[Open] Impossibly Improbable!

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Lacey Lovell
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Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:49 pm
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Location: Old Rose Harbor
: Yar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Writer: Raksha

Fri Nov 09, 2018 6:11 pm

17th Dentis, 2718
"I swear it on me fathers grave, Hulali rest his ever lovin’ soul. I hear it, thare was a fella in Vienda, what had a gun in those riots yeah? Shot fifty, no, a hundred shots thay’re sayin’! No word o’a lie lads!” Lacey babbled loudly, hand gripped around the handle of her mug tightly and ale sloshing down one side as she gestured excitedly to compliment her tale, hazel eyes wild and wide.

“Get off it chip. Ent no gun that exists that shoots like that. Ye drunk.” The only lad in her group of ‘lads’, a wick that sat at the table beside her, waved a hand dismissively, his bleary eyes following the alluring sway of a young red haired tumble as she sauntered past. Lacey’s gaze followed suit with an appreciative wink at the girl when she turned her head and giggled at them, before leaning back and resting her booted feet on the table top.

“Aye, I’m drunk, ye ain’t wrong thare, but I’m tellin’ ye, it’s Hulali’s solid truth.” She polished off the ale, lifting her glass and waggling it at the girl behind the bar, indicating she needed another. The red head, a small quiet thing, simply pulled another mug and handed it to one of the barely dressed tumbles working as wait staff that evening. This one, a tired looking human with lanky blonde curls wasn’t quite as friendly with the pirates, dropping the mug off with a scowl and an open hand.

“Ha’penny.” She barked, whilst the amused buccaneer fished around for her purse, making a show of groping around her person.

“Aww, come on now luv, don’t be like that. Ol’ Lacey ain’t that bad. M’sure I could turn that frown upside down f’ye were so inclined.” Finding her purse tucked into her cleavage, Lacey pulled out the coin and slipped it into the womans hand with a lingering touch and a wicked grin. The human girl went to pull away, finding that the piratess’ fingers gripped just a mite sight harder than before. Tugging gently, the blonde pulled the reluctant tumble closer and looked over her with a lewd slowness, before laughing and letting her go.

“Ere I thought th’ Queen accepted all sorts o’suggestions f’a bit o’coin. Off with ye, ponder what y’missin’ out on whilst I find some other lovely booty t’aquire.” As the unhappy girl moved to walk away, Lacey reached out to slap her on the rear with a loud chuckle, before taking up the mug and drinking deeply. On stage, there was a performance, something pretty and distracting, but not enough to keep the pirates attention. She lowered her legs and collected her mug, tipping her hat to the unknown wick beside her.

“Scuse me tekka, gonna go an’ see f’I can convince that pretty little barkeep t’spill her woeful secrets t’me.” Moving through the tables, free hand stroking across bared flesh where ever it might be with a grin, Lacey finally found her way to the bar and pulled up a stool. Her hazel eyes followed the keep with a waggle of her brows and a wink. The Mad Queen had been a favourite haunt for the pirate since…well since the moment she discovered the sins of the flesh. Full of pretty lads and lasses ready to give and take for a little bit of coin. Of course, if she had any morales Lacey would feel sorry for them, the life of a tumble was no life at all.

But, who ever said she had any morales?

“Mayhaps y’ve heard about this gun, pretty little lassy? Oh no, don’t walk away luv, Lacey just wants t’chat. Luv? Luv. Ah…bollocks.” The blonde grumbled half heartedly as the keep ignored her to move to the other end of the bar, taking another swig of the ale and sighing dejectedly.

“Y’no fun.”

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Fri Nov 09, 2018 6:58 pm

The rumours of the riots in Vienda were not new to Old Rose Harbour, or even to Leander, who kept to himself most of the time so missed some of the news. It seemed, though, that every time he heard of the riots, the story became more exaggerated. This was more obvious when the participants of the gossip were intoxicated. Now, rumours seemed to have reached a whole new level of absurdity, with extremities of death and violence that even a ten-year veteran of Ol’ Rose had a hard time believing. It was clear that many of the speakers were trying to outdo the speaker before with their wild notions and ideas.

Some were even bordering on blasphemous, with assertions of returned violence on innocent people in galdori intervention, based purely on race. Not that Leander put any stock in setting galdori on a pedestal above everyone else. If anything, their superiority complex made it more likely that they would act in such a foul manner, killing indiscriminately. Not that Leo even cared. He believed none of it, though some of the drunkards did, over the nights, and even some of the more sober ones were being sucked into the hysteria being thrown about the tavern, throwing in their own assertions.

One woman tonight was throwing out stories about how one man had fired one hundred shots, and others clamoured back shouts of disagreement. Glancing over, the woman looked far too comfortable, sitting in such a reclined position, limbs loose and head rolling as if this were her stage and these her adoring fans. Leo fought the urge to roll his eyes.

He had come here for a quiet drink - or as quiet as could be found in the Harbour. There was no ‘group’, per se, but the woman he had heard shrieking wild accusations around was moving around the room. A surreptitious glance around showed him that more punters were ignoring her than falling into the trap. She sashayed around the room, searching for anyone who would listen to her with a devil-may-care swish of her hips. He watched under thick eyelashes as those loose fingers purposefully sought out contact with anyone she passed. Flesh was clearly the aim, but they weren’t shy about finding their way around clothing either, Leo could tell. It was lamentable, really.

Then again… he hadn’t come out to the bar with a plan to satisfy certain desires… but the woman wasn’t unattractive. And she was clearly willing. Resting one forearm over the bar and leaning the rest of his bodyweight onto it, Leo’s fingers trailed over the edge of his flagon as he observed the blonde woman’s attempts to draw attention from the bartender. She had no luck, and the passive did nothing to hide the upwards curl of his lip as the outrageously voluble woman pushed too far to appear anything but desperate.

Nothing significant has ever come from the lips of something that moved and spoke like that.

The dispirited final utterance of the woman, leaning over the bar only a few stools down from Leander, matched the crestfallen look on her face. But Leo couldn’t ignore his amusement, and snorted as he shifted his weight to pick up his drink. “One trick wonder, eh?” He wasn't in the mood for this shit. “You got a real smart mouth on you there. Tell me, is it good for anything other than talking?” He whispered, voice low and alcohol-rough.
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Wed Nov 21, 2018 5:04 pm

17th of Dentis, 2718
"Six shots." Came the purr from the other side of the blonde piratess, the older galdor's crystalline gaze washing over her pleasingly inked but obviously inebriated form before they glanced past her to narrow at the young passive on her other side for his rude remarks, "The pistol fired six shots. Not a hundred—just thought you should know, love."

Corwynn sounded as though he'd been there, even though he really hadn't, the depths of his voice full of a sort of defiant honesty considering he was here among the criminals and ne'er do wells of Old Rose Harbor. Considering he was a Bad Brother himself. He hadn't been in Vienda when Yulina and her thugs had reclaimed Scarlett's wayward witch and dragged back home the henchwitch's petulant passive pet, but he'd held Tristaan's gun in his own two hands. He'd been back and forth far too many times since then, but, well, times were strange and Hawke was always busy.

Truth be told, the blond galdor still had the weapon. Not here in the Queen, of course, but in his possession none the less.

He wasn't about to tell anyone else that, however.

Leaning against the bar and waggling four fingers for the keep to refill Lacey's drink as well as get him his own, reluctantly tilting his head in the dark-haired passive's direction as if to include him on another round. Unconcerned about the obvious scar where his index finger had once been, he grinned like a shark at Leander before letting the expression soften for the woman between them,

"You must excuse the uncivilized little creature's poor attempts at asking you to put those pretty lips of yours places he wouldn't know how to cope with once they were on his person. I'm sure he can ask with more suaveness once he's had a few more drinks poured into him. Isn't that right, Leo?" If Corwynn licked his own delicate lips for emphasis in a very sensual manner, well, it was because he was making a counteroffer of his own as always.

He winked, turning once he had his drink in his hand to rest both elbows on the edge of the worn wood and face the crowd that had gathered in the Mad Queen, his blue eyes washing over all the pleasing flesh on display that he, personally, had certainly paid to sample his fair share of. Scarlett didn't take kindly to his implications that his financial contributions were an important one, and he enjoyed the jibing such taunting allowed him with a very undisguised pleasure.

Still, Corwynn preferred not to pay for what he could get for free.

Raising the drink to his lips, he waited for Leander's retort he knew the passive had up his sleeves and the piratess' further questions now that he'd cracked her case with his own knowledge on the subject.
Last edited by Corwynn on Thu Nov 29, 2018 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Lacey Lovell
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Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:49 pm
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: Yar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Writer: Raksha

Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:59 am

17th Dentis, 2718
Lacey blinked, swinging her hazel gaze from the disappearing red head, to the man that had come to settle on one side of her, an eyebrow arching with a bemused smirk.

“Well my, aren’t we a charmin’ bastard.” She said in a delighted tone, almost entirely forgetting the redhead at the sight of a new friend. The cheeky bugger beside her had a pretty face, a young face, and Lacey guessed him to be narely more than a babe by the looks.

Aw, bless.

“Probably lad, but I ain’t sure y’have anything substantial f’me to bother with. Does y’mother know y’out this late me sweet boy?” The pirate coo’ed, reaching to pinch his cheek, chuckling into her ale should he shoo her away at all.

”Six shots."

A liquid gold voice purred from the other side of the blonde, dragging her gaze from the baby-faced man to the rougher, older golly with an even wider grin. This one wasn’t a babe in arms, oh no Hulali this one was a right proper man, made all of stubble and blue eyes and a terribly impolite gaze. Not at all a galdori like gentleman should be. Catching the missing finger of the hand waving for another drink, Lacey looked him over.

“Oh, hello thare sailor! Six, were it? An' how’s it y’happen t’know that me delicious new friend? Were it y’might have some knowledge on this ‘ere Six Shooter?” The pirate purred, enjoying the view on either side of her before shrugging and taking a drink.

“Aye, well….still impressive. Imagine havin’ that beauty on yer hip, jus’…” She pretended to draw a pistol, closing one eye and pointing her finger gun at Corwynn whilst mouthing the six shots quietly, pursing her lips to blow on the end and laughing again. The somewhat inebriated seafarer downed the last of her ale with a gulp and a belch, before grabbing the next one and spinning on her stool to lean her elbows against the wood of the bar and cross her tattooed thighs. There was a ship on one, disappearing up under her skirt, and a tentacled beast on the other that hugged her knee to disappear under the boot over her calf. Her wolfish grin broadened as the older golly licked lovely lips and winked and the youngster beside her, giggling and looking over at the brunette again.

“Leo, is it? Aye, thas'sa pretty name f’a scallywag.” Shifting to offer her free hand to Leo, she gave him a firm handshake and a wink.

“I be Cap’n Lacey Lovell, best damn pirate in all th’ Austan Ocean! Or so says I. Aye!” She said with a laugh, before turning an appreciative eye on the blue eyed golly beside her, looking over his person slowly as she took another drink.

“An’ who are ye matey? Devilish smirk, bedroom eyes, smooth talkin’ galdor with a missin’ finger? I imagine plenty o’pretty lassies have swooned thare way int’ yer bed, aye?” The piratess made a sound in the back of her throat, similar to someone appreciating a delicious meal laid out before them, waggling her eyebrows and laughing again.

“Plenty o’laddies too, if I ain’t mistaken?” Her sly gaze drifted to Leo with a knowing grin. Gulping another mouthful of drink, the blondes eyes followed one of Scarlett’s birds as she walked past, drawing her lip between her teeth with a wistful sound before sighing a sitting up straighter. Turning her attention on Corwynn again whilst bumping her drink down on the bartop, the pierced sailor poked his bicep with one finger through his shirt, doing it again with a stroke down his arm and a grin.

“Aw, ain’t ye a nice lad. But, it ain’t no bother t' Ol’ Lacey. I ain’t really a lady, so I don’t need t’be spoken t’like one. ‘Sides…” She jumped to her feet suddenly, with a wobble and a laugh, spinning to face the two gentlemen and drawing her sword and her gun with a grin.

“I got ways’o gettin’ th’ menfolk t’keep themselves civil if so required.” A rumble of shock passed through the tavern patrons close enough to see her weapons, and the Queen’s security barked at the blonde to put it away or get out. The pirate slipped them away in their holsters and raised her hands with an apologetic chuckle, before gesturing between the two men.

“Seems t’me y’two’d rather find a quiet corner together anyway.” She said with a pout, mock dejection in her voice as she made a heavy sound.

“Ain’t no one got time for poor lil’ me.”

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Writer: Dizzy
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Sat Dec 01, 2018 5:15 pm

The rejection was quick and relatively painless, all things considered. All evidence to the contrary, it seemed the woman did have standards, and Leo obviously fell below par. The amusement at such a surprising turn kept the offence the ordinarily prideful passive would feel at bay, and his smile remained lazy, changed only by the short bark of laughter and dip of his head after allowing her fingers to pinch an immature rosey shade into his cheeks. “My mother sent me on my way with a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the bottom this morning as she bid me good huntin’.” He returned the volley with a cocky grin, leaning more easily against the bar top as if to belabour how comfortable he was here.

He would have continued, but he heard the other voice before he saw the man it belonged to, and the lazy smile fell into a look that could only be described as chagrin. The passive dropped his head back down to his drink and take a generous swig of liquid courage - or was it patience - before facing his undesired conversational partner. “Leander,” he replied, tone significantly more frigid than it had been moments previously. He knew what the other man was doing. Leo knew he was looking for a chance to rib the passive. He knew he should ignore the pathetic attempts at posturing.

But Leander was young and impulsive - and strung out, for that matter - and couldn’t help but rise to the bait.

That’s an awful lot of big words, Corwynn,” he had briefly considered purposefully using the wrong name, pretending the man was of so little consequence to him that he had forgotten. But that plan would have fallen flat when following on the back of the criminal’s deliberate use of a diminutive he knew he had no permission to use. “Has your master been reading to you while you curl up at his feet again?

Again, Leander knew better than to attack the man rather than the words. It was a weak position he had placed himself in. But he was also probably the most sober of the trio, so maybe he'd get away with it. And anyway, Corwynn started it. Leo mentally rapped the back of his own hand for the immaturity. Gods, he hated that man.

He might have even made a comment about the virtue of not being physically demonstrative with anyone with a heartbeat, but that would have backfired to attack the voluptuous woman in the middle too… and if he was honest, the thrice godsdamned man was not wrong in his crude jab at Leander’s carnal innocence. Instead, he picked a more neutral rebuttal. “I never knew my sexual exploits were of interest to you. How flattering.

The woman sat between the pair - Lacey - seemed thrilled to have the spotlight at last and, despite her initial rejection of Leander, was keen not to exclude him from the conversation, lest she be left alone again. If he continued to play the pitiful, naïve kid, he might be in with a shot. He watched, careful to keep his gaze away from Corwynn’s, as the girl drunk herself further into intoxication, movements as exuberant as the tone she used. He shook the hand without bothering to correct her: with breasts like that, she could call him Patsy for all he cared.

But, at the assumption that he could be bedded by someone who moved and spoke with the vexation of a man who had had a family of rats crawl up his arse and die there was too much for the passive. He snorted into his drink. “Ah, but it is… as you say, m’lovely lady. More than just my sweet innocence would be destroyed by our friend’s world ways.” It was a bright and light-hearted comment: the pair could leave him knowing he would not be wounded so easily.

The sudden appearance of the sword, however, wielded by a woman clearly incapable of controlling it at the present moment, did cause Leander’s easy-going façade to slip momentarily. It was away just as swiftly, but it was enough to remind him of the dangers of drunken strangers. It was why he didn’t immediately slip into the sloppily placed trap coupled by a sway of her hips as she pretended she was the woman who invented self-depreciation. “Does that act get many men to follow you into bed?” It’s not like he rejected her.
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: The Taxman
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Tue Dec 11, 2018 3:42 pm

17th of Dentis, 2718
"I may have even held the weapon in my own hands, lass." Corwynn's grin was as devious as it was complicit, holding his hands up with a coy mockery of innocence. Those same hands moved to cover his heart as the intoxicated piratess pretended to fire at him, and the blond galdor faked his death as theatrically as possible, unable to keep a straight face whatsoever. He barked a laugh,

"I can imagine a lot of beauty on my hip, thank you. And other places, to be honest." He offered with a wink, left hand coming to rest on the pistol he wore without shame here in the Harbor, an open display of his craftsmanship.

He couldn't help but chuckle as the young scrap who'd already subjected him to his diablerie attempted to exercise what he felt was his superior intellect. It was endearing, honestly, and Leander's heavy chip on his shoulder didn't ruffle the older galdor's feathers in the least. Far too many of his genetically-inferior kind were hardly more than broken beasts, and compared to the rugged, indomitable Mister Greymoore that Silas Hawke had been so eager to return to his service in Yaris, this petulant passive was at least entertaining instead of simply belligerent.

The older gunman liked Leo's defiant spark. Perhaps too much.

"Everyone's exploits are interesting, especially if they also involve myself. I've seen what kind of excitement you're capable of, remember. I can't say I'm not curious to put that mouth of yours to better uses, but I never invite myself where I'm not wanted." Corwynn riposted with a lick of his lips, aware that such a return was both a playful retort as well as an obvious and open admission. The galdor was nothing if not accommodating, even for magic-less little chroveshits who had sharp tongues. Returning his attention to Lacey as she turned her own to him with an introduction and a bit of flattery, he let Leander's acidity wash away with the tide, shifting between conversations without batting an eye or missing a beat,

"Corwynn—a pleasure to meet you, I'm sure." He spoke with the confidence of someone who'd already slept with the piratess before him when he certainly had not. Yet. His grin was wicked as she offered more assumptionis, "Plenty of whoever is willing, aye, Lacey. I'm a connoisseur of experiences, you could say—" His crystalline gaze followed her fingers as they stroked his bicep with uninhibited curiosity, somewhat startled when the inebriated woman leapt into drawing her weapons in the middle of the bar of the Queen.

Did his grip for a moment tighten on his pistol in response? Was he such a paranoid creature after all of these years in the Harbor? Yes and yes.

But tension dissolved in laughter, loud and rough. Salty. Amused. The blond gunman shook his head and relaxed against the bar, letting himself melt back against the warm wood,

"—Civility is fucking boring."

He spoke from over the rim of his drink, still so very flirtatiously wicked without any sense of discrimination as to whom he directed such curiosities toward, "Who says I want a quiet corner? And who says there's not room for more? Now ..." Corwynn set his drink down and reached for Lacey with sea-worn hands and a singular lack of respect for personal space, inviting her back to standing between himself and Leander as if he was illustrating his point,

"... tell me why someone as well-armed and so well-traveled as yourself would even be interested in chasing rumors over a silly firearm?"
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Lacey Lovell
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Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:49 pm
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Location: Old Rose Harbor
: Yar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Raksha

Sat Dec 29, 2018 9:17 pm

17th Dentis, 2718
Gasping with genuine delight at the revelation that the blonde galdor had held the mythical gun, the piratess made a sound of wanton delight far more appropriate in the boudoir and bit her lower lip as though barely containing her excitement, before dissolving into giggles as the older man played along with her false gunshots. Her gaze drifted down with a suggestive curve of a brow.

“I imagine it’s quite a weapon t’hold. Oh, th’ gun too.” Sipping again as the two men exchanged unpleasentries, the tattooed creature lept up to show off her weaponry, slipping them away with all the contriteness of a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Lacey giggled, reaching for her drink between the men, uncaring of what flesh bumped where to pick it up and take another large swig. Glancing at Leander over the top of her mug, the blonde winked.

“Ain’t much a wench needs t’do t’get menfolk t’follow her int’ bed lad. It’s stoppin’ them that’s the problem.” Admiring the view before her, the pirate snapped her gaze to the golly with raised eyebrows and a sharks grin.

“Corwynn? As in the Corwynn? My father, bless his soul, told me stories about ye, old man. A flyboy, in those godsawful ships o’ th’ sky, what fell t’earth an’ took over th’ sea’s round Muluku an’ such.” Her eyes sparkled with something akin to awe, hazel iris’ sweeping his person again with a closer inspection.

“Ye shot his ship once, or twice, I think. My ship. Damn near took us out too, y’bastard. T’be fair, we were tryin’ t’ rob ye, so it ain’t like it were unwarranted.” She muttered into her mug, giggling again as the older man reached for her without care for personal space, leaning against his hands and allowing the man to manoeuvre her back to her place between them with a brush of her curves against warmth of bodies. Emptying the last of her drink, Lacey placed it on the bartop and rested a hand on both men’s knees, elbows on the wooden top.

“Three ain’t a crowd then? Benny, just benny.” Sighing heavily with a laugh, the blonde let her head fall back so she could look at the red swathed ceiling in thought.

“Ahhh Corwynn. It’s all about th’ booty, aye? All rumours are founded in fact, an’ what pirate worth her weight in birds wouldn’t want t’have such a fine tool by her side?” Lifting her head, the colourful woman feigned surprise, pressing fingers to her lips with a soft gasp.

“Oh bollocks. Did I say pirate? I meant…well travelled, well armed…sailor.” Her mouth shifted into another slow smile, and her hazel eyes looked over at Leander.

“Y’see pet, pirate’s ain’t so welcome in th’ more…civilized parts o’Anaxas. They don’t like it when ye take their trinkets n’such. But I mean, come on.” Lacey gestured to herself.

“What possible harm could a lil’lass like me possibly do round these parts?” She fluttered her lashes, dragging loose fingertips across the soft curve of her breasts where they all but begged to be set free from the tight corset. Giggling again, the woman let the hand wander further, drawing a coin purse from her cleavage and shaking out a few of the Kings currency.

“It ain’t just th’ pistol I want, flyboy.” Lacey breathed, counting out a few coins and leaning heaving against Corwynn so she could shift her arm behind him to place them on the bartop. She reached her freehand to link a finger in the top of his shirt, pulling it back to peer down inside with an appreciative look, before letting the hand trail further down his torso, resting inappropriately in his lap.

“It’s adventure. Th’ thrill o’th’ hunt, th’ excitement o’th’ chase. Th’spoil’s o’war an’ all that.” Glancing back over her shoulder, quite aware her skirt would be exposing far more of her knickers than would be expected of a proper lass, Lacey looked over Leander with a wicked grin.

“It’s th’ treasure’s that ye find along th’ way. All th’ delicious booty.” Straightening, the blonde looked at the red headed barkeep and tapped her coin, keeping her freehand in Corwynn’s lap.

“A room, if ye got one lass. With a bed.” As the girl collected her coin and nodded to one of the wandering workers, the piratess tucked her purse away and glanced between the two men.

“Perhaps ye would like to take this somewhere a little less…loud. This place ain’t conducive for…what ye might call…conversation.” She purred, making it quite clear that any further chatter about her career of choice would not be occurring in public earshot. It was true, Old Rose was a haven for her kind, but the blonde was also aware it was too easy to have the wrong people hear the wrong things. She wasn’t a Bad Brother, she was a criminal, and one that didn’t discriminate who she robbed. It was safer to discuss such things behind closed doors.

And a lot more fun.

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Fri Feb 01, 2019 3:57 pm

The older man’s laugh was annoying: condescending in a way Leo knew he had no right to feel. The golly has wasted his heritage for a pathetic life, throwing his lot in with criminals and scum.. and he had the scars to prove it. There was nothing galdori about him, not by Leander’s standards anyway - it had been a decade since his hasty removal from Vienda, and the young passive made a point of avoiding news of the city… maybe it had fallen that low that this was the standard. Regardless, each time Corwynn opened his mouth, or even lifted his pinky finger, Leander was reminded of everything he hated in the world.

There was a reason his accent mimicked that of the Vienna elite: it was no act, it was his birthright as much as was for any galdor. Leander had consciously worked to maintain his accent. Moerover, once he had gotten over his bitterness (or, rather, once Resha had shown him the error of his ways), he had delved back into books as he would have were he at Brunnhold. By his ninteeth winter, he liked to believe that he had all the knowledge any of his galdori peers would have had. Corwynn held nothing over him.

If you thought that night was exciting, you’d be in for a very special treat tonight,” Leo answered with ease, determined to win this battle. He took another sip of his drink, eyeing the man with distaste, “But you’ll have to ask nicely first.

Part of the action, Leo felt no shame in watching the sensual way Lacey’s fingers traced the man’s bicep, but fought to cover the bark of laughter that escaped when Lacey recognised his name. Yes, oh so amazing Corwynn. It didn’t surprise him that a woman who was going nowhere fast would have been brought up on the tales of a wasted scoundrel like this.

The flirting continued back and forth: quick-fire like the thrilling gunfights the pair seemed to live for. The corner of the boy’s lip quirked, “Ah, I imagine treasure hunting is thirsty work… that explains it.” Drunk girls were… certainly not Leo’s style. They were loose, but were hardly a challenge: the exact opposite of what Lacey was describing. But to back down now would wound his pride too much, not when Corwynn was watching. The woman didn’t waste any time when she decided what she wanted. That, at least, gained the passive’s approval: he couldn’t abide indecision.

A woman after my own heart,” Leo agreed easily, pushing off the bar. He downed the rest of his drink before snapping his fingers and pointing downwards to the empty vessel, indicating to the barmaid that he wanted another. Fishing into his pocket, he pulled out enough coin to pay for his drinks, with enough left for the other two to order more if they wanted. Picking up his drink he motioned with a smile, “Ladies first…” If he had to share with Corwynn, so be it.
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