Galen Kesali Rousseau

A Galdori Nerd That Hates His Cat Least

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Galen Rousseau
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri May 18, 2018 10:57 pm
Topics: 3
Race: Writer
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Fri May 18, 2018 11:07 pm

Galen Kesali Rousseau


Race: Galdor
Birthday: Vortas 19, 2693
Age: 24
FC: Unknown Model or Hired Artists

Place of Origin: Vienda
Current Location: University of Brunnhold
Occupation: Professor of Astronomy

Physical Description


Some say his mother was more Hox than Gior, or that his father had once stolen one of the moons to give life to their child, but to the child of Giorian blood his silver eyes earned him a pet name of the passives inside the residence and ‘Mooneyes’ became a favorite. His father had always considered him to be of something great to come, but much to his disappointment the youth barely made it to his mother’s height and in turn it made him question the legitimacy of his blood. A resentment formed and with it by the time that Galen became of school age they were more than relieved to see him in the hands of the university and out of their home.

More often than not Galen will wear his pale hair down past his shoulders or in a loose braid that falls over one shoulder. His lithe frame is often outfitted in fine fabrics that hang loosely around his body as though tailored to withstand many hours bent over books or lost in his studies. No stranger to fine jewels and precious metals, Galen often decorates his wrists and hangs little gold cast bones from the piercings in his ears. And should you catch him without his shoes one might hear little bells he wears around his ankles.

His failing vision will more often than not be rewarded with silver frames at the base of his nose to help with strain of reading or grading the marks his students earn throughout the year. They make his already sharp angled face seem as though something sinister may lurk beneath soft features and almost feminine traits. It is not beyond him to be confused genders, and though most may use this to poke fun at him or think it is degrading, Galen will be swift to correct this slight by a show of strength in his ability in monic ability and ruthless snark.




Often withdrawn and rather reclusive, Gale spends most of his time in the company of books or lost somewhere in the streets of the stacks. He avoids most discussions of politics and frankly can’t stand the monsters it makes people. His father was very vocal about his distaste for the human race and out of spite Gale could have almost been considered a sympathizer. However, his students are now his most important subject and should the talks of war come up he is quick to change the subject to the sky.

At first he isn’t easy to warm up to new members of the staff, but should they break the ice about one of their students he would happily engage. His love of antiquity and old things often makes people weary as the creep vibe is strong, but his answer is always ‘they are just bones’, even if they are the things made of nightmares.

Perhaps one day there will be someone or something to inspire him to pay attention to what is going on around them, but until then he is content watching the night sky.

Born in the depths of the winter there were so few things his parents wanted more than a child of their very own, and in every way Galen was a perfect son. His childhood was spent in fine splendor with any and everything he could want there for the taking. Spoiled, he wasn’t the most well liked by the staff of his father’s estate, no matter how much they had adored him as a baby. ‘Mooneyes’ was not to be tested when there was something in his way.

His father a wealthy mine owner and his mother a dutiful wife, all would expect their son to follow in the footfalls of his father, but even then Gale pressed his way into his father’s nerves by the first year of school. At every turn he argued his way through lectures, debating with professors and even the headmaster. He didn’t make friends well and he certainly wasn’t interested in anything outside of his studies.

In the mountain city of Susketec the mines were a large part of the income and earned his father a place in the Capital City as a councilman. His mother was against the time in the capital city, and with every new session she became resentful of all the time her husband was spending with a women of Citeiva. Gale and his governess spent a great deal of time in the great library and it was here he started to pick up on little details of his father’s affair.

By the time he was sent to university the relationship was so tattered that neither of them noticed much their son skipped coming home for breaks, and rumor even returned to Gale that his father had moved his mistress in. Thus, this would push him only further into his time in the stacks, and as the years passed he felt more at home among the old scholars as he did in the cold mountains of Susketec.

After graduating and completing his training for professor life, Gale begins as an entry level professor of astronomy.

Aptitude Skills


Focus Skills




Perceptive: [Proficient]


Professor [Beginner]
Researcher [Beginner]


Housing: Type

A City Dweller's Pack


Gale often does most of his shopping in second hand stores or sews his own from the skirts of a woman's dress. He keeps in his collection a small amount of jewelry and boots to match his tunics. He prefers cloaks to coats and takes his role as professor very seriously, and of course one must dress the part.

For someone who grew up in wealthy housing his room often feels cluttered and stuffy with all the books and antiques from his life as a student. He may have a few small animal skeletons placed out for decoration on shelves, and more often than not some sort of telescope to help his view of the night sky; while he still has it at least. His bed is simple and nothing to write home about, but there are far too many pillows and dark heavy curtains to block out the sun.

Gale collects strange things, but overall the most normal of his would be his cat. that is if you considered her to be normal, she is in fact missing an eye that he keeps covered with a leather patch to help keep out the infections.

Career and Income


A Professor of Astronomy he is often considered to be rude and half awake, but this is what happens when one stays up at all hours of the night. His students think him cross, and he is very aware that had they not been forced to attend his classes he would never see them. So needless to say he is an overall average professor who is eager to climb in the ranks.

Income: Average

Humbled by his scholarly income, Gale is aware that he could write home at any moment to his father for assistance, but he enjoys the struggle. Second hand stores are not horrid, and when one eats like a church mouse it is easy to pocket the coins saved.


It is his goal to further his education and to never stop learning.

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To be written.

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