[Closed] Lipstick on a Pig (Sunner)

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Matty Morvay
Posts: 50
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 9:58 pm
Topics: 6
Race: Wick
Occupation: Questionable Decision Maker
Location: Vienda
: A Parfait of Crime
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Mochi
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Mon May 25, 2020 11:19 pm

Intas 34, 2720
Outskirts of Vienda, a boat moored on the Arova, afternoon.

Matty got back to work, a bit more deft at working through the knots than he had been before. He had gotten the hang of it now, and no tangle would serve to hinder him. He was pleased with how quietly Sunner sat for him. No more of the whining child he’d been forced to deal with before. He managed to brush and comb his way through the remaining mess in short order, and was left with gleaming golden locks for his trouble.

Of course,the silence couldn’t last. Sunner griped again, asking if they were done.

“No,” Matty said, taking the end of the comb and carefully dividing Sunner’s hair into three parts, “we are not done yet. Sit still.”

The hair divided, Matty began to braid it. Nothing fancy, no Bastian braids or fish-tails, just a simple braid to keep it contained and — he hoped — clean. He was quick at it, too. He had often helped the girls he liked at the Gilded Lily do their hair, a simple braid was nothing. He didn’t even give Sunner the chance to protest, pulling a hair tie from his pocket and wrapping it around the end. He regarded his handiwork, quite proud of himself, then patted Sunner’s shoulder.

“There,” he said, now I’m done.”

His patting turned into a grip, and he leaned close, talking directly in Sunner's ear. “And you’d better keep it clean, or the next time it gets as bad as it was I will chop it off. In your sleep.”

Last edited by Matty Morvay on Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sunner Baywhite
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Wed May 27, 2020 6:15 pm

Bethas 34, 2720
Outskirts of Vienda, a boat moored on the Arova, afternoon.
Finally free, Sunner went to stand-- only to find a death-grip on his shoulder. An icy cold feeling sank over him. He slightly flinched away as Matty threatened to chop his hair off in his sleep, and side-eyed the pretty boy. "Uh... I'll uh... do my best." He muttered, intimidated just slightly.

Gently, he lifted Matty's hand off his shoulder, getting to his feet. He straightened his still very dirty clothing, not that it helped, and cleared his throat. "Thanks." He said, curt, but still polite enough. He reached back to feel the braid, it was neat and nicely tied off, so it probably wouldn't come loose easily, at least that's what he hoped, if only to preserve his hair and thus his dignity.

He hovered for a moment, wondering if he should say something else, was there anything else to say? Matty had forced him to sit still for long enough to comb out hair that hadn't been brushed in months, maybe not in years, and he was quite ready to get back to work, somehow things felt... empty? "Ah... y'know, Marianne'll prob'ly love that." He said, 'that' meaning the braiding of hair, "She never really learned t' do it well, so uh... y'know." Nailed it. He shuffled off, deciding not to try to fill the weird empty air any further, lest he embarrass himself.

He grabbed his tools, climbed up onto the main deck and settled at the nearly worn-through bolts that connected the main sheet to the boat. He had to find a way to shear off the old ones to replace them with some gently used hardware he'd found digging around in a scrap yard, without damaging the rest of the apparatus. Sunner jammed the handle of a wrench as far as he could between the snap shackle and the bolted on pad, and hammered it in further. Clang. Clang. Clang. Clang.

With a loud pinging sound, the pad snapped off, the cleat dangled freely, and Sunner was quick to nab it and force it to hook onto one he'd replaced before the business with his hair, now the main sheet was hooked to a single point. He grimaced, that wasn't the best.
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Matty Morvay
Posts: 50
Joined: Thu May 14, 2020 9:58 pm
Topics: 6
Race: Wick
Occupation: Questionable Decision Maker
Location: Vienda
: A Parfait of Crime
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Mochi
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Thu May 28, 2020 3:55 pm

Intas 34, 2720
Outskirts of Vienda, a boat moored on the Arova, afternoon.

The wick seemed satisfied with Sunner’s thanks and the promise that he would try his best to keep his hair clean. No further threats to any sort of manhood were made as Sunner stood up and Matty slid to the edge of the bed to watch him gather his things. The tall human was very nice to look at, he had to admit. Less so when he insisted on wearing the same dirty shirt every day, but Matty held some hope that he might be able to fix that with time. When Sunner mentioned Marianne, Matty smiled.

“I’d be happy to teach her,” he said, “I can do a lot more than that. You don’t live in a whorehouse as long as I did without learning how to help girls with their hair. The ones I liked, anyways.”

He watched Sunner go, then gathered up his own things and set about putting them away. As small and ramshackle as the cabin of the boat was, Matty at least kept it very clean. Until Sunner dragged in some sort of dirt or another. Now without anything to do, seeing as Sunner had been scrubbed and brushed within an inch of his life and escaped back to the deck to do whatever it was he was doing, Matty thought it might be a good time to figure out just how much money was left from the jewelry and other trinkets he had sold the night they absconded from his former home.

That was, of course, until a great bloody racket sounded from the deck. Matty huffed and made his way outside, arms crossed and a scowl painted firmly over his pretty features.

“What in the clocking hell are you doing to my boat?” he demanded.

He looked from Sunner to the sheet to the mess the man was making, then placed a hand on his hip. Whatever Sunner was trying to do, he couldn’t help but think that, just maybe, he was doing it wrong. Matty had very, very limited knowledge of boats or what to do with them, having relied entirely on Sunner’s expertise in determining whether or not the one they had bought was worth the price that was asked, but he was still fairly certain that this wasn’t the right way to be doing… whatever this was.

“Look, I don’t know much about boats or sails… but wouldn’t it be a good idea to take that down before you start trying to replace things?” he asked, gesturing to the main sail. “You can do that, can’t you? Take the sail off? It’s not… permanently attached to the boat, or something, is it?”

He made his way over, picking up the broken part from off the deck and dangling it off one finger. “As it stands now, Sunshine, this seems like an excellent way to take a hunk of metal to the face.”

Last edited by Matty Morvay on Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sunner Baywhite
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Writer: bunny
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Thu May 28, 2020 9:29 pm

Bethas 34, 2720
Outskirts of Vienda, a boat moored on the Arova, afternoon.
It was almost possible to hear the pop of Sunner's brain turning back on. He looked at his hands, then the bit of sheared off metal, and then at Matty. "Hm." He said, "Your boat?" He squinted at the wick, but realized that he did have a good suggestion and set his tools down. He scratched his neck, Matty had indeed paid for the ship... Sunner didn't add anything else.

"Right." He shuffled past Matty to get to the sails mechanisms. The gears in Sunner's head were turning-- albeit slowly, he hadn't even realized that he'd turned his thoughts off until Matty had chastised him for nearly destroying the boat. He was careful to yank the sail down, which caused the boat to drift a bit in the current of the river, but they remained securely moored to the dock they'd claimed. Sunner settled back down at where he'd been working, forcing off some old bolts to replace them with some of the gently used hardware he had sitting about. He stayed quiet, ignoring that he hadn't been using his head for the last twenty minutes.

There was no defending that, it was probably very obvious to Matty, who admittedly likely had no idea what Sunner had been attempting to do. He made sure the now lowered sail was carefully furled up and secured, tying a couple old lengths of rope around the fabric and boom.

Then, Sunner straightened up, he had an idea! Who needed sails when you had an engine! But where would he put it? There wasn't much room... unless he put the engine itself near the front, and simply ran the drive shafts through the keel and out back to propellers. Sunner scurried off to find a bit of paper and charcoal, coming back up top to start sketching things out roughly on the bit of spare paper-- which had a small list of food items on the back. "What if we added an engine?" He finally voiced his idea to Matty, holding up the messy, but fairly straightforward drawing. "We could do away with th' sails altogether, be a lot faster too. I can prob'ly build one with sum'more scrap metal. Shouldn't even take me too long t' do it." Sunner grinned, proud of himself.

He truly was a genius.
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Matty Morvay
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Occupation: Questionable Decision Maker
Location: Vienda
: A Parfait of Crime
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Mochi
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:29 pm

Intas 34, 2720
Outskirts of Vienda, a boat moored on the Arova, afternoon.

He could almost hear the whine as the gears in Sunner’s head picked up again. He rolled his eyes, dropping the broken part again and walking over to lean on the side of the boat, out of the way of what Sunner was doing. His boat, when it counted. He had paid for it, after all. It was a chilly, grey, windy day, so he didn’t think he’d stay there long, but the fresh air and bracing breeze were nice for now. Also nice was the view offered as Sunner worked away.

The view didn’t last long, though, as he seemed to be struck by something. Matty watched as Sunner ran off without a word, tilting his head confusedly. He moved to follow, but the man reappeared in short order with their shopping list and a bit of charcoal, and began to sketch something fervently. Still with no explanation. Matty crossed his arms over his chest and just watched, one brow quirked high. He was about to ask Sunner to let him in on whatever the hell he was doing, when the sketch was shoved at him.

He took it in his delicate fingers, squinting at what he assumed was a cross-section of their boat, with a bunch of shafts running through it. Sunner finally explained himself, and Matty perked up.

“An engine?” he asked, staring down at the diagram and furrowing his brows. “Refitting with one would cut down on travel times, and being faster will make us more desirable as far as actual work…”

It was almost a good idea. Sunner was a clever man when he was sober. All the more reason to keep him that way. Something occurred to Matty, though, and he frowned again. “Hang on,” he said, brandishing the diagram, “we only just bought this tub and you want to go cutting a bunch of holes in it? Are you sure you know what you’re doing? If you scupper us I will be very cross.”

Last edited by Matty Morvay on Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sunner Baywhite
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Writer: bunny
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Sun Jun 07, 2020 8:24 pm

Bethas 34, 2720
Outskirts of Vienda, a boat moored on the Arova, afternoon.
Sunner grinned, quite proud of himself, as Matty took the hastily made sketch from him. It was a fairly decent sketch, rough, but understandable, and it was clear Sunner had an idea of how he would go about the ridiculous idea of putting an engine on a sailboat. The grin on his face didn't fade as Matty started to agree to the idea.

However it did falter slightly as he was told this might be a bad idea. Sunner shifted awkwardly. He was certain he did know what he was doing, although he supposed he could maybe get some advice somewhere in Vienda... "Well, of course I know what I'm doing." He said, "Th' hardest part'll be findin' the bits an' pieces t' make it work, y'know... it'll probably take a few weeks at best." Sunner shrugged. He had seen some solid bits of metal at one of the scrap yards he'd been digging around in a few days prior, he'd go back and see if he could work out a deal with the fellow who owned the place.

Matty did have a good point though, ideally he'd find a drydock he could sail them into, but that would be costly, so he'd have to figure something out. Maybe if they could find a shallower part of the river? Sunner scratched his chin, deep in thought. And he'd need something he could cut metal with, not to mention reshape larger pieces, and tools better suited to constructing an engine... Where could he get those? Maybe someone at the docks had something he could borrow... He didn't mention any of that, though, at least not in detail. "I'll figure it out." He said, hoping to reassure his companion, "I know a few places that'll have th' stuff I need, an' once I get that sorted out, I'll figure out th' rest. Won't ruin the boat, I promise." He patted his chest with one hand, scouts honor.

Sunner went back to work, "An' yer right, we'll be able t' get back to Old Rose faster, too." That was a big bonus for him, seeing as his family was still all the way back there, Dorothy would be thrilled to see him come sailing in with a powered boat rather than a sailboat.
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Matty Morvay
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Location: Vienda
: A Parfait of Crime
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Plot Notes: Plot Notes
Writer: Mochi
Writer Profile: Writer Profile

Sun Jun 21, 2020 5:56 pm

Intas 34, 2720
Outskirts of Vienda, a boat moored on the Arova, afternoon.

Matty’s pretty face scrunched in a little scowl as Sunner promised he absolutely knew what he was doing and that he would absolutely not wreck their boat in the attempt. He stayed like that for a bit, scowling, before he relented with a sigh and handed the diagram back to Sunner. He wasn’t sure he really believed the other man knew exactly what he was doing, but the benefits of having a steam engine outweighed his doubts for now.

“Alright,” he said, “I trust you.”

He walked over to the edge of the boat, looking out towards Vienda. If they were going to be stuck here for a while, they would need a way to make money. What they had left would feed them for a couple days, more if they were smart about it, but after that, they would be out of luck. He turned to face Sunner again.

“How long do you think it’ll take you to find the parts?” he asked, “If we’re going to be here for a while, we’re going to need more money. And we need contacts. I doubt we can just stroll into some hideout and be given a smuggling job right out of the gate. These things take time.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. How they were going to make money was the rub. There was, of course, any easy answer. Matty knew how to make money quickly, but he wasn’t keen to return to the life he’d had before. He needed time to think and come up with a plan. He looked to Sunner again.

“Any ideas as to how we can scare up some coin?” he asked.

Last edited by Matty Morvay on Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sunner Baywhite
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Thu Jun 25, 2020 1:35 am

Bethas 34, 2720
Outskirts of Vienda, a boat moored on the Arova, afternoon.
Sunner stuffed the little drawing into a pocket on his trousers. He shuffled a bit, thinking, he was no stranger to the five-finger-discount, but the bigger the part, the harder it would be to lift it without getting caught. He rubbed his neck, then fidgeted with his shirt. He could skip meals, that was nothing new for him, and Sunner -- thankfully -- wasn't stupid enough to suggest Matty use his considerable skills to make the scratch they needed to fund this nonsensical adventure.

"I'll figure something out," He said, not about to suggest his ideas of skipping meals and petty theft at the moment. "Y'can prob'ly make the connections we need, yeah? Not suggestin' nothin' skeevy, yer just a better people-person than I am." Which was true, Sunner had gotten extremely lucky wih the job he'd taken in Old Rose, but he wasn't exactly the best at making important connections, let alone keeping them.

"Might be able t' swindle some coin from'em with th' promise of speedy work once I finish the upgrade, hopefully." He wasn't really sure if Matty could swing that, but he decided it was better to put his faith in the Wick to be able to pull off some gentle persuasion. As that thought crossed his mind, another occurred to him. He was no stranger to bar fights, he might be able to score some coin that way, some not-so-gentle persuasion.

Sunner didn't bring that up, either, something told him that was an even worse idea to mention than petty theft and skipping meals. He settled down again at what he had been working on before, deciding to finish the repairs that were the most necessary before he went off to go find parts for his engine, fueled by Matty's trust and his genius idea, it wouldn't take him long to do, assuming Matty let him skip sleeping.
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