[Memory] A Sapling in the Sycamores

(Drezda, please.)

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A large forest in Central Anaxas, the once-thriving mostly human town of Dorhaven is recovering from a bombing in 2719 at its edge.

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Palis Ainu
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Sat Jul 28, 2018 10:47 pm

Roalis 3, 2717
With the beginning of Roalis, summer break had fallen gracefully into the welcoming arms of Brunnhold students, bringing sweltering heat, luxurious vacations, and a much anticipated break from classes. For some students, Roalis meant returning home to family; for others, it meant another 80 days at Brunnhold, simply without the classes and schoolwork. Palis Ainu, however, had been anticipating a very different Roalis 2717 for just shy of a year.

The boy, for nearly his whole life, had one obsession: politics. Perhaps it was a strange obsession for a child when they could be obsessing over sports, fashion, school, or the boys and girls they fancied, but Palis was simply infatuated. It was one of the few fancies Kilapu Ainu, the boy's hermit father, had both allowed and encouraged him to chase (the man found nearly any fancy that couldn't be made into a profitable career a waste of time and effort), and one of the few areas Palis truly excelled in. When Palis had written home excitedly in Yaris to tell the elder Ainu of his meeting with Incumbent Siordanti, as well as the opportunity the man had offered, Kilapu Ainu begrudgingly agreed to allow his son to spend the summer trailing the politician like a shadow. Politics was perhaps the only area the two belligerent Ainus agreed on; Kilapu may as well herd the boy to a field they could both be satisfied with.

Palis truly didn't need his father's encouragement or help to excel in the political spectrum. His carriage slowed to a smooth halt, and the small young man pushed open the door, carefully stepping onto the hot gravel drive below as the heat danced around his legs like smoke. Before him stood a rather impressive home, and he, as well as many other well-dressed galdori making their way up to the house, stood within the gates. The gate was open, and several passive doormen, stablemen, and valets scurried around the carriage-packed drive like ants on a picnic blanket. Palis strode towards the house confidently, his blonde head held high and proud. Through his peripherals, however, he was searching and analyzing every face that his eyes caught, identifying the name, political opinions, and alignment of each as easily as if he had known each person his whole life. Though he hadn’t met most of the political leaders filtering into the home, he’d like to think he knew them. He had studied their works thoroughly, and he’d poured over them strenuously when Elder Siordanti had explained Palis’ task for the summer social. Palis was to act as Siordanti’s whip; that is to say, Palis was to both learn and possibly gently coax the loyalties of the wild cards and fence riders that most worried and interested Siordanti and his fellow conservatives. The fence riders and swings votes were what broke and built ever clocking decision, after all. Even if Palis’ couldn’t coax much change, they’d at least know what to expect and how to avoid it.

First, however, he had to find Hadrian Siordanti. Palis reached the mansion of whatever indistinct rich politician and ascended the wide marble steps leading to the front doors that spilled the din of a party into the evening air. The high-ceilinged ballroom was brightly lit and undulating with a sea of polite conversation and practiced smiles. The smooth wooden floors were splendidly shining in the light of the soft, moonlike chandeliers lazily twinkling over head. Palis’ head was immediately on the swivel in search of the aging Siordanti. He ‘pardon-me’d’ through the crowd

The elder man had several colleagues he wanted Palis to meet, which, as they had previously discussed, were prime people of interest for Palis’ interrogations. Palis weaved through the bodies, hopping onto the tips of his toes now and again to look over the heads of the crowd. There-! Finally, in a window between a woman in a green dress and a man in an asymmetric purple suit, he spotted the man engaged in a friendly conversation with some red-faced, pot-bellied man. Palis sidled up casually, plucking a drink from a passing tray on a servant’s shoulder. He took the moment he had unnoticed to reach out and read the fields mingling before him. The pot-bellied man was- was that frustration? His field seemed tense, as if Palis would be shocked if he reached his hand out to touch the aura. He retracted his own field so as not to intrude in the other man’s in case he was irritable. He turned to Siordanti. The man was amused, and, though it didn’t show on his face, he made little move to remove the amusement from his field, perhaps even pushing his field out to annoy the pot-bellied man further. Palis watched politely, nodding slightly to Siordanti as the elder man noticed him.

“Ah, Palis Ainu,” Hadrian greeted him, saying his name more to introduce him to the other man than for his own acknowledgement.

“This is Hector Ruma, a liberal-minded friend of mine,” Siordanti introduced the other man, who sputtered at being called liberal-minded. Palis smiled, extending his own hand for Ruma to shake. He recognized the name as that of a frustrating swing vote that had cost Siordanti a few crucial wins on the floor. Hector refused his hand, instead grumbling some excuse to leave. Hadrian let a smile play into his lips as the two of them turned away from the round man barreling away.

“He doesn’t much like the truth,” Palis commented.

“Yes, he’d much rather play pretend. Come, Palis, we’ve a world of people to meet in one night.”
tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 2699

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Drezda Ecks
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Sun Jul 29, 2018 5:03 pm

Roalis 3, 2717
Social events were both intriguing and irritating for the Hoxian. She didn't delight in the necessity of making inane conversations with people, most of whom she didn't deem to be her equals. Politicking could be a very draining activity but the diplomat did enjoy watching the predominantly Anaxi politicians when they struggled to control themselves, causing one another to squirm in discomfort. Seeing it done to others was always a source of entertainment for Drezda but it was far, far more enjoyable to elicit discomfort herself by saying the right things at the right time, watching her target sweat or stutter as she found a weak point and exploited it.

The political scene was always changing, those in varying positions of power shifted around and new victims entered the scene every so often, providing her with weak links that could utilised for her own manoeuvrings. Events like these were always a good way to gauge how things were going. You could see who was making a greater effort to mingle, who seemed to avoid one another, who was introduced to whom and extrapolate the current political situation accordingly. Unfortunately, one couldn't simply stand on the sidelines and observe; it was necessary to be in the thick of things and have the most maddening conversations with people. However, the stupider the person, the easier it was to make conversation while your attention drifted to more important things.

"It really is stifling, perhaps one of the hottest summer seasons we've had in years and it's barely started. But it must be awful for you, Miss Ecks. You would never experience anything like this in Hox," the Anaxi politician commented, mopping at his sweating brow with a handkerchief.

The Hoxian made herself smile, the expression not reaching her eyes but no one would question that here; she was both a politico and a member of what was deemed the most emotionally cold race in Vita. Inwardly, the woman was not cold but incredibly irritated. The Anaxi never failed to make this same comment, their originality lacking. A Hoxian couldn't deal with heat and a Mugrobi couldn't deal with cold. Of course, her own people seemed to have a reputation for being very ignorant when it came to the world. Yes, they'd entered the political dealings of Vita quite recently but Hoxian gollies had travelled to other countries for years, including Anaxas, for work and education. Drezda had been her kingdom's diplomat to Anaxas for three years now and this disgustingly overweight and sweaty man knew it. This was not her first summer in the country and yet he was ready to treat her as if she'd only just stepped onto Anaxi soil for the first time.

It was fine though. His stupidity was irritating but it was to her advantage. Let him think that she was some provincial idiot because then it wouldn't cross his mind that she could be clever enough to stab him in the back. Dumb bastard.

"Actually, I think I've acclimatised quite a bit. I attended Brunnhold for five years and I actually tended to spend my summer breaks in Anaxas," she responded placidly, her smile carrying a feline self-satisfaction to it. "Now while it has been lovely to talk to you, Incumbent Harringbard, but I'm afraid that I've just spotted Incumbent Siordanti and there's something that I simply must discuss with him. If you'll pardon me," she murmured, inclining her head ever so slightly as she turned away, eyes flicking briefly to the ceiling.

The diplomat hadn't actually lied. In fact, she'd had an eye on other goings-on in the room and had spotted a young blond man approach Siordanti and she was intrigued. She'd heard that the Incumbent had a young man who was meant to be interning with him and she assumed that this was him. He was quite young, possibly not even out of school yet and as such, Drezda was intrigued to see what had made him catch Siordanti's eye. Even if he was shrewd enough to make an early entry into the political sphere, it was quite possible that he was still young and inexperienced enough to be manipulated.

The Hoxian moved with short, careful steps across the room, restricted both by her choice of dress and her choice of footwear. Despite their interest in strength, Hoxian-style dresses could be quite difficult to walk in, the material wrapped close around the legs so that it wasn't possible to extend the legs very far. It was a nice dress though, tight black silk, a simple floral pattern running up one side to trace what curves the diplomat possessed. Together with heeled shoes, which she always struggled to balance in, it was necessary for her to walk with slow care, mincing steps in the tight dress never failing to draw some hungry looks although some men tried to be more subtle about it than others. It was a very conscious decision on the woman's part, sexual allure an important tool when dealing with men but it also had another: the careful, almost fragile walk of the petite foreign woman made her look weak and vulnerable.

Hoxians valued strength in both men and women but Drezda was content to display something quite contrary. If she seemed vulnerable then she didn't seem like a threat; people would underestimate her. True, those who'd had reason to deal with her in the last few years might have an inkling that she wasn't as fragile as she seemed but it was something of which they had to consciously remind themselves; it was easy for them to let it slip their minds. Still, she didn't think that many people understood just what a nasty streak she had and those that did weren't in a position to pass the information on.

Still, she finally reached Siordanti's side, sucking in her field a little, a fresh drink in hand as she raised her right hand and inclined her head by way of greeting. "Good day, Incumbent Siordanti," Drezda murmured, her gaze shifting from the elder man to the younger one, eyes dropping to the level of his chin as she repeated her greeting bow, aware that they hadn't been introduced. She allowed her black eyes to rise slowly, a slight smirk on her reddened lips, managing a sneaky sort of eye contact from beneath her eyelashes. She allowed her field to expand outwards, not flexing it but simply allowing the Perceptive-laden field to return to its typical size. She let it brush Palis', caprising it curiously and finding it belike to her own. Perceptive, not as strong as hers but there was a kinship there. She didn't allow the exploration to go far, well aware that there was something cheeky, almost rude about checking out a stranger's field without an introduction. But he was a young man and there was almost something... flirtatious about it.

"Good day to you as well, although I'm afraid I don't know your name, young man. Drezda Ecks, Hoxian diplomat to Anaxas. A protegé of yours, sir?" the Perceptive asked, shooting a sidelong look at the Incumbent, giving the young man a chance to examine her cleavage through the slit in her dress while her attention appeared to be elsewhere; men were far more inclined to look when they didn't think they'd be caught.
Last edited by Drezda Ecks on Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Palis Ainu
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Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:55 pm

Roalis 3, 2717
Palis turned to follow Siordanti obediently, but stopped short as he noticed a woman approaching in his peripherals. He stopped, turning back towards the woman as she strode across the room. There was no question that the woman was approaching the pair, and Palis called for Siordanti's attention before the elder man was out of earshot.

"Mr. Siordanti," he called patiently, politely, loud enough for Siordanti to hear, but not the woman. "A young woman is approaching." Siordanti turned back to Palis, awaiting the woman's approach with a welcoming look plastered on his face. Palis sipped his wine casually, taking her comfortably slow approach to observe her and form his first opinions. She was only slightly shorter than Palis, but every angle of her small figure was obviously Hoxian from the dark, nearly black hair and eyes, the ivory skin, and slanted eyes. Palis was sure she was pretty, but his attention was more caught by her dress. He appreciated a good sense of style, especially one with floral patterns. Palis himself wore a high-necked, asymmetric vest that contained one side of smooth, burgundy silk and another of black, floral designs printed on a black velvet. He had a charcoal jacket well-fitted to his form, and his creased pants matched above the shiny burgundy shoes, the asymmetry and subtle color at the very height of Anaxi male fashion. The boy, too, noticed the restriction of her movements provided by her footwear and dress, and, for a moment, he was overwhelmed with a thankfulness or the long pants and flat shoes he wore. He would not allow his pity to enter his field however, instead willing the sphere to be neutral, still, and comfortably relaxed. He retracted it as she approached, letting it brush hers in a friendly way. A practiced smile illuminated his face. He listened carefully, a genuine curiosity in his mannerisms. He had no idea who this woman was, and he knew nearly everyone who Siordanti associated with.

"Good day, Miss Ecks. It's been an age since we've had the pleasure of speaking," Siordanti answered, a pleasant smile creasing the corners of his eyes as the woman bowed to his intern. As he felt her field expand into his own, he retracted the aura to allow her own field more room. Siordanti merely bowed his head slightly, but Palis, understanding that he was not nearly as high as a position as anyone else allowed in the room, returned the bow to the same degree.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Drezda Ecks. My name is Palis Ainu," he recited warmly as practiced, turning his attention back to Siordanti as the other man was addressed. He avoided the use of a title- he found them tedious when he could simply use names. He recognized the name slightly, noting that she was a diplomat of Hox. He'd never seen her, however, never had the need or want to know more about her. Hox had, for many years, meant very little to the Anaxi government. The country was isolated and provided no trade, no relations, nothing to Anaxi except this ambassador. She, however, seemed to have a need for Siordanti. It was in Palis' best interest to pay attention. He linked his index fingers before him, swaying almost unnoticeably on his feet as the two continued their conversation.

"Protegé, yes," Siordanti nodded, and Palis' smile grew into that of genuine gratitude. He watched the elder man with a childish admiration in his eyes, nearly forgetting the woman before them for a moment until Siordanti acknowledged her again.

"Now, Miss Ecks, as much as I'd like to believe you've approached completely out of friendly curiosity, we all know that no good politician has the time to speak without intention. What can we do for you?" Siordanti asked, politeness in his voice contrasting the impatient question the words formed. Palis had noticed that from the moment the pair had first met; Siordanti was a master of conflicting voice and appearances. The man had to look good and friendly from afar, of course, even if he was often far from it. Palis had seen the very act in person when he had first met the man and his competitor, Incumbent Ourun, nearly a year before. The boy, too, had just learned to not be intimidated by the man, though he was still careful not the view himself as the Incumbent, or any other politician including the woman before him's, equal. He shared Siordanti's expectant look as he turned his attention back to Drezda.
tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 2699
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Drezda Ecks
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Tue Jul 31, 2018 6:18 pm

Roalis 3, 2717
The Hoxian had a chance to examine the young man critically. Snappily dressed with an attention to detail that rivalled her own, he was attractive, she supposed if you liked that sort of thing; she most certainly did not. He wasn't intimidating to her, barely taller than her and his age wasn't easy to determine. He looked quite young but based on what she'd caprised of his field, he had sufficient schooling to suggest later years in Brunnhold or a recent graduate; Drezda couldn't be sure. She kept an eye on the youth's movements and manner, silently assessing him and hoping that she could learn more about him as she conversed with his superior.

There was a bare trace of curiosity in her field, her emotions carefully controlled, but she wanted both of them to know that there was some interest there, albeit purely professional in nature.

There was a small measure of genuine pleasure in her smile, conveyed by a few telltale creases around her eyes. She'd found Siordanti a worthy opponent over the past few years, a man quite capable of providing her with excellent debate and occasional amusement. Her feelings towards him were reasonably positive; he could be described as a warm acquaintance, possibly the closest most people could get to the diplomat.

"A regrettable oversight on my part. I really ought to have approached you during the event on the Araz estate last month rather than been deprived of your company but alas, I had business to attend to and you no doubt had other important people to meet," she responded pleasantly, black eyes sliding slowly to Palis, noting a number of things and winding them together to come up with an intriguing theory.

The sorcerer hadn't failed to notice certain markers she'd come to associate with young men. They tended to be a bit more impulsive, even those with a political mindset, and so when they saw something they liked, they tended to be a little obvious about their interest. She'd failed to spot even a subtle attempt to peruse her body, the young man showing zero interest in her figure. Admittedly, it could mean that she simply wasn't his type but she'd never known a straight man to ignore the assets of any woman who crossed his path, even if it was just a glance. Even Siordanti allowed an admiring glance every now and then and he was married.

The lack of attraction wasn't a terrible blow, it just meant that he wouldn't be as easy to lead around by the nose in spite of his youth. His sexuality beyond that was of little concern of hers but she couldn't fail to see the way he looked at the older man. He gazed at him with such evident admiration and reverence that it left the diplomat wondering, what was the nature of their relationship? She didn't think that Siordanti was the sort to dabble with men but a marriage to a woman was never a guarantee of heterosexuality. This dandy though - her eyes flicked subtly over his sharp dress once again - he might well feel something for the older man. He clearly idolised him, quite possibly had a crush on him for his political endeavours and quite possibly felt more than that.

A glimmer of amusement appeared in her field, that genuine good humour seeming to linger in her smile as she suppressed the urge to laugh. Oh the mere idea of this Palis - this child - being infatuated with the Incumbent was the height of hilarity.

Seconds had passed, that was all, and yet so much had been revealed, so much had been exchanged. Siordanti was impatient with her and it pleased the diplomat. Good, let him feel put out, she liked that, stepping on the toes of powerful people who could do nothing to stop her. "You flatter me, sir. I don't know if I could be called 'good'. However, there's no harm in a little curiosity, is there? I'd heard that you'd acquired a shadow, I assumed this was he and I wanted the chance to make my introductions," Drezda explained smoothly, allowing her nails to clack lightly on the glass in her grasp, taking a dainty sip as she considered her next words. The pause would probably irritate Siordanti but that didn't bother her.

"I'm sure anyone you deem worthy of shadowing you is someone well worth getting to know. Young Palis here might be a very important man in the making under your tutelage," the diplomat flattered lightly. "No ill intent, I assure you. A professional one, certainly. Perhaps I'm simply getting ahead of the pack. But I understand if you do not wish to stand idly by while I have a little chat with Mister Ainu and while I wouldn't want to deprive you of his presence, even for a brief time, I'm sure it would be be no trouble if I talk to him for a few minutes? He arrived later than you did if I'm not mistaken so a few minutes extra won't be to anyone's detriment."

The Hoxian wasn't going to admit that she was talking to the pair now at least in part because she'd wanted an excuse to rid herself of Incumbent Harringbard. It might be useful to learn what she could about this Palis so why waste the opportunity?

"I wouldn't want to take him from your side against his will though. Would you be willing to converse with me briefly while the Incumbent continues on his rounds? I can assure that I won't bite."

Her smile was noticeably wider now, an almost feline quality to her expression so that in spite of her words, it looked like she might indeed pounce. It would be something that Palis saw for a moment before the careful serenity returned, her gaze shifting to his superior.
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Palis Ainu
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Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:27 pm

Roalis 3, 2717
Palis looked to Incumbent Siordanti for instruction at first, but- no, she was asking for his opinion. He wished for a moment that the elder man would save him from the devilish, predatory grin that had momentarily stretched the woman's red lips, yet, his rescue did not come. Waiting for permission to go and speak to this woman was childish. He had been trying, in his time with the Incumbent, to throw off the revealing yoke of his childish mannerisms. They were not at all professional and caused the opinion of other politicians to plummet upon him. They made everyone around him underestimate his intelligence, because, how could anything as puerile as a child understand politics? He could use it to his advantage, however- the pity of both elderly and parenting galdor could be manipulated by Palis' childish quirks. More than once he had won over some old widow by "reminding her of her son, husband, brother, etc." He was stealthy, too, able to slip into any conversation and eavesdrop as his contemptful contemporaries ignored him. His excessively boyish figure had its perks, sometimes, but he was still working out the details.

Palis turned to look back up at the Incumbent once more, his heterochromatic eyes catching the shooting stars reflecting off of the chandelier above him. He had learned how to not annoy the man most of the time, or so he hoped, and he had learned how to navigate the man's scathing scrutiny enough to survive. That, or the man had become immune to Palis. Like all politicians, the man appreciated being the center of attention, and, to protect his own skin and position, Palis obliged. It wasn't hard for Palis to give his full attention, though; the man was his idol and role model, and he had been obsessed for many years.

"I won't be long, Sir, then we'll continue our conversation," he assured with a nod, hoping to neutralize the Incumbent's impatience with his own oblivious and long-standing patience.

"Bring a glass of wine for the both of us on your way back, then," Siordanti requested, gazing absentmindedly into his own draining glass. Palis turned to Drezda with a smile much like an adult child apologizing for their cantankerous, geriatric parent. Siordanti busied himself with looking for some other piece of roadkill to hover around, and Palis stepped away from him to separate both himself and Drezda. His head was on a swivel, searching the faces of the crowd with nearly inhumane accuracy as his biological facial recognition software kicked into high gear. Recognition crossed his face, and he turned back to Drezda.

"There's a nosy journalist taking note of many people here to put in his article on the event. If we angle to the right slightly, we can get a little press coverage, if you'd like. They wouldn't pay much attention to me, but you're a person of interest," he explained what his search had been over, nodding his head slightly to highlight the squirrely man with a notebook in his hand, his eyes frantically switching from the crowd to the paper and back to the crowd as he wrote. Palis allowed Drezda a moment to adjust, taking a tiny sip of his nearly full wine. Palis was aware of how poorly his body handled alcohol, so, slow and steady was the way for him to go in such professional parties as such. The glass would last him all night.

"I would apologize for Incumbent Siordanti's brusque demeanor, but it is the nature of all thing political, I suppose," he justified, using a hand to motion outwards to the room surrounding them. There were some rude mannerisms and actions that were simply acceptable with the nature and expectation of politics.

"I, however, have more time and patience than he does. What was it you wished to speak on, Miss Ecks?" he asked with patient inquisitiveness after spotting Siordanti in the crowd. The man was already deep in conversation with another old rival. He pushed a subtle curiosity into his field, pushing the attentiveness of Siordanti from his mind temporarily to give this woman his full attention. He tilted his head inquisitively, awaiting her response. He was unsure what this woman could possibly want with him, but he was curious, all the less.

tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 2699
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Drezda Ecks
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Thu Aug 02, 2018 7:37 pm

Roalis 3, 2717
She saw the apprentice look to the master, seeking some sort of permission to speak to her perhaps and her amusement deepened. Oh, he really was attached to the man, wasn't he? In theory, if he was willing to do anything the Incumbent wished then he could be manipulated to do whatever she wished. Obviously, she couldn't be certain until she had him alone, saw what he was like when he didn't have a powerful gravitational force to affect his orbit; Siordanti's influence on him was certainly powerful.

However, she was very interested when he seemed to make a decision of his own accord, no signal from the older politician as far as she could tell; there was no subtle sign in his demeanour or in his field. The Hoxian wasn't sure what to make of this show of independence. Possibly she'd managed to capture his interest - not physically but politically. The diplomat continued to smile, no longer predatory, but a note of pleasure entered her field, some of its rigidity relaxing ever so slightly. Anyone who spent much time around Drezda would know that there was always some tension in her field, her discipline making her field as rigid as her body typically was. She would never fully relax but Palis wasn't to know that; all he'd know was that something in her seemed to give to a degree.

Siordanti seemed surprisingly absentminded as he wandered off, leaving his young charge in Drezda's talons. She was moderately pleased with her prize, likely to gain some little information to file away at the very least. Interestingly, he was on the alert, pointing out a reporter, which made the diplomat's eyebrows raise. He was quite politically aware, it seemed, quite capable of handling image and publicity despite the fact he couldn't have cultivated any sort of reputation yet. Who had he been around? She considered his name, Ainu, wracking her memories for any important connections.

The woman wasn't largely concerned with being seen by the newsie - she'd be seen sooner or later - but there was no harm in being seen alongside a young man that Siordanti had had no shame in associating with. Drezda shifted because it seemed important to him but it was no skin off her teeth. However, it was possible to add to his image and if he garnered interest then he would owe her in some respect. It could be valuable.

"They might show interest in you if you're shown with the right people. I'm sure you'll be noticed soon, if not at this event then at another one soon. You're associating with Incumbent Siordanti after all and foreign dignitaries," she pointed out, her smile perhaps a little overly bright, more genuine seeming from a distance than up close. The overly bright smile was accompanied with the lightest of touches, slight combat with the elbow, a gesture of some degree of familiarity. She leaned a little towards him, turning her head to survey the room as she spoke. "Let the hound see you on good terms with a diplomat, even if it is one from the humble nation of Hox," she remarked, the sarcasm on 'humble' quite clear as she laughed.

"I can assure you there's no need to apologise. I'm a politician and I have been for over two years now; I'm not easily offended. I also have something of an unfair advantage, I have a secret weapon for dealing with these sorts of things, will I tell you what it is?" the woman added conspiratorily, a slight smirk betraying something like real amusement as she leaned in to whisper in his ear, "I'm Hoxian." She drew back, an enigmatic smile on her face before she took another sip of wine.

"You're evidently a young man with considerable awareness of politics and the social workings of politicians but that isn't surprising; you didn't end up at the Incumbent's side for no good reason, Mister Ainu. Perhaps you won't believe me but I am genuinely curious about you. You'll forgive me for attempting to plumb your hidden depths," Drezda added, her voice almost a purr, despite the fact that flirtation likely wouldn't work on him; she was confident that he was gay but then again... so was she.

"Tell me about yourself. You're quite young so how old are you exactly? I don't need to ask you how you spent your years in Brunnhold, of course - magically at least. Static Conversation is highly respected in Hox but alas, it was not to my tastes. Perceptive Conversation now... I can understand the attraction of exploring and knowing the subtleties of the mind. I suspect that you do as well," she murmured, a critical look in her eye as she considered the slightly taller man.

"The basics if you please, Mister Ainu. I suspect we have some things in common."
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Palis Ainu
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Thu Aug 02, 2018 11:39 pm

Roalis 3, 2717
There was simply something about the woman that made Palis absolutely uncomfortable inside. He kept his field neutral, his face neutral, but he could not stifle his unease. His unease came decidedly from a mix of sources- first and foremost, she was a woman, a flirtatious one at that. Her smile was too fake, her voice was dripping too much with that rumbling purr, and Palis simply did not like it. Perhaps he was over-analyzing, but that overly bright smile was simply unnerving. The social parts of his brain were flashing emergency lights, but, no, she was a politician. This behavior was easily standard. He just didn't it. He edged away from her slightly.

"Being noticed is the hope, yes," he responded, a small smile brightening his pink cheeks. "I do enjoy working for Incumbent Siordanti, but my intention is, as many, to use this internship experience as a foundation for future political ordeals on my part. The internship was an open door into this world." He moved his glass slightly to gesture to the room, the red liquid sloshing up to kiss the edge of the glass without escaping. The boy had worked hard to apply to nearly every open internship in any political office for years; it was just good timing that allowed him a position under Siordanti.

Palis did not catch her sarcasm about the 'humility' of Hox until she laughed. Even then, he was a bit confused. Hox was easily described as a humble nation- it was small, calm, and felt little need to show off its strength like some of the other countries. He, however, did not hear 'humble' in the sense of being lowly. Instead, he let the previous smile linger, awaiting her to finish her strange little laugh.

He disliked how close she got to him to whisper in his ear. There was a certain effort keeping him from stepping away from her as she leaned close to him, and this time he allowed a slight wave of distress and annoyance to pulse through his field momentarily, only hoping she would notice as he retracted the field ever so slightly. He truly wished that she was not as interested in him as she claimed to be.

"Thank you for your interest, I suppose," he mentioned coolly, pushing his field out again, but not as much as it had been, as he bowed ever so slightly in thanks.

"I'm 19, ma'am. I'll be leaving my internship and returning to Brunnhold come the end of Roalis," he explained. He was used to stating his age, to explaining who he was. This was the easy part of every conversation, as everyone wanted to know who this child with the Incumbent was. "Static conversation is a bit strange for a politician, I'll admit, but, of conversation, it came easiest. Perceptive, however, is useful in our field. I'm specializing my studies in politics now."

"Of course, I am more than just another face in Brunnhold, or so I'd like to think," he added, offering a smile bit of amusement in his voice. "The basics, let's see... My father was a researcher for some time, but now, in his older years, he prefers to write cantankerous rants for whatever news journal will take them. My mother passed before she could prove that she was much more than a wife and mother. It's just me and my father now in Vienda. I met Siordanti at a little career fair at Brunnhold just last year, and I managed to impress him enough that I was given this position. My intentions are to finish my schooling, then take on this internship full-time until I'm ready to work my own agenda rather than someone else's." He hoped the basics were satisfactory, though he'd answer whatever questions she might have.

"I can name the schooling, family, and hobbies of nearly every person in this room,, but you remain a bit of a mystery," he started, eyes narrowing slightly as he observed her. He had researched what he could about her when he had heard that she'd taken the position, but, frankly, it was fleeting information that he had perused so long ago. "You're Hoxian, obviously. You..." he tilted his head slightly as he considered her and the vague information he had. "You're from Frecks, and you started schooling at Frecksat, though you graduated from Brunnhold, no? I'm far too young to remember you at school... You took over when the previous diplomat got married."

He gave a short, quiet chuckle. "That's the very little I know about you. I'm usually more knowledgeable, I promise. What's your story? The basics, if you please," he mocked goodnaturedly. He prided himself on being nearly too knowledgeable on every politician he could find. In normal conversation, the act would be strangely uncomfortable, but in politics, knowing all about a person was sometimes unavoidable. He found the knowledge he stored away to be absolutely crucial to his conversations. He had once impressed one of the most cantankerous old widow of a Conservative so much that she had smiled when he asked about he prized poodles, going as far to refer to each of them by name and color. It was unnerving for some, perhaps, but Palis found it completely normal. He awaited Drezda's information hungrily.
tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 2699
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Drezda Ecks
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Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:18 pm

Roalis 3, 2717
He was an opportunist, a youth who seemed to understand a great deal despite his tender years. Like her, he had learned certain things early and although she expected that there were a number of differences between them, in this way they were kin. He was ambitious, evidently keen to spread his wings, to have a chance to make his own decisions and he had managed to get a foot in the door of one of the most powerful men in the kingdom. The diplomat had no idea what his political views were and there was no guarantee that they fit with Siordanti's; he could simply be going along with the man for now until he had the independence to speak his mind.

However, as he began to explain the basics about himself, she had to fight the urge to laugh. Information was currency and he was giving it freely, simply because she asked. Sure, much of it was easily sourced knowledge but he had given Drezda something that no one could look up. He wasn't giving her pure facts but had instead allowed some opinion to seep in. Describing his father's writing as "cantankerous rants" and that bit about his mother... Minute details but they provided interesting insight.

The Hoxian now remembered the name Ainu - specifically, Kilapu Ainu. Cantankerous rants indeed! She hadn't encountered the man personally but she had once overheard someone say that she'd probably get on well with "old Ainu" because they were both supposed to be as cold as each other. The memory of it now made her lips pursed. She knew that surface appearances could be deceptive and so she could make no judgements on a man she hadn't met. He was no concern of hers anyway. No, what she could learn from Palis was more important.

He had ambitions, possibly self-esteem issues. He didn't hold a perfect confidence that he was beyond ordinary in Brunnhold and she guessed that he languished in mediocrity in the University. She had contacts there and his name hadn't arisen in relation to true talents. Magically, he was no talent, that seemed clear or his name would have been familiar; she wouldn't have needed to ask him about himself. Still, it sounded as if he wanted to prove himself. Did he feel that he had to prove himself to any person or simply to the world at large? Time would tell, she supposed. Was there something resentful about his father or was he merely highlighting that he thought the man's writings foolish, overly excitable?

The Hoxian now had something to puzzle over about him, something to consider as she watched Palis, wondering about him. When he pointed out that she was a mystery, the corner of her smiling mouth curved upwards, a show of genuine amusement through the mask of her practised good humour. Perhaps he understood the currency of information after all. His recitation of information about her made her brows raise, the amusement remaining, even as he told her true things about herself. There was some uncertainty there and it didn't seem faked. She guessed that his recall was good, which meant that she hadn't really been in his sights. Until now. It was like he was trying to remember something learned long ago and long since forgotten.

"Yes, far too young, although..." she paused, silently calculating. "You would have begun before I left Brunnhold, but yes, it is likely you would have been too young for me to notice you or for you to notice me."

When his mocking question came, the Hoxian bowed her head briefly, the smirk lingering on her mouth before she turned her dark gaze to him. "The basics... I think you have those. My age... well, it's something you can research but let us simply say that I graduated in 2711 and allow you to work it from there. I spent 5 years in Frecksat before transferring to Brunnhold to complete my education." I wanted to go to Bastia but my parents wouldn't let me, she added silently. "I briefly interned with the Investigative Division of the Seventen, spent some time in Frecksat before taking up my current position."

There was other information she could have given him, information that he theoretically could have found out about if he asked the right people. Admittedly, finding the right people would be difficult, she'd made sure of that. "I'm sure that you know something of my kingdom. We keep to ourselves, we value our privacy, both from outsiders and from one another. You have the very basics, Palis Ainu, and the rest... well, I suppose that it shall remain a mystery."

The young woman laughed softly, shaking her head slightly. He had offered his information freely, trusting perhaps that she would do the same. The innocence of it all. He'd see his mistake now. "I suppose that I shall have to keep an eye on you, Mister Ainu. To your future successes," she murmured, raising her glass slightly in toast to him before she sipped. "I shouldn't keep you from the Incumbent. I'm sure he'll be missing your presence."
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Palis Ainu
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Tue Aug 07, 2018 2:58 am

Roalis 3, 2717
Palis wasn't entirely surprised by the trivial amount of new information he was provided, but he was, perhaps, a little disappointed. He knew his demeanor and openess was blatantly off-key in the spectrum of politics; he had been informed of that several times by Siordanti. Palis, perhaps foolishly, thought of it as his brand, however. He wouldn't give especially personal information out freely, but simple information created a trustworthy and equal man in a world of politicians. Whether or not this ploy was beneficial to him, he didn't know; he'd have plenty of time to find out in the future.

Drezda had not reciprocated his information, but that was okay. He had other ways to try and hunt for the little treasures. She had, however, provided him with new information. She had spent time with the Seventen years ago, and the fact that he wasn't speaking to a Seventen only made the boy wonder what had chased her off of that path. Many galdor simply weren't cut out for the job, of course, but Drezda seemed iron-willed enough to thrive in that environment. In this moment, it wasn't his business, but, as a politician, he could make it his.

2711.. yes, she was 26 years old. Drezda was, too, slightly older than Palis had expected. He was terrible at telling age, of course. He had only experienced 19 years of exponential aging, after all- aging beyond his years was foreign and complex to him. He rarely had the opportunity or will to speak with any of his Brunnhold contemporaries even now at school, and he especially had no reason to reach out to anyone who had barely spent a minute of time roaming the same halls as he. Though, entering his final year, he was nearly sure that none of his contemporaries would know much of Drezda, he was sure there were professors who could provide insight.

"It seems most mysteries get bored of mysterium and wander into the light one day," he predicted vaguely, his eyebrow rising wryly above his blue-brown eyes. He wasn't entirely sure if mysterium was truly a real word, but he found it fitting in both sound and context. He nodded his own glass towards hers as she raised a private toast to him. He sipped as she did, though his sip was but a drop in the ocean of his glass. "To yours as well," he added. He would certainly keep an eye on her, now, if only to watch himself through her eyes.

As she mentioned Siordanti, his ears and eyes perked up much like a dog at the recognition of the sound unfamiliar to its ears. He scanned the crowd quickly, looking for the man. It took a moment longer than he would have liked to locate the greying man, but through a window in the crowd, he was there, speaking condescendingly with Incumbent Ourun. Palis smirked. That was always an entertaining conversation to witness between the conservative man and the progressive woman. He knew, however, that moving to reconnect with the man would waste precious time; Siordanti was far too invested in the discussion. No, Palis would have to attempt to locate the people of interest with only their unrevealing names in mind. Hadrian had only wanted to meet with Palis so as to match the names Palis had memorized with the faces they labeled; Palis knew his task and plan well. He had to extract the voting plans of several wild cards on the topic of sending plague aid to Mugroba- those who were unsure he would try to convince and those who had made up their minds would simply be relayed back to Siordanti so that the man could sway or at least predict the outcome of the vote. The Conservative much preferred to secure the borders and deal with treating the plague while in Mugroba than allowing immigrants to come to Anaxas and spread disease, and Palis agreed with him.

"I don't suppose he's missing me too much, at least not for now. Incumbent Ourun always provides an interesting conversation partner for Siordanti," Palis sighed with a starstruck admiration, nodding slightly towards Siordanti across the room. "Besides, there are plenty of other important people to talk to. If I hadn't left his side, we wouldn't have had the pleasure of this conversation, would we? Siordanti and I can each be on our own a minute longer." He smiled lightly, again sweeping the room for anyone he might recognize while listening for any sign of the names he had on the tip of his tongue. Truly, he was lost on where to attend to next, but he'd figure it out. That was his job as intern, after all- not to drown.
tonight we’re gonna party like it’s 2699
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Drezda Ecks
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Fri Aug 17, 2018 7:26 pm

Roalis 3, 2717
His words were enough to make her brows scale her high forehead, a note of incredulity entering her gaze, although she resisted the urge to snort. Drezda was quite sure that 'mysterium' wasn't a real word at all, or if it was, it probably didn't carry the meaning that he thought it did. She understood where he was coming from all the same but that didn't mean that his words were purposely vague. His platitudes carrying a false wisdom that she knew lacked any real merit; he was talking utter chroveshit and she suspected that he knew it.

The side of her mouth quirked up as he mirrored her toast, bestowing blessings on her in return for the ones she bestowed on him. With that done, she'd expected him to leave, go trotting off to Siordanti now that she'd given him leave to do so. The Hoxian had viewed him as some eager puppy, hanging on the man's presence, eagerly taking in every word and glance, but instead, he simply observed, a little smile playing across his features. The diplomat subtly followed his gaze, wondering what had prompted his amusement.

Drezda had wondered if Palis might have a crush on the man but surely if that was the case, he wouldn't be so obvious, smiling at the mere sight of the Incumbent. So she was curious, fixing her eyes on the Siordanti who was deep in conversation with another Incumbent - Ourun was her name. The pair were politically at odds with one another, she knew that, and she could imagine that patience was running a bit thin between them, masks cracking around the edges - for the Conservative at least. There would likely be a bit of upset in that conversation and she wished that she could eavesdrop on it, even if it was just to enjoy the woman's irritation and frustration. The Hoxian did revel in the pain of others after all.

"Interesting? Yes, I'm sure," she murmured, her gaze flicking back to the youth as he sighed, an intrigued glint in her dark gaze. Whether it was sexual or not, the young man certainly seemed to be enamoured by the older politician. She could understand it on some level but the man was Anaxi, lacking in certain ways, and not really the best role model for him to fixate on. Never mind, he was young, he could be excuse his foolishness and who knew, perhaps he'd learn the error of his ways in time. "I haven't had many interactions with Incumbent Ourun myself but I understand that her interactions with Incumbent Siordanti have been spirited in the past. She has something of a temper, I believe." A foolish disposition for a politician, she added silently.

She regarded her drink silently, swilling its contents delicately as she considered her next course of action. Drezda had anticipated that he'd leave but if he wasn't going to then she'd just have to find a new topic of conversation. She had to be careful with how much she drank so she wouldn't be getting a refill any time soon. However, lining her stomach wouldn't go amiss. She waved over a servant with a tray laden with finger food, getting him to remain there while she picked daintily at food.

"You'll be returning to Brunnhold once the summer break is over but will you be working with the Incumbent again when you next have time off? When you graduate? Although I suppose that it's quite early to tell, isn't it? Any interest in pursuing additional education or do you intend to go into politics at once?" Drezda questioned, minding ticking over as she placed a tartlet in her mouth. Should she consider questioning him about coming to Frecksat? He had Static Conversation after all, it wasn't a supreme leap, but she didn't want to be too obvious. Showing her hand to another politician, even a budding one, would not be wise.

Even if it was only meant to be an idle question, not a truly searching inquiry, she didn't know that he was a worthy candidate for her selection. She only wanted the best in her home university, she wouldn't take sub-par academics simply because they might be easy to get to like this one. No, judging by his field, he didn't have the sort of discipline that she liked to see, not a truly academic sort. She wondered what his grades were like; she could see about fishing them out in the near future.

"Obviously, if you decided not to go back to education, either in Brunnhold or elsewhere, there's always the chance to come back to it later in life. It's never too late to embrace knowledge although I have no plans to return myself."
Last edited by Drezda Ecks on Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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