Relics of the past (Darwin and Lacey)

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Anaxas' main trade port; it is also the nation's criminal headquarters, home to the Bad Brothers and Silas Hawke, King of the Underworld. The small town of Plugit is nearby.

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Darwin Widogast
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Thu Nov 08, 2018 10:03 pm

6th of Dentis, 2718-Early Evening

Darwin Widogast prowled the streets of Old Rose Harbor that night. He planned to, anyway. He had one thing alone on his mind, work. He had done nothing but odd jobs here and there to get some money scraped together. He did spend the first sum he begged for to get a pair of new boots. The pair he left mid requisition after blowing off who he thought was no more than an important scoundrel. He had since only made what amounted to a few tallies.

He worked his way through the crowed streets. Moving at a methodical pace. Every corner was briefly looked over once, twice, thrice, before he moved on. He marked every relaxed stall operator, every street child who was just a bit too well placed, every group of men who looked around themselves more than they acted like they were talking. Darwin was getting a slight grasp of how the criminals worked in Old Rose Harbor. He'd still be ignorant of much of the dealing that went on for many months. He still carried his daggers with him, but in his forest home, he had made himself a set of gear for when he thought things might get harry.

Lo and behold, Darwin, ever predictive, was right. He spent just a second too long staring and walking. He had slammed into a person walking the way he came. Both people collided with an audible, meaty whack of two human masses. Darwin fell on his arse. And when he looked up, he couldn't bear to bring himself to look the person in the eyes as he muttered in Tek "Oh uh, I'm very sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

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Lacey Lovell
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Location: Old Rose Harbor
: Yar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Character Sheet: Character Sheet
Writer: Raksha

Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:32 pm

6th of Dentis, 2718
Basically, run.

Lacey grinned with wild abandon as she ran through the dusk brushed streets of the Old Rose, the whore of Anaxas who lay with her legs open wide for anyone and everyone to come hide in her depths from the law or others who might see fit to run them through with a cutlass.

It was funny, in a way, given that Lacey could probably apply the same terminology to herself.

Chuckling madly, the piratess glanced behind her, legs and arms pumping and messy blonde dredlocks streaming around her. She’d been having a drink, maybe many drinks, with the locals in the Dove. There’d been singing and laughing, talking about the state of the trade routes between here and Muluku, and then some ersehole golly with too much money and not enough sense had strolled in. Oooh, but it was way too easy, sidling up to the man and cooing in his ear. Her fingers had found interesting lumps and bumps hidden under fine silk fabrics and almost without meaning to, she had discovered in her possession the gentlemans coin purse.

It was all going great, until he put two and two together.

“Oi! You! The tumble! She’s taken my purse!” The toffin cried, pointing at Mr Spitz as he flapped a hand at the inked wench. The keep sniffed deeply, hacked up a glob of something awful and spat it into the spittoon beside him, before shrugging.

“Ain’t my problem golly.” He said gruffly, drawing another ale for his unsavoury customers. The piratess laughed, banging her palms on the bar and standing.

“Aye, accusin’ a poor lass o’takin’ yer birds, what a clockstopper eh Spitz?!” Lacey tsked, waggling a finger at the galdori as he fumed. She shrugged and began to back away, hands in the air.

“Ere I was thinkin’ ye were a good one, but then ye go an’ say somethin’ like this. Shame on you, y’good f’nothin’ landlub—“ The purse she had tucked into her belt slipped then, falling to the floor and bursting open with a tinkling rolling crash of gold and silvers. Immediately the tanned woman winced, shrugging with a grin.

“Shite.” The golly began to draw his field as in a flash patrons around him began to leap from their seats to collect the coins that had spread across the floor. Lacey didn’t hesitate, grabbing the nearest body and throwing them at the man to interrupt whatever horrid magic he’d planned on throwing around.

“Fight!” She bellowed at the top of her lungs, turning to land a punch on whoever she could reach and ducking out of the way of the counter. Grinning with sheer delight, the pirate ran for the door, stepping onto a stool and up over a table as the tavern broke into an all out brawl. Leaping from the wooden slats, she grabbed the low hanging wooden chandelier and swung across the heads beneath her, the chains holding it protesting with a creak and a snap. Letting go, Lacey rolled, before stumbling to her feet and bursting through the doors. Barely loosing a step, she took off at a run, leaving behind her a peel of laughter and a drunken disaster.

What a riot!

Looking back though, Lacey didn’t see where she was going, and with an almightly meaty whack, she slammed into a man coming in the opposite direction. The man fell back on his behind, whilst the blonde stumbled to a stop. She swore colourfully, adjusting her hat and looking down at the culprit whilst she panted to catch her breath.

“Ne, all benny. It’s me. I just…I was…hang on.” Tripping through broken tek, Lacey raised a finger, before leaning over to rest both hands on her thighs, gasping to catch her breath. By Hulali she was out of shape for running. Sailing, sure! Running, gods no. Straightening, she took one final deep breath and held a hand out for the man.

“Lacey Lovell, at yer service matey. Now, I’d love t’stay an’ argue o’er who was th’ ersehat here, but I’m in a bit o’a hurry. Walk with me, Mister….?” She grinned at Darwin, one brow raised in query, hazel eyes dancing with wild delight and a little intoxication.

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Darwin Widogast
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Sun Nov 11, 2018 3:56 pm

6th of Dentis, 2718-Early Evening

"...Mister?" She put out her calloused hand to pick him up. He took the hand, his forest grime and her sweat mixing in their palms. He used her as a counter balance and yanked himself up off the cobblestone street. He looked forward, avoiding her eyes the best he could. "Yes, right, lets go this way." Darwin made a slight gesture westward, towards his ever expanding and shrinking home of oak, pine, maple, and all other manor of wood. The pair walked to the side of the street, weaving between passing by folk.

"Ms. Lovell, I uh... don't know what you'd like from me, but if you slit my coin purse all you'll find is twigs and berries." He gives himself a weak smile. "I'm not a wealthy man, but what I lack in coin is made up for in my abilities. I'm a woodsman, you see. I know the forests well." The two reached a less seedy portion of town, an area meant for caravan repairs. "You're a uh, woman of sea freedom, yes?"
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Lacey Lovell
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Location: Old Rose Harbor
: Yar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Writer: Raksha

Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:19 pm

6th of Dentis, 2718
The blonde snorted with a huge grin, glancing behind her as they moved away, hazel eyes swiftly looking for any followers from the Black Dove.

“Lacey. Ain’t no ‘miss’ here. Cap’n if y’so inclined though lad.” As they walked, the pirate looked over her new companion, taking in his appearance and almost shy demeanor. He moved like a man beaten, or looking to keep themselves invisible. It snagged her curiosity like an osta with a hingle.

“Arr, y’safe with me fella. I ain’t interested in y’coin purse, just lookin’ f’a...friendly stroll in this fine city, y’get me? Plus, y’pretty. I ain’t much for hurtin’ th’ pretty ones.” She winked, grinning at the man like the most friendly shark you would ever meet. As they approached what Lacey would call the ‘finer’ part of the Rose, the blonde raised an eyebrow with interest.

“Oh aye, I be a pirate luv, no need t’speak in code with ol’ Lacey. A woodsman y’say? Must be fairly familiar with th’ lay o’th’ land then eh? With all th’….” She waved her hands at the trees with a slightly wrinkled nose, as though the idea of walking into them was the most heinous thing she could think of. Suddenly, the blonde pirate broke into another grin then.

“Ye see anythin’ good in thare? Anythin’ shiny or worth maybe a few birds? I got this ship see, beautiful, best ship ye’d ever lay eyes on. Problem is, m’precious Lady she’s what y’might call…kneecaped aye? Run in with a less than polite bunch o’folk on th’ open ocean who shot her all full of holes. Damn near sunk my baby.” Lacey’s voice darkened for a moment, as though the ship itself was a lover or family, before waggling a finger at Darwin.

“Now, Ol’ Lacey is lookin’ f’a good source o’income y’see? Somethin’ to help mend her poor injured Lady. I ain’t much f’the woodsy stuff, but if thare be somethin’ worth lookin’ into, well I’d be thinkin’ it’s time f’a crew of sorts yeah? Imagine it Woody…y’an’ me, huntin’ f’booty, makin’ our fortune right under Silas’ pretty nose…kinda poetic, aye?” The inked pirate grinned again, running ahead of Darwin for a moment to climb up onto a half-built caravan and looking over his head back the way she came with a keen eye, before chuckling and looking down at the man, arms spreading wide.

“O’course, if y’aint interested, we can always part ways an’ that’ll be that. Though m’sure we could make a fiiinnnee pairin’ y’and I Woody. F’the evenin’ if nothin’ else.” Lacey winked, before laughing and jumping down, her cutlass and gun bouncing in their respective places on her belt, boots throwing up a small puff of dust as she landed.

“If thare be booty Woody, y'can bet Ol’ Lacey’ll find it. Even if y’don’t know, thare’s sure t’be some ol’townie here with some ol’map from yesteryear. We can ro—procure it an’ have a lil’ fun, ye chen tekka?”

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Darwin Widogast
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Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:44 pm

6th of Dentis, 2718-Mid Evening

Darwin kept pace with Captain Lovell. He'd thought to himself This woman is unhinged, but she seems skilled. If I can stay with this for just a few days, I'll have boots for a few years. He had thought, and thought. Five minutes passed of Captain Lovells Dialogue before he finally said something. "Captain Lovell, I know of an old bunker some rich golly has uh.. forgotten about. I've sneaked my way in once or twice. Once nearly had gotten my head nearly taken off by a Chrove and her cubs. they live there now. But not before finding and tinkering with something good." He pulled out two shaped sticks from his waist, one flat and square, made of ash wood. another, long and curving at the end, also made of the same wood. He held them up and said "These are my tools, very good. I uh, poked at a lock on a door in the farthest back hall. I counted 26 pins before my tools couldn't reach any further." Darwin awkwardly put them back into a leather sash. "Whatever is behind that door, no one wants to be found."

"The bunker itself is uh, roughly a fortnights walk from Old Rose Harbor. If that suits you, then we can head off by your command. If you still have a quartermaster, make sure he gets us provisions and hiking equipment, we're going into steep hills." The pair reached the last blocks leading to the forest. Darwins awkward demeanor almost washed away, but he still twiddled his thumbs. As he said, staring into the Captains eyes "This is not a journey for the faint of heart, or the weak of resolve. We either fail, die, or bring back something once valuable to those above us." He put out his grimy hand and said "Are you in, or out? I have a campsite to be at."
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Lacey Lovell
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: Yar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Writer: Raksha

Wed Dec 05, 2018 7:25 am

6th of Dentis, 2718
At the mention of the bunker, Lacey’s eyes almost visibly gleamed with delight, her grin turning into an almost ear to ear splitting thing. It was like watching a child being told they were getting all the cake.

“A bunker ye say?! Like wot, a hidey hole dug int’ th’ ground? Well smack me erse an’ call me Charlie!” Moving to walk beside the woodsman, she slung an arm over his shoulders like he was an old companion, glancing down with interest at the curious wooden implements he proceeded to show her. Surprisingly, the pirate kept quiet as Darwin spoke, listening to his details and nodding with serious concentration. Her mind was working, thinking and figuring out all the finer in's and out's of the job.

“Chrove an’ her kittens eh? Mayhaps Ol’ Lacey can nab a pretty kitty whilst we’re gettin’ int’ this here place. Always wanted a chrove. Mama though, probably a right bitch. She’ll need somethin’ a little tougher than my pistol an’ sword. Armoured bastards, y’chen? S’ok, don’t ye worry. I’ll make sure we got what we need t’get around her.” Already making plans, the blonde snorted and thumbed her hat back slightly, somewhat chagrined....even if it was false.

“Weeeelllll about that see. I might be a Cap’n by nautical law, wot with havin’ me own ship n’all, but I ain’t ne’er said anythin’ about a crew. I’m what ye might call, a…solo lass. Me matey’s weren’t to happy with their…lets say…lack o’funds. Once we limped int’ th’ harbour they felt it necessary t’ find thare own fortune. Fear not though me laddie! We’ll get what’s needed, an’ I’ll scrum up who I can find t’join on our journey cross th’wild’s o’the Rose!” Sweeping her free arm across the forest before her, the tattooed sailor laughed loudly as she drew back to stand before Darwin.

“Oh Woody m’boy, Lacey Lovell ain’t neither weak or faint o’heart. Y’just point me in th’ right direction an’ I’ll be sure ye get us thare alive. A deal then!” Thrusting out her hand, she took his with a firm grip and shook it fast and hard, still grinning like a lunatic.

“Yar! Adventure awaits! Where an’ when shall I meet ye?” She asked pointedly, taking mental note of the area she was leaving him in.

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Darwin Widogast
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Wed Dec 05, 2018 11:35 am

6th of Dentis, 2718-Mid Evening

"Where an' when shall I meet ya?" Darwin felt impressed by the insanity and drive of this crazy sea woman. "Here, one days time. I'll take care of food, the rest is up to you. Bring one of those horrible magical folk if you must to take care of the beasts, but I'd prefer other method of kill." He broke the handshake, then rubbed his hands together. "Captain, welcome to my party. This spot, this time, tomorrow. Bring a tent too, cold this time of year." and without another word from him, he turned on his heals and walked into the tree line.

Back at Darwins camp, he began preparations. He doused the spare fires, leaving the one for the coals he puts under his bed as his last one. He dug up the stew he had buried with a pound and a half of coals under and around it, and drank the whole thing. It tasted of rabbit and berries. Not his preferred meal but he liked the taste anyway. He laid out his wooden tools. Lock picks, daggers, hand spears, cooking tools. Whole nine yards. There was only one thing he did not have. An ax. The woodsman without an ax is what he is, and he almost minded.

The next day, he sat down in that small clearing at the edge of Old Rose Harbor. He sat with a wooden cup in his hand, a hand made berry juice within. And he waited, and waited, and waited.
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Lacey Lovell
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Location: Old Rose Harbor
: Yar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Writer: Raksha

Sat Dec 29, 2018 6:43 pm

6th of Dentis, 2718
One thing about Lacey Lovell that perhaps all peoples should know, is that she was useless at keeping time. Sure, there were those pocket watches that some fancy folk had, and others that used the sun to keep track, but the piratess had an awfully bad habit of using neither. It was this fantastic lack of skill that found Darwin waiting far longer than he should have. During the time she should have arrived, Lacey was still dragging herself out of the bed of some large Mugrobi dockhand that she had convinced to come with them. He was human, no magic there…well not in a monic sense but those hands…

Regardless the blonde finally arrived, wincing at the sunlight and resting her palms on her weapon hilts. Beside her walked the large muscled man, dark skinned and bald, with a large scar across one eyebrow. By his side hung a well maintained set of long curved daggers, glinting in the sunlight. On the other side of her, an old man, lanky and wirey with thin grey hair and more wrinkles than a slept in bed. The piratess had a pack slung over her shoulders, that contained a sleeping roll and some provisions, a compass and most importantly a bottle of Mugrobi rum…or rather a half bottle.

“Woody! Aye, ‘tis good t’see ye lad! Hope I ain’t made ye wait too long. Mister…er…” She waved a hand at the dark skinned man, grasping for a name that she couldn’t find.

“Tekunah.” He offered with a deep grunt and Lacey grinned in thanks.

“Tekunah o’ course! Mister Tekunah an’ I was just discussin’ th’ finer points o’ Mugroba, specifically it’s liquour an’ wenches. Both r’ fine, fine points.” Resettling the satchel across her shoulders and adjusting her hat, the tattooed woman breathed deeply.

“Smell that laddies, that be th’ smell o’adventure an’ booty just waitin’ fer us t’ find it.” As though suddenly remembering the other man, the pirate reached over and grabbed the old man by the arm to shove him before her.

“’Fore I forget, this be Cookie. He’s an’ old friend. Been around fer far too many years, may have a screw or two loose, but he’s a golly y’understand. I couldn’t find any other o’ them prissy erseholes t’come along, so I brought Cookie. Say hi Cookie.” The old grey galdor cackled, snorted and spat out something disgusting, before looking at Darwin with a snaggletoothed grin.

“Hi Cookie.” Lacey narrowed her eyes at the man, pursing her lips and shoving him back in line.

“Also fancies himself a bit o’ a laugh. Don’t mind th’ fool.” Rubbing her hands together, the human woman sighed.

“Right! Whare to Woody?!”

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Darwin Widogast
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Sun Dec 30, 2018 12:14 am

7th of Dentis, 2718-Late Morning

Darwin's eye twitched with irritation at this band of merry fools she has brought with her. They're going to die. Not my problem though. He stood up and shook hands with the Mugrobi man. "I see you have brought manpower. Let us begin the first steps of this Journey." He turned around and stalked forward towards the forest with his party in tow. The first day was notable. They first came across a clearing with a stone obelisk four feet high in the center. Before they broke the tree line, Darwin put his arms up to stop the other three. "Careful, don't go near those. I see them now and then, and I try to keep from stepping too close in fear of the magic within." He guided the group around it, careful to do as much as step on a twig. Once out of the line of sight, he carried on in at their normal pace.

The next oddity was a few miles away from the last one, a cave carved into the side of a hill, maple and pine roots attempting to obscure it. He led the party up to it, crouched the whole way. He drew his wooden spear, and pulled aside the root curtain. Within was an atrocity committed many years ago. The cave itself was only 10 feet long, 4 feet across, and 5 feet tall. There was a bedroll laid out on the back wall. In it was a skeleton with several rusted daggers lodged in its rib cage, and a massive hole where the forehead of the skull should be. He shook his head, saying "tisk tisk. What an unfortunate way to go out." He stepped out of the cave while the group had their commentary over the situation. It took only three minutes for them to come out, having said what they did. He led them forward once more.

The last occurrence was of a sculpture in a canopied clearing. A set of log seats made a circle around the 20 foot diameter clearing, breaking on three sides to allow people through. In the center was a stone alter raised above the ground by two stone slabs, at least 7 feet on any side. A hole filled cloth was laid over the stone alter, and on one end a rotted out pillow. Rotted books littered the floor, and broken torch stands broke through the leaf covered ground. Darwin did not like the feel of this, but he let the group explore it and have their fun. After some time, he collected the group with a loud and commanding "Come on!"

After 18 miles of travel inland, they made camp at an area Darwin was familiar with. A bowl in a hill, obscured by a wall of shrubbery on the side sloping down. It was early evening by this point. In the center he began to dig a fire pit with the aid of a stone shovel he fashioned months ago. And the Mugrobi man, who did so almost begrudgingly. He built a ring of stones around the hole. Then he dug another smaller hole less than a foot away, only a foot wide. Then he tunneled in from the new hole into the main one. When asked by Lacey, he replied. "A fire has to breathe to burn hotter. The same concept of a billows in one of your steam ships." He reinforced the tunnel with rocks, then gathered tinder and firewood. Logs in arms, he set together a fire, and with the strike of a tinderbox he borrowed from the Mugrobi man, started the soon to be bonfire.
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