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Aurelie Steerpike
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: Deeply Awkward Mom Friend
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Sun Dec 08, 2019 1:17 am

Hamis 12, Late Evening | Passive Women's Dorm
Bernadetta was missing.

Well, not missing, as Aurelie was certain that someone knew where she was. That someone just wasn't Aurelie, and she couldn't say she was sorry for it. The two got along, as much as Aurelie got along with anyone, but Bernie was loud and she was intrusive and all she seemed to want to do of late was ask Aurelie about some rumor or another. After the last few weeks, all she wanted was some peace and quiet to herself. Scarcely two days had gone by since her encounter with Niamh Madden. Her embarassing, awkward, interesting encounter with Niamh. Aurelie's mind was full and she--she just wanted to be still and turn it over.

Also, without Bernadetta she was free to practice her embroidery. Providing, of course, she could bear to look at her sampler and not die of embarassment. How and why had she ever felt confident enough in her handiwork to give it to Fionn as a gift? Aurelie shifted on her bed, reaching underneath the mattress to pull out the small kit and the sampler she kept there. Yes, the stitches were certainly clumsy. Better, she could tell, then they had been this time last year, but awkward all the same. Niamh had offered to bring her books to read, which should help. Except-- oh. Her heart sunk. They would have to stay at Laboratory Beta, and if they were there... Something about the idea that anyone (Fionn) would know that she was practicing made her squirm. Aurelie had kept the diversion a sort of secret these last few years.

Nevermind that, of course, she wasn't even certain when--or if that would matter at all. In the meantime, she would just keep on as she had done, practicing in the night or rare moments alone. It was all she could do.

Beside her sampler was another piece of cloth; a handkerchief. A plain one, and stained. She really had meant to throw it away--she should have thrown it away. There was no reason to keep it, as she had reminded herself for weeks. Yet there it stayed, and sometimes she took it out as she did now and felt stupid and pleased all at once. Aurelie laid it out next to her embroidery on her lap. If anyone saw her--but no, she was alone, and she could indulge herself, just a little.

Suddenly there was a sharp rap at the door, the kind of knock that didn't so much serve to ask permission to enter as to check off some vague sense of what one ought to do. Aurelie yelped and tried to shuffle the whole lot of it under her lap, only to stick herself with her embroidery needle. She hissed in pain as the door swung open to reveal Matron Lewis and a young woman Aurelie had never seen before but for brief moments in a hallway.

"Well? Are you going to stand there all day?" Matron addressed this comment to the young woman, who stood slightly taller than her and looked--angry, her features all angles and scowling. Aurelie stared-without-staring, puzzled. She wanted very badly to dig her needle out from under her thigh, but thought it best to do this when Matron and the young woman had left.

"Forgive me for asking, Matron, but--" Aurelie began, before she was cut off by a sharp gesture from Matron.

"This one will be staying here with you, starting from today. Maybe you can be a steadying influence on her. I trust," Matron said, swiveling a dark glance in Aurelie's direction, "this won't be a problem?"

"N-no, of course not. I--hello," Aurelie offered a smile to the dark-haired girl. She should have stood, politeness really dictated that she stand to greet her new roommate, but she was still sitting on her things. How she was going to get them back under her mattress was anyone's guess. "Nice to meet you..."
Last edited by Aurelie Steerpike on Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Alethea Fairburn
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Sun Dec 08, 2019 2:56 am

Courier work today had been the usual for the most part: lots of letters, a handful of packages, nothing particularly exciting, until this final package. This final, heavy package that had to be delivered today. It had only just come in and it had to be delivered today. There was nothing for Alethea to put it in either, so she doomed to carry this in her arms the entire way.

The walk was a long one, only because she had this box to take with her. Usually, it would be a twenty minute walk for her. This was thirty, this was much more tiring and much more annoying. Generally, she did not mind the work, given that there was very little about it that could make her angry, aside from the occasional upset about "late" deliveries.

Nonetheless, she made it to her destination, precariously holding the box with one arm and knocking quickly with the other. No answer. She knocked again. And again. She let out a frustrated sigh, looking the package over and seeing that it specifically said it could not just be left at the door.

Alethea tried knocking again over a few minutes before finally, she gave up. She would try again tomorrow, or they could come get whatever it was themselves.

She steeled herself, and began the trek back.
Alethea was used to getting pulled aside, but usually she had to have done something wrong, and today, as far as she knew, she had not. It wasn't as though she hadn't made a good faith attempt to deliver the package, and she even brought it back despite the fact that she could no longer feel her arms.

"Alethea, come with me." Matron said, and Alethea had no idea what she had done today that could warrant whatever this is.

"Yes, Matron." Nonetheless, she didn't question it and followed after her. Worst case scenario she got a lashing, which was hardly an abnormal occurrence in her life.

"You're getting a new room assignment." Matron said as they walked, "Perhaps she'll be able to influence you in the positive manner you so desperately need."

Alethea rolled her eyes but bit her tongue. Today was almost over and she hadn't gotten into a fight with anyone, and she wasn't about to let Matron break that.

They stopped by what would now be her old room so she could pick up her scant amount of things before they continued on.

She realized she desperately just wanted to let her arms rest after this. They were sore still despite the scant amount of clothing now in her arms. They walked in silence until the matron suddenly stopped, knocking on a door and then entering.

"Well? Are you going to stand there all day?" Matron asked and now Alethea was annoyed, stepping into the room and not replying to her at all. She tuned them out, taking in her surroundings. The girl on the bed had the strangest look on her face, like she was either constipated or otherwise deeply uncomfortable and pretending she wasn't.

The bed above her new roommate looked unmade from the way the bedspread hung over the edge..

Alethea tossed her clothes on the bottom bunk across from the girl, claiming it as her own.

"N-no, of course not. I--hello, Nice to meet you."

Alethea turned around to face the girl, who was now attempting a smile with... a degree of success.

".... Nice to meet you." Alethea said politely in return, She wanted to ask about why she had that weird look on her face, but she wasn't about to ask anything when Matron was right there. She wanted to be out of Matron's sight again. The longer they were in proximity to each other, the more likely Matron would fine something for Alethea to get in trouble for.

"Is there anything else, Matron?" She asked, wondering if she came across as impatient as she felt.
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Aurelie Steerpike
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: Deeply Awkward Mom Friend
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:44 am

Hamis 12, 2719 Late Evening | Passive Women's Dorm
Was she... angry? Aurelie was taken slightly aback by the girl who turned out, according to Matron, to be an addition to the room. There was room enough, to be sure, and Aurelie had sort of wondered when it would be filled again, it was just...

Aurelie squirmed awkwardly and blinked up at her roommate. Oh, she did wish Matron would leave already. The point of the needle had been insistently jabbed into her skin, not hard enough to draw blood (she hoped) but hard enough to hurt. Not that she was certain she could put it away in front of this new girl either. Potentially a risk she'd have to take. It was either that or sit on this needle until one of them fell asleep. Or died. Either was acceptable. Her glance turned desperate.

Finally, Matron seemed satisfied that Alethea wasn't going to do anything ill-advised the second she turned her back. She nodded once, and it was, it seemed, settled with her. The woman turned, muttering under her breath about ungrateful scraps. The door clicked shut behind her, and Aurelie heaved a sigh of relief.

The problem was, then, that her new roommate was, well, still there. Perhaps she was an early to bed, early to rise type. Sweet merciful Lady, she hoped so. Her moment of privacy was spoilt, and she wasn't about to add insult to injury by pulling out her things in front of a stranger. Still, she could at least shift slightly and stop sitting on her needle. Aurelie studied the other girl's face as she shifted about, careful to keep her skirt spread over sampler, kit and handkerchief all. It wasn't a friendly sort of face, though she thought rather pretty in a boyish sort of way. Young--Aurelie wasn't sure how old, but no older than her, she thought. And tall, she noted sourly. She was forever to be surrounded by tall people, it seemed.

"I'm--I'm Aurelie, by the way. Aurelie Steerpike. I forgot to say. Forgive me if I don't stand, I er... hurt... my ankle?" Aurelie winced. Yes, she was still a poor liar. Wonderful to have that confirmed, truly. She squirmed again to awkwardly try to pantomime the fake injury. If Alethea were to look, she could likely see the corner of Aurelie's embroidery sampler, revealed by her theatrics.

"Bernadetta--that's her up there, or rather, her bed--she's out at the moment... I'm sorry, I don't think I caught your name."
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Alethea Fairburn
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Mon Dec 09, 2019 1:53 pm

"Alethea Fairburn." She said simply, taking mental note of Bernadetta's name and place in the room.

All things considered, Alethea felt like this was starting off as okay as it ever could. Aurelie had not thrown a fit, run out of the room, beg for forgiveness or attempt to threaten her so... so far so good. She wasn't sure how things would go with the other roommate, but for now, Alethea felt that this could be tolerable.

However, Aurelie was definitely weird. Being weird? Time would tell if she was always like this or only sometimes. However, in this moment, Alethea knew that her new roommate was an awful liar. She was sitting on something for whatever reason, and her ankles both at least looked fine. But really, it was the delivery that amused Alethea so much. Usually when people lied to her, it wasn't funny in the least bit, but this was.

"So how'd you hurt yourself? If there's any swelling you should be elevating it." If Aurelie was actually injured, Alethea would do something about it, but she wasn't convinced anything was seriously wrong. Or maybe she was constipated, which Alethea could not and would not help with.
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Aurelie Steerpike
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: Deeply Awkward Mom Friend
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:27 pm


Had she thought about it for even a moment, she would have realized that asking how she had injured herself was a natural follow up. A perfectly polite question in the context of the conversation. Unfortunately, she had lied first and thought second. Such considerations had not been made.

"H-how? Oh. Er. I, uhm…" How did one usually injure one's ankle? Aurelie would have felt certain she knew the answer to this question a moment ago, but it was as if every thought in her head had fled. "I… I tripped. In the… in the kitchen. Yes. S-should it be elevated? I should, er. Do that then."

Having said this, Aurelie remained perfectly still. Well, not perfectly. She started worrying at a fingernail, trying to keep herself from biting them. The longer she sat there in silence, the more heat rose to her face. Before too long she was going to combust, which would also solve her problem.

Really, it was Alethea's fault. Somehow. Possibly. Aurelie hadn't been expecting anyone to come in to the room for the rest of the evening, or she wouldn't have taken her things out. They weren't forbidden, of course, not really. There was no rule against having hobbies or being a sentimental fool. The idea of anyone catching her just made her skin absolutely crawl with shame. Better that her new roommate think her merely very strange than to know it for certain.
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Alethea Fairburn
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Mon Dec 16, 2019 10:43 am

Alethea took a seat on her bed, taking the moment to unlace her boots and give her feet some fresh air. She was used to the soreness after running around all day, but there was little that was more satisfying than the moment she freed her feet at the end of the day.

"Perhaps though, what might help more," she said after a moment, setting her boots aside before peeling off her socks, "Is if you first stopped sitting on whatever it is you're sitting on."

Alethea would be a liar if she said she wasn't deeply curious about what her roommate was sitting on. What could it possibly be that needed to be hidden like this? Was it something embarrassing? Something that would get her in trouble? Was it dangerous? What could it be that inspired such strange behavior?

Was Aurelie the type to double down or surrender when caught in a lie? Alethea needed to know how to handle her new roommate in such situations, though really, she wasn't sure that it mattered. With how terrible of a liar Aurelie was, she was pretty sure 'handling her' would be a matter of keeping her at arm's length. After all, Aurelie probably didn't have the capacity for maliciousness, but did she have the capacity for getting Alethea in trouble just because she was an open book? Absolutely.
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Aurelie Steerpike
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:12 pm

Aurelie froze. How had she-- when did she-- oh ticks! Aurelie had always known she was a poor liar, but this seemed to be beyond the pale. She might actually have gotten worse at it, she thought. Surely at some point there was a time when her every thought wasn't written on her sleeve in block letters.

What was she supposed to do now? Aurelie could lean into the lie; it wouldn't help, but she could do it. Wouldn't that just make Alethea more suspicious? A bit of embroidery practice and a plain handkerchief wasn't likely to rouse much curiousity by themselves. Belatedly, the young woman realized that had she just had her things out and not tried to hide anything, Alethea likely wouldn't have thought anything of it at all. She could have just put it away. Like a normal person.

"Er..." Still. What if she did ask about them? Now that Aurelie had tried to hide it, the possibility was strong. Aurelie smoothed a strand of hair between her fingertips. She didn't know this girl, hadn't even met her before. Maybe she could... maybe she could play it off like she hadn't been hiding anything. Yes. Yes that was a brilliant idea.

"O-oh! This? Am I sitting on it? I, er, I hadn't noticed! I just, ah, set it down and then. Uhm. I forgot? So I. Yes. Sat... on this... embroidery... needle." Aurelie winced. Okay, so that was not her best idea either. Too late now. Aurelie would simply have to commit. With a sigh, she scooted over to the side to reveal the items so recently underneath of her. Truly it was an innocuous set of things--sewing supplies and fabric, that was all. That she attached any specific sentiment to any of it wasn't obvious just by casual observation of the items themselves. Aurelie had made it clocking obvious now, however.
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Sun Dec 22, 2019 3:23 am

Alethea stared at the items for a moment, wondering why she had felt the need to hide that of all things. An embroidery sampler? A handkerchief? These were perfectly normal things for a woman to own. Perhaps not so much a passive woman, but it wasn’t as though she hadn’t seen such things before. It wasn’t as though it was a crime.

Taking note of the needle however, she couldn’t help but crack a bit of a smile for a moment. She assumed that Aurelie probably was less uncomfortable now—she looked less (physically) uncomfortable anyway. She was a terrible, awful liar, but a charming one.

“That seems dangerous to sit on, maybe you should put them somewhere safer.” Alethea said, “Are you making something for someone?”
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Aurelie Steerpike
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Writer: Cap O' Rushes
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Sun Dec 22, 2019 3:51 am

Oh, ticks. Bells and chimes, she had made it too obvious--her new roommate was staring. What a great clock-stopping fool she was, making such a big deal out of nothing. Next time, she told herself sternly, she needed to remember that not everyone could see the inside of her head. (A fact for which she thanked all gods that would listen on a fair regular basis.)

Alethea smiled. Why was she smiling? It was a slight expression, notable more for the warmth it brought to an otherwise intimidatingly closed-off face, but Aurelie could not for the life of her figure what had earned it. This made her nervous. Everything made her nervous, lately.

"M-making something? For someone?" She applauded herself for not letting her voice jump an octave. The practice in front of her was indeed just that--practice. Rows of different kinds of stitches, arranged in no particular fashion. Each one was abandoned as it proved either too frustrating or sufficiently mastered to make her want to move on. What made her nervously tuck her hair behind her ear and turn red was the knowledge, of course, that she had made something for someone already. The results had been--no, keep her thoughts on target. This was really and truly just not the time.

"N-no, er, not--this is just a sampler. Ah. A p-practice sampler. Well, uhm, I don't know--you don't happen to sew, do you?" She asked with almost a hopeful tone (she would have liked to have someone to discuss it with) before rushing on without waiting for the answer. "I'm still learning so I--when I'm by myself you see, er, well, that is, when I have a spare moment... Uh. Yes. I will--I should put it away."

Finally released from all pretense enough to do so, Aurelie at last did indeed gather up her things to put them away. She was a little regretful. With Alethea's arrival, she hadn't actually had any time to do a single stitch. Alethea had appeared, however, and she wasn't about to continue with her plans now. She'd already made enough of a fool of herself and had no desire to add to it. Aurelie would take it with her and work in the garden. The light was better outside anyway.

"Are you, ah--what, er, brings you... here?" Aurelie tried to make idle chatter while she folded up her things, self-conscious. It was only once the words left her mouth that she realized how impossibly invasive they might be.
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Alethea Fairburn
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Sun Dec 22, 2019 7:24 pm

Alethea shrugged, “I’m not actually sure what in particular made them change my room assignment.”

She thought back over the past couple of weeks, couldn’t recall any instances of fighting. People had been doing well not to piss her off lately, though her now-former roommates had been a bit jumpier than usual around her, which had been annoying. It wasn’t as though she got into fights unprompted, after all. It was all self defense.

Vaguely she wondered if she should tell her new roommate that she wasn’t actually a threat, but that assumed that Aurelie was aware of her reputation at all, which possibly, she wasn’t.

“As for sewing, I’m no good at that—not yet, though I don’t think giving someone stitches is the needle and thread usage you have in mind.” She wasn’t sure if it was lucky or not that she hadn’t had a lot of opportunity to practice on herself. Most things could be handled well enough with bandaging.
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