personality: ENTP-A | Debater
Theme song X.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: Brunnhold, H. Ameter
Occupation: Student at Brunnhold University
FC: Park Sooyoung

Physical Description


The women from the Hoxian side of the family are described as tall and fair, with long black locks, and gentle, delicate features, with the glances of confidence and pride in their obsidian eyes. They say they seem to carry all the beauty of the world on their shoulders by the way they move and treat others, attracting the eyes of many whenever they walk in a room. Mildred Aewulum, similar to the many generations of women, is exactly that.

Blessed with a natural grace, Mildred is a young woman of slim stature and delicate features, perfectly suited to the light, tight clothes she wears, of the highest quality and price, usually in darker colors than most Anaxi women would prefer, such as indigo and dark yellow. Her heart-shaped, soft-looking face makes both men and women sigh, especially when she directs them one of her heart-warming smiles, though that kindness never meets her eyes.

Her other features all serve to better add to her doll-like appearance; small, button nose, full lips, and long lashes. Mildred's often found with a confident and collected look to her, those midnight eyes analyzing her surroundings and the people by her side, and, despite being far from nice, people seem to excuse her behavior due to her looks.



There are a lot of words one would immediately think of if you asked them about Mildred Aewulum; insults, blatant lies, unnecessarily long and embarrassing dedications of love, half-baked compliments. Honestly, it depends a lot on who you decide to question. The real facet of Mildred Aewulum is a thing only the luckiest get to see.

Many female students at Brunnhold University may call her dedicated and intelligent, while the males choose charming and brilliant. The student they see is what the woman herself loves to describe as “good Mildred”, as she’s always with a collected smiling on her face. The woman is polite, welcoming, and overall charming to anyone she meets, the perfect image she likes to play. Good Mildred is displayed around her mother and younger sisters, and her galdori neighbors.

She can be kind and pretend to have a golden heart, she puts on a happy smile and plays along with what people expect of her. Good Mildred is smart and dedicated, striving to be the best in class, an example to those around her, especially her friends, to which she keeps close to heart, and loves with the entirety of her heart.

When left alone is when the normal version of herself starts to show. Hilliard, her father, is the only one that can see her for what she really is: a mocking, self-centered bitch, that wholeheartedly supports the galdori in power, and doesn’t care about any of the other races in the slightest. Calling her an egoist would be quite the understatement, let me tell ya. Mildred only has herself in mind, the thought of interacting with those inferior to her makes her shiver, disgusted.

There’s no denying that she’s quite something. With a silver tongue, untouchable confident and such creativity, there’s almost no situation that Mildred cannot escape. She considers herself above others, no matter who they are, and doesn’t care about what they have to say. A smooth-talker, liar, with solid deductions skills, she’s not someone to be trusted, unless you can fully confirm the situation won’t end up badly for her.

Mildred plays with others and knows how to fake emotions perfectly (it doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel anything), and uses her charisma to her advantage, always. Competitive, cunning and ambitious, she’ll do whatever she can to succeed in life and end up with the upper-hand in any situation. Mildred never picks sides, her life is a constant grey area.


Mildred was born during an intense hot-weave, to Hilliard, an Anaxi, and Mavri Aewulum, a Hoxian, a once small but influential family of galdori living in Vienda, close to the heart of the city. The baby girl was named after her great-grandmother Mill, that still held a close place in Mr. Aewulum’s heart for her kind nature and naturally good soul, which is a sweet irony that the child made sure to remind her father of.

As soon as she started to walk and talk, Mildred began to show interest and devotion to magic, her curiosity was something that no one could control. She’d ask never-ending questions about Brunnhold, about Vita, about mona, about life, death, and everything she could think of. Her parents, though raising her in the normal galdori culture, were often overwhelmed and told her she’d learn everything once she turned ten.

Mildred grew up with the dream of exploring the world, despite her parents’ complaints. Always making sure to leave the house accompanied by her mother, even running away whenever she felt like it, she’d to walk across Vienda, exploring the market, the public library and much more. The lights in Vienda seemed to never cease, one of the reasons why Mildred loved the place. It was the only thing that seemed to fill her heart with excitement and love. When she was out exploring she wasn’t forced to always put on a happy smile, she just did, different to when she’s at home.

Even after the birth of her twin sisters, Mitah and Peonia, the girl was still clearly the favorite, due to her intelligence and kind behavior towards others, that forced facade instilled in her from a young age. Sometimes, her empty glances towards her family would catch the attention of her father and they’d both end up arguing when the other family members were already asleep. After registering an 8 in the initiation test, Mildred hugged her mother goodbye, gave her father a look and went to Brunnhold University, where her questions began to be answered.

Her early moments at Brunnhold University were a lot better than her pressured times at home, despite her still having to act all fake smiles and sweet-like, learning and growing in magic made things easier. Mildred started talking to people and developing as a person more than she ever did back home, and though she never considered any of them her friends, the experiences were helpful to distract her mind whenever she found herself thinking of home.

The people she met were not on her level, as she considered herself better than all of them, ignoring they were all from the same race. Brunnhold served to improve her sense of competition and desire to make herself known as the best. And overall her childhood and teenage years were simple in regards to friendship, love, and care for others, sometimes lacking in that department, but full of magic and interest.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills




Estuan | Fluent
Monite | Conversational
Deftung | Fluent


Physical | Elementary
Perceptive | Elementary


Student: Beginner
Writer; Beginner

Career and Income


Mildred is a student at Brunnhold University.

Income: Average

Mildred still lives in the same high-level life she used to back home, due to her mother's monthly sensing her money.

Housing and Inventory

Housing: H. Ameter

She lives at the dorms, on the H. Ameter neighborhood for students from the 6th to 10th year.


Various sets of clothing for different seasons.
Moon necklace gave to her by her mother when she left home.



Peonia Aewulum | Sister
Mitah Aewulum | Sister
Mavri Aewulum | Mother


Cousins, aunts, grandparents.




Hilliard Aewulum | Father


Graduate from Brunnhold, become a successful writer and explore the rest of the kingdoms.
harm none, do what you will
M. Aewulum


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